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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Weird, my match history on the website hasn't updated since the 22nd. I've played many matches since then but according to the website I have not.


are the codes still like usable in all regions or now it's like first region that gets it gets it?

cos i'm like only las player so i'd take kayle just cos i'm the only one but i wouldn't want to take it away from someone that actually likes kayle


are the codes still like usable in all regions or now it's like first region that gets it gets it?

cos i'm like only las player so i'd take kayle just cos i'm the only one but i wouldn't want to take it away from someone that actually likes kayle
Everyone that likes Kayle probably already is using Aether Wing.


Can someone explain to me... Why last game I played I had to reconnect during the game three times, despite my ping never moving from 90 - 110 and the internet still working fine?


Can someone explain to me... Why last game I played I had to reconnect during the game three times, despite my ping never moving from 90 - 110 and the internet still working fine?

Not your end. It's Riot's side getting DDOS'd. Nothing you could do.


Can someone explain to me... Why last game I played I had to reconnect during the game three times, despite my ping never moving from 90 - 110 and the internet still working fine?

Riot's having more server problems, as usual.

I had the same problem, and I got a loss prevented for my ranked game.
I just picked Nunu top against a Fiora because I wanted to ruin someone's day. They had the headmistress skin too. I did ruin their day up through taking their first turret. After that, they caught up and outstripped me in farm since I am really bad at farming with nunu, even with iceborne gauntlet. They also destroyed me several times in 1v1 because they were smart and timed the ult properly to completely negate the damage from my ult. What's the proper nunu strategy at that point where you're ahead, but your ult can be avoided? Just keep poking with E until they are low and can't safely engage?

I thought about hourglass to cancel HER ult, but that would of course cancel my own in the process, leaving me without much net gain.
Your first mistake is having bought Iceborn Gauntlet on Nunu; he has no need to purchase it for a multitude of reasons. And Nunu has the luxury to sit on his ult in that match-up if things are going his way, because if Fiora goes in first, he can begin channeling as soon as her ult animation starts and it'll still keep going by the time she's finished.

Also, buy Hextech Revolver. Not sure if I'd eventually complete it into Will of the Ancients - I haven't played Nunu in ages due to him simply not being good anywhere anymore - but the Revolver at least still synergizes with his Consume and it'll be a boon for tanking early Barons if you have some CDR. Just can't start doing it at lvl 12 / 15 minutes anymore (with only yourself and the jungler) due to how Spectral Wraith has been changed. No advice for last-hitting: it's indeed cumbersome with Nunu, and that's part of the reason why I used to run a couple of attack speed runes on him.




after thresh sona i had to had something for the boys

sooooooooo cool


Tore up jungle with eve, counter jungling braum, 2 quick ganks right at the start, more ganks after. Still lose horribly.


I want to try fiddle jungle too. I've been watching the top fid players start ancient tomb and pretty much all ap runes and carrying. Setting up for his ult is key because if it lands right a teamfight should be won. The tomb allows you to rush zhonyas and you can always back off to spectral wealth if the early game isn't going well.

I have been jungling fiddlesticks exclusively for three weeks and definitely recommend tomb start for the Zhonyas rush. You have to coordinate with your team to make sure they protect against an invade on your blue since your level 1 is terrible.
I think I've finally learned the secret of mid-laning! Or actually, the secret of League of Legends. Don't die. Seems simple enough, but I'm not patient and sometimes over eager. I played a match as Vel'Koz mid against Heimer. He had me pushed against my tower all the way until level 7. But you know what? That was fine with me. I stayed under my tower, and stayed content not being able to hit him much. At level 7, my Rengar jungle came in, we ganked Heimer, and the game went smooth from there.

I really need to practice. I need to stop thinking about how good it would be if I killed a champion, and more about how bad it would be if a champion killed me.


Tore up jungle with eve, counter jungling braum, 2 quick ganks right at the start, more ganks after. Still lose horribly.

This is the league of lategame now. Early leads don't mean much anymore unless it is just demoralizing a team.

I think I've finally learned the secret of mid-laning! Or actually, the secret of League of Legends. Don't die. Seems simple enough, but I'm not patient and sometimes over eager. I played a match as Vel'Koz mid against Heimer. He had me pushed against my tower all the way until level 7. But you know what? That was fine with me. I stayed under my tower, and stayed content not being able to hit him much. At level 7, my Rengar jungle came in, we ganked Heimer, and the game went smooth from there.

I really need to practice. I need to stop thinking about how good it would be if I killed a champion, and more about how bad it would be if a champion killed me.

Good approach. Being over eager and dying too much is definitely bad. However take that caution and start paying attention to opportunities your laning opponent gives you to go aggro safely. I.e. they blow their cooldowns farming and are midlane with a big minion wave against them, etc. Its fine to be cautious but don't let the mistakes go unpunished. Sometimes it's enough to force them to back and lose a wave or two.


