This is a bit off topic, but for anyone who likes Dio de los Muertos stylings, DEFINITELY check out Gaucamelee on Steam (or your platform of choice). It's quite good.
get it on vita
This is a bit off topic, but for anyone who likes Dio de los Muertos stylings, DEFINITELY check out Gaucamelee on Steam (or your platform of choice). It's quite good.
It's their fault when they're crappy "dodge a queue = loss promotion series" is in place.
this just isn't true
if you dodge in promos you just lose that specific game
Riot servers always seem to bug out at night for some reason. Been like this for a couple of days now.Something wrong with NA? I'm trying to ranked and the queue never pops
IIRC if you dodge a que and you are in your promo series, you get kicked out of the promo series regardless whether you won a match. Which should knock you down to 50 LP.
been in queue for 9 minutes at silver elo on my smurf
edit: and the instant i hit submit, queue pops
Running into the same issue again with 3v3 that we ran into last season. We're fighting against diamond+ teams. They need to translate solo queue and 5v5 team MMR to 3v3 in some way. I mean, we're silver. Gold? Fine. Plat? Okay. But diamond? It's never even a contest.
Sigh. Just like last year, we get to promos and it takes 20+ games to get to gold.
ranked teams matchmaking is pretty crap, specially cos a lot of people play in very uneven teams (like you'll find a diamond, 2 golds and then a bronze and a silver 5 or something) so they really fuck up your possibilities of getting good games (either you stomp their lesser lanes or diamond gets super camped and splitpushes all day, etc.). imo they should add the same restrictions as duo qeueing, if you want to play with your not-so-good friends that's what normals are there for
i dunno about 3v3s, there's probably not that many ppl playing 3v3 to find decent games unfortunately
Just get your friend gold in duo q.It's never that, though. It's always three diamonds, or two diamonds and a plat. I would gladly wait 15 minutes for an even game than the 30 seconds for a game that's over before it even begins.
I don't even like 3v3 for this reason, but my friend can't get gold on his own so we have to play 3v3 and it's frustrating. Oh well.
I'm sorry but Tristana is so egregiously overpowered. She has literally zero weaknesses. Fuck this champion and may God smite those assholes who don't ban/pick her.
i agree completely. i'll always take higher queue times (within reason) in exchange for better gamesIt's never that, though. It's always three diamonds, or two diamonds and a plat. I would gladly wait 15 minutes for an even game than the 30 seconds for a game that's over before it even begins.
I don't even like 3v3 for this reason, but my friend can't get gold on his own so we have to play 3v3 and it's frustrating. Oh well.
Just get your friend gold in duo q.
lolI can't. He sucks too hard. If there are two of us, we have a chance. I mean, I'm a gold player. I ain't that good.
i try >:3zky I like how you have a zoey deschanel gif for everything. she's my bae <333
no disagreements from me herebut yeah fuck tristana and anyone who likes her.
zky I like how you have a zoey deschanel gif for everything. she's my bae <333
but yeah fuck tristana and anyone who likes her.
korten pls.
korten pls.
we won because they dove me under tower and I got heal blade and dangerous game to let me kill syndra and shyv. Then we took baron.more proof games are decided on whose ADC is better.
it's just a shitty kit with uninteresting spells and frustrating mechanics. like buffed kog is pretty bullshit too but at least he's got a kit with like weird shit in itI LIKED HER BEFORE SHE WAS COOL
At this point I am resigned to her catching a nerf really soon. I kind of like the concept of lowering her base range and increasing her range per level -- this might let her keep her good base damages, so that she is still dangerous at level 1/2, but has to walk up to 525 or so to do it.
They should probably lower her dumb AP ratios quite a bit too![]()
more proof games are decided on whose ADC is better.
I should use Yasuo support to get to gold on a smurf, just to prove you wrong.more proof games are decided on whose ADC is better.
I should use Yasuo support to get to gold on a smurf, just to prove you wrong.
oh i dunno i think yasuu don't carry like trist does lolI should use Yasuo support to get to gold on a smurf, just to prove you wrong.
if u get rid of those two things you might as well remove everything elseShe can't have
- long ass resetting jump
- long range AOE knockback
- and longest AA range
all in one kit. There needs to be some weakness to abuse.
Riot now, she's untouchable by both melees and ranged champions alike.
IMO get rid of her resets and ult.
do it, and carry me :^)
It's amazing how different mid-late game timers are
Mid game for me is 20min-30min
Late game is later than 30mins because a lot of people generally have 5 items
This is the last game we played. At 30 minutes, I had the most gold, yet I only had 2.5 items. What are you smoking Rex, lol.It's just I never thought of the whole mid and late game being different between elos
Don't know why I never thought of it
Still man, that's crazy. 3 full cost items at 30 minutes is reasonable. My last 3 games before that game for reference.That game went out of control. We basically went from both teams can win to NOPE, WE WON in a span of 10seconds
it's just a shitty kit with uninteresting spells and frustrating mechanics. like buffed kog is pretty bullshit too but at least he's got a kit with like weird shit in it
trist has like the most weird kit ever lol, why does an adc have all ap scaling spells with a targeted dot grievous wounds thing? so bizarre
but like things you can say are key to trist for rework:
- crazy range passive
- hypercarry
- weird farming with e passive
- maybe resets
and just build her a new kit around this.
She can't have
- long ass resetting jump
- long range AOE knockback
- and longest AA range
all in one kit. There needs to be some weakness to abuse.
Riot now, she's untouchable by both melees and ranged champions alike.
IMO get rid of her resets and ult.
Running into the same issue again with 3v3 that we ran into last season. We're fighting against diamond+ teams. They need to translate solo queue and 5v5 team MMR to 3v3 in some way. I mean, we're silver. Gold? Fine. Plat? Okay. But diamond? It's never even a contest.
Sigh. Just like last year, we get to promos and it takes 20+ games to get to gold.
I don't have access to the ADC image a GAFfer posted before but this should be my item route for Miss Fortune correct?
2 Dorans>Inf. Edge>LW>Statik>Bloodthirster>Armor
Replace Statik with Trinity only if I end up having being fed like crazy.
I'm not sure if this is the same image but this was gosu's guide from a few patches ago: