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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I was actually thinking if I want to get it, but then i realize i am bad with yasuo. it was my first game as yasuo in a real non bot game. I got carried. It's kinda hard to play him cuz he moves all over the place and it's too hard to keep track of stuff, and i can't shield stuff properly.

I just wait for creator victor to go on discount, and wait for a good malzahar skin.


Just bear in mind the ultimate does not work on towers.

It doesn't reduce tower damage? Damn, didn't know that. Still, you want to be the tankiest motherfucker on the team - unless you're somehow put in the position of needing to bring AP burst, because you have a Rammus top and a Braum support, or whatever, and you weren't paying attention in champ select, you should go Ancient Golem.

On another topic, I have started down the dark, sordid path of learning to play Vayne. The amount of fun you can have late game tumbling around and murdering everyone is worth the price of shitty laning and having everyone on your team hate you. God help me.


It doesn't reduce tower damage? Damn, didn't know that. Still, you want to be the tankiest motherfucker on the team - unless you're somehow put in the position of needing to bring AP burst, because you have a Rammus top and a Braum support, or whatever, and you weren't paying attention in champ select, you should go Ancient Golem.

On another topic, I have started down the dark, sordid path of learning to play Vayne. The amount of fun you can have late game tumbling around and murdering everyone is worth the price of shitty laning and having everyone on your team hate you. God help me.
I think it might once have reduced turret damage, but some LCS people kept using it to do safe turret dives or turret kills, so now it's changed to "non-turret damage" only.


HIghly doubt it. It's the same bug from earlier this year when cait or trist could free attack baron behind the pot and not have him react. Was fixed the next day


Man there's a lot of Azir bugs.

Feel like a champ with a kit like that though, it was probably inevitable. I just want them to hurry up and release Ao'shin. >:D


Doesn't baron apply a debuff that reduces dmg done to him though?

He does shred it pretty fast. Tried him out on PBE a few times and when I got nashors his minions get a huge power spike in dmg.
So if I am a magic champion and the enemy is going full magic resist what do I have to do now.

And its better to buy runes pages with RP or just spend IP to buy one by one


So if I am a magic champion and the enemy is going full magic resist what do I have to do now.

And its better to buy runes pages with RP or just spend IP to buy one by one

Buy a void staff, of course you should usually always have a void staff as your 3rd main item or so.


So if I am a magic champion and the enemy is going full magic resist what do I have to do now.

And its better to buy runes pages with RP or just spend IP to buy one by one

Void staff asap.

I would recommend waiting until they have a 2 for 1 rune page sale but god knows when that'll be so if you need it now just get it with IP. I feel like RP is only worth it when they have the 2 for 1 deal or you want to get the 7 page bundle.
10 minute queue to login. I just don't understand why there's a problem every single night. Whether it's ranked queue being disabled for whatever reason or login troubles, it's almost every night.


Ali top is still real fun, especially with a trist and malz who have all the time in the world because nothing can break a jax, leona, ali frontline

Also, is this what EUW feels like?


Mmmmm nothing like a whole team dcing and coming back to a 3/0 Vi who roamed around the map killing everyone standing still and a level 8 pantheon who was ulting level 2s

Fucking scummy players
All I wanna do is get my monster AD TF Mid game in for the day, that's it. I'm not asking for 24/7 server stability. Just give me one fucking hour every night. How hard is that?


Mmmmm nothing like a whole team dcing and coming back to a 3/0 Vi who roamed around the map killing everyone standing still and a level 8 pantheon who was ulting level 2s

Fucking scummy players
Why is that scummy? Was it ranked? The next time the servers mess up, it could happen to those players -- it's not their fault everything went down, nor do I think they really have a responsibility to be nice (especially in ranked where everyone is trying to every advantage). What if they let you catch up and then they all disconnect instead?


j4 invades enemy jungle, destroys the rengar but keeps feeding fizz kills, boots 5 full ad, takes every buff

"lemme splitpush, you guys go push mid"

goes 13/7, most of those deaths go to fizz


we lose 4v5

i love junglers
Mmmmm nothing like a whole team dcing and coming back to a 3/0 Vi who roamed around the map killing everyone standing still and a level 8 pantheon who was ulting level 2s

Fucking scummy players
maybe there should be a pause

or dc'd players could just start instantly running back to the fountain
Either I'm lucky or Graves is a top-tier ADC in ARAM without me realizing. I was even DC'd for the first 5 mins in my last match and ended up stomping with a penta.