After a long weekend of 3 disappointing promo series, got promoted to B1. Swain god is real. #TheClimb to silver begins tomorrow.


Your first mistake is having bought Iceborn Gauntlet on Nunu; he has no need to purchase it for a multitude of reasons. And Nunu has the luxury to sit on his ult in that match-up if things are going his way, because if Fiora goes in first, he can begin channeling as soon as her ult animation starts and it'll still keep going by the time she's finished.

Also, buy Hextech Revolver. Not sure if I'd eventually complete it into Will of the Ancients - I haven't played Nunu in ages due to him simply not being good anywhere anymore - but the Revolver at least still synergizes with his Consume and it'll be a boon for tanking early Barons if you have some CDR. Just can't start doing it at lvl 12 / 15 minutes anymore (with only yourself and the jungler) due to how Spectral Wraith has been changed. No advice for last-hitting: it's indeed cumbersome with Nunu, and that's part of the reason why I used to run a couple of attack speed runes on him.
Thank you for the tips. I figured iceborne gauntlet might be nice instead of frozen heart for better waveclear. Otherwise Nunu is really slow pushing. I don't know if the team had many options for safe barons.

I started out 75% win rate with Maokai (9-3), and now I'm 10-7. :'( One of them was a super easy win opportunity today, but people WOULD NOT ever send 5 people mid, against an undefended inhib and nexus with no turrets. The one time they almost did, people ran into the jungle to chase someone and the game instantly ended.

The last two games, I went support Maokai, and then top Maokai. In BOTH games I outdamaged every single teammate, and I think in both games I was getting towers. I'm just not doing good enough to carry -- I need to ward better, not get caught, etc. too to further step up my game.

As a result of playing a champion that I had a 75% win rate with, I got demoted back down, after it took me like 3 months and 400 games to get BACK to silver I where I placed to start with this season. Yikes.


Is there anything I can do about these "disconnections"? It doesn't seem like anyone in my games are getting them but me. I want to say it's my connection but i've had no internet issues in any game but League.





Very back and forth match. I was stomping botlane, but after laning phase, every time I went back to farm and push lane, the other team would find some way to force an engage. The big turning point was around 36:30 when I saw that they were on our inhib. I was rotating back when Lee engaged. I fight ensued. Lee kills Morg, Vayne kills Lee, Hecarim kills Nid. This is bad. 3 squishies trying to defend base. At least Yas and Vayne are low.

All three of us move in and engage, I pop my ult, and the thing that wins us the match is Hecarim focusing Shaco instead of me. I quickly assassinate Yas (very fed) and shred Hec before he kills Shaco. Shaco then keeps Vayne from killing me and we clean up with Kog. We snowball from there, GG.

Also this:

*Mid inhib down, everyone except Kog mid*

Kog: Push outer lanes
Shaco: Why? That's dumb.
Kog: Because we're vulnerable mid

*facepalm* That's why we're mid, duh.

My Twitch build has mainly been:
Lately I've decided to ditch the armor, since Twitch still feels like wet paper and just get Bloodthirster.

Any reason why you chose PD instead of LW? I mean in your case, you would have like...70% Crit and near 2 atk speed per second, but LW will really make the crit hurt more. Besides Q+Youmuu would be enough to waste any single champ if your fed in 1v1.

He went 0-4 in lane. ;____;

Heh I could go as Fiora and be 0-4 in lane, but as long as I got farm and managed to build Hydra I can still make a comeback.
...if my team's other lanes did better :p


I love me some dia de Los muertos. I'm down for that skin, I don't mind a stereotype when its awesome.

Although I would prefer the cloak to have more design to it. Just a black suit is boring. Could be a nice poncho or have more intricate designs or a pattern at the very least.

(That movie book of life looks amazing).

Also one more win and I'm back to gold again. Probably won't hit plat this time but maybe I won't stop when the season ends and see how high ranked I can get.


This is a bit off topic, but for anyone who likes Dio de los Muertos stylings, DEFINITELY check out Gaucamelee on Steam (or your platform of choice). It's quite good.


cuz white bride outfit blue skin is very mexican

huh it's the skin they launched latin american server with and it's literally based on some whatever mexican myth shit

This is a bit off topic, but for anyone who likes Dio de los Muertos stylings, DEFINITELY check out Gaucamelee on Steam (or your platform of choice). It's quite good.
to me it felt kind of uninspiring but sure

but like

srs talk

just go watch a grim fandango lp or something <3


Riot fucking sucks. Their client is shit. In promotion to gold for my 3v3 team, and server goes to shit. Can't pick champion. We automatically lose the series.

Fuck off Riot.


Pretty sure Promos are fucking rigged.

Literally everyone on my team is feeding and I'm pinging (it's an easily winnable game) our leona to recall.

"fuck off aatrox, you're an arrogant cunt"

leona stays in lane and proceeds to die and they push down to win. did i mention our vi ulted their full tank xin? :^)

jesus fucking christ elo hell is real
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