Stone Ocean
She's a Volty champion, she's not going anywhere without a rework
I'm not sure if this is the same image but this was gosu's guide from a few patches ago:
You just said you had a plat ELO team. We're silver. Lanes are 1v1, we have no chance.Just because they're diamond doesn't mean they're any good at 3v3. In my plat ELO 3v3 team (that has decayed all the way to gold v cos we don't have a top laner anymore Q_Q) I've dumpstered scores of diamond solo Q players because we played the map much better than them.
We have the unfortunate issue when we do get to play of getting matched with diamond and challenger 3v3 players in placements at times though, which sucks. Makes going 5-0 in placements on a team pretty hard.
Rush Trinity Force on Kog'Maw first.
And isn't bloodthirster not worth it anymore under the current meta?
You just said you had a plat ELO team. We're silver. Lanes are 1v1, we have no chance.
Three tiers is a lot. It's not fun.
You just said you had a plat ELO team. We're silver. Lanes are 1v1, we have no chance.
Three tiers is a lot. It's not fun.
with R and W you can get proc's off from a pretty decent range.Mind explaining this meta please?
Seeming I have been inactive for too long and I am now demoted. I am no longer in Ryze's American Eagles, now I am in Nasus's Agents. I didn't know you changed league names when inactive.
fuck the haters
one day quinn will RISE TO THE TOP
and who will be laughing then
huh it's the skin they launched latin american server with and it's literally based on some whatever mexican myth shit.
Agents are GO![]()
Quinn belongs Top or Jungle - ruining everyone's day with crossmap R nukes
Mind explaining this meta please?
Agents are GO![]()
fuck the haters
one day quinn will RISE TO THE TOP
and who will be laughing then
My Twitch build has mainly been:
Lately I've decided to ditch the armor, since Twitch still feels like wet paper and just get Bloodthirster.
Any reason why you chose PD instead of LW? I mean in your case, you would have like...70% Crit and near 2 atk speed per second, but LW will really make the crit hurt more. Besides Q+Youmuu would be enough to waste any single champ if your fed in 1v1.
"You're the meaning in my life..."
Anyone else not know when to buy boots/upgrade them when playing ADC? For Support it's basically after wards for me, as I like to roam/assist other lanes, but for ADC/Mid I have a problem finding that spot when I feel comfortable just buying a roaming item.
Anyone else not know when to buy boots/upgrade them when playing ADC? For Support it's basically after wards for me, as I like to roam/assist other lanes, but for ADC/Mid I have a problem finding that spot when I feel comfortable just buying a roaming item.
Is your summoner name also "TomShoe"? I checked your profile but it appears you haven't ever played a Tristana game in ranked, and you only have a few ranked games this season, so I wasn't sure if it was you. Try playing her for a bit -- either you'll dominate and move up the ranks, and/or you may learn some things about playing against her. Either way you will be good.TRISTANA SO BALANCED UGH
No champ deserves the Irelia treatment.
It's amazing how different mid-late game timers are
Mid game for me is 20min-30min
Late game is later than 30mins because a lot of people generally have 5 items
skillshot ult would be a super buff :ISee, I feel like most people's visions for Tristana involve making her into Kog'Maw -- long-range hyper carry, weak early, no escapes. There's not much point in just making her Kog when Kog already exists.
If I were to rework Trist, I'd keep passive, Q, W basically as they are. Everything else is just other buttons.
For a super cheap rework I'd say, drop her base range to 525 (and increase her passive), remove the active on her E and make it a toggle instead, and drop the knockback on R entirely and make it a skillshot. (E passive and R probably get AD ratios.)
Now Trist has less poke than every ADC in the game early and has to play incredibly carefully, but unlike Kog/Vayne has an escape to keep her out of trouble while she does so.
project yasuo is out
Raiden is ready to deploy.project yasuo is out
Is there a list of what skins make a characters animations, lines etc. different from their default skin?
Usually the expensive skins like zombie brand.Is there a list of what skins make a characters animations, lines etc. different from their default skin?
Is there a list of what skins make a characters animations, lines etc. different from their default skin?
project yasuo is out
Gonna try jungling with maokai soon. Which is the beter jungle item on him the AP or Armor jungle item?
Just bear in mind the ultimate does not work on towers.Almost certainly the armour one. The 25% bonus health is fantastic synergy with the common tank items, the free ward allows you to free up a slot for a pink ward/ sweeper with no qualms, and with your ultimate it lets you dive towers with comparative ease really early on.