Well just had a jungle leona dive me again and again at top along with a mundo while my rengar wrecked the bot lane.

I guess being chased around the turret by 2 tanky champs for 20 seconds 3 times in a row is one way to get dragons and all their outer turrets.

Kind of soul crushing when i'm literally running in circles and seeing my turret do no damage to an ulted mundo and then a leona

Look at that challenger icon in my normal games. It's beautiful



i told our zed, no matter how hard you try to carry, no matter how good u think you'll play, no matter how much we shit on our lane and their shitty tp jungle shen, your pick is gonna cost us the game


who knew


i told our zed, no matter how hard you try to carry, no matter how good u think you'll play, no matter how much we shit on our lane and their shitty tp jungle shen, your pick is gonna cost us the game


who knew
Newt's super advice: dodge Zed always.


Watching yesterday's LCS NA final (fell asleep on my chair and went to bed after the first two games). 4th game now, I don't know who to cheer for, as I like both teams!

Stumbled upon this yesterday, it's a google doc with all the sales predictions (similar to the macrumors website). So far it seems I should hold up my RPs for Braum! I really enjoyed playing it this week although I never got to pick it for "real" games. I still feel it's a bit of a bullshit mechanic that his shield stops Nami's ultimate though. ;/

I still want to branch out a bit more and get a couple of junglers but out of the 6300 ones, I've only gotten to try Vi so far. I am also interested in some mids but I really can't decide on which one to buy, as I'm finishing my runes for them first. Currently just missing Magic Penetration marks, but really wish Fizz would come for a free rotation spin soon. Looks so much fun to play!


Katarina is cure for the common tilt. Anytime I get mad, I get Katarina.


I was going against Vlad, who was talking trash before the match that he was going to own lane. I never said a word back to him, but like I needed to...


Newt's super advice: dodge Zed always.
My advice:
Ban Yasuo.

Force your mid laner to take exhaust. Double exhaust is the easiest way to keep Yasuo in check.
i do both

i like running exhaust on mid lane, specially on cass. like that moment where they're all like "oh shit" and you just pew pew pew poison teeth on them is just delicious!


anywho unfortunately zed couldn't be convinced to pick something good and we lost. you could tell he was trying his hardest but you know, if curse proved something is that you can't contest fate

Well just had a jungle leona dive me again and again at top along with a mundo while my rengar wrecked the bot lane.

I guess being chased around the turret by 2 tanky champs for 20 seconds 3 times in a row is one way to get dragons and all their outer turrets.

Kind of soul crushing when i'm literally running in circles and seeing my turret do no damage to an ulted mundo and then a leona

Look at that challenger icon in my normal games. It's beautiful

man i dunno why i can't log in to that page

created two accounts and can log to regular mobafire but elophant's not allowing me for some reason :/

i want achievements T_T


The worst/best part of seeing Yasuo picked is watching him outplay himself by dashing into harass.

Every single inexperienced Yasuo will outplay himself into scores of 0/5 by the end of laning. Every. Single. One.

God damn idiots dashing around without the shield passive up and losing half their hp trying to hit a Q.

It was one of the most gut wrenching things to watch as a jungler whenever I was farming wraiths.



This skin so darn good, so many little details and even some pretty big things have been done to Yasuo, the most obvious reference is the recall animation. He also plays a new tune on his flute, all his skills have been improved with special effects and the voice filter is awesome :)


It doesn't reduce tower damage? Damn, didn't know that. Still, you want to be the tankiest motherfucker on the team - unless you're somehow put in the position of needing to bring AP burst, because you have a Rammus top and a Braum support, or whatever, and you weren't paying attention in champ select, you should go Ancient Golem.

On another topic, I have started down the dark, sordid path of learning to play Vayne. The amount of fun you can have late game tumbling around and murdering everyone is worth the price of shitty laning and having everyone on your team hate you. God help me.

I was playing Aram and had a mega tanky Maokai, the opposing team took forever to kill me haha.

EDIT: Uh shouldn't Talon, Akali and Vel'koz IP be cheaper or is their RP only on sale?
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