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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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i told our zed, no matter how hard you try to carry, no matter how good u think you'll play, no matter how much we shit on our lane and their shitty tp jungle shen, your pick is gonna cost us the game


who knew
Not the first time you ignored one (or more than a single) weaker link for as flimsy of a reason as "hurr Zed." Are you really going to defend a jungle Kha'zix doing noticeably worse than jungle god damn Shen, of all champions? Jungle. Shen.


I always assumed their Ip price would go on sale since the store lets you list them by IP :p
i wish

well not really, i have all the champions i want anyways, now i'm just spending ip on silly runes

Not the first time you ignored one (or more than a single) weaker link for as flimsy of a reason as "hurr Zed." Are you really going to defend a jungle Kha'zix doing noticeably worse than jungle god damn Shen, of all champions? Jungle. Shen.
i dunno what you possibly mean but i appreciate your post as it allows me to not break any rules and share this stunningly pretty picture of jinx!



edit: how silly of u to think i'd defend a random. who cares who did worse, kha was trash. so was shen. so was their bot lane. but the team with zed always loses. stop picking zed if you want to win

basically whenever i see someone pick zed i just know this is gonna be a fun "practice mechanics" game that doesn't matter since we're gonna lose anyways
edit: how silly of u to think i'd defend a random. who cares who did worse, kha was trash. so was shen. so was their bot lane. but the team with zed always loses. stop picking zed if you want to win

basically whenever i see someone pick zed i just know this is gonna be a fun "practice mechanics" game that doesn't matter since we're gonna lose anyways
All I'm reading is narrow-minded excuses and illogically passing the blame, while telling yourself it can't be your fault either.

The DeadNames approach, if you will.


i wish

well not really, i have all the champions i want anyways, now i'm just spending ip on silly runes

i dunno what you possibly mean but i appreciate your post as it allows me to not break any rules and share this stunningly pretty picture of jinx!



edit: how silly of u to think i'd defend a random. who cares who did worse, kha was trash. so was shen. so was their bot lane. but the team with zed always loses. stop picking zed if you want to win

basically whenever i see someone pick zed i just know this is gonna be a fun "practice mechanics" game that doesn't matter since we're gonna lose anyways

This image is horrible as Jinx is not innocent nor should she be innocent looking.


All I'm reading is narrow-minded excuses and illogically passing the blame, while telling yourself it can't be your fault either.

The DeadNames approach, if you will.
hey now you're just being mean

i never take the credit when enemy team picks zed and gifts me free win either

tcht tcht tcht

This image is horrible as Jinx is not innocent nor should she be innocent looking.
everyone should be innocent!


I don't know if its just me but are all support mains bad adc's?

Literally had two support mains being forced into adc and going 0/5 before 15 minutes.


I don't know if its just me but are all support mains bad adc's?

Literally had two support mains being forced into adc and going 0/5 before 15 minutes.

my experience is the exact opposite, support mains playing adc are usually well mannered and objective oriented and don't play vayne

three great traits all adc mains lack

u might be having just a bad streak of luck


I don't know if its just me but are all support mains bad adc's?

Literally had two support mains being forced into adc and going 0/5 before 15 minutes.

Supports don't have to last hit and are usually more skill based rather than AA so yeah I could see them sucking at ADC and would maybe be better at mid :p


I do agree with them being well mannered as well as objectice based but I guess what im trying to say there mechanics were pretty bad. I did win one of the games but our adc was pretty much nonexistant in terms of teamfights.

I can kinda see how it would be hard though with adc being mostly AA based.


yeah i mean anyone that's not adc main is not gonna be "up to par" but i don't think support mains are specially bad, specially since support mechanics floor has gone up over the years (threshie, nami)

also in my experience support mains play low skill floor adcs like mf and cait so it's not that bad


It depends what supports they usually play as well. I main Thresh but play adc as well so after a few games of playing thresh I find it hard switching back to ADC for 1-2 games because I'm either too aggressive or farrrrrr too focused on minion HP bars to realise incoming ganks etc.

I also struggle transitioning in team fights as well as support I'm pretty aware of the threats to my team adcs so I would save most of my skills collapsing on anyone jumping on out carries. Where as when I play adc I think every 1 in 10 games I will actually get some peel from the enemy teams jungle or assassin threats :p That is just part of Solo Q, my super low elo and my general skill :p


I do agree with them being well mannered as well as objectice based but I guess what im trying to say there mechanics were pretty bad. I did win one of the games but our adc was pretty much nonexistant in terms of teamfights.

I can kinda see how it would be hard though with adc being mostly AA based.

Well, it is a different mindset too. What's good for a support to do at a particular moment is often times the completely opposite of what's good for an ADC.

That's a big reason why I've gravitated away from low range ADCs and play only longer ranged ADCs (Varus, Ashe, Jinx, to a lesser extent Trist) now. I consider myself an aggressive, in your face support (at least in comparison to those at my level) and that gets me in trouble with Graves, Draven, Vayne, etc.

This goddam lag...I can't stand playing through it and now that I haven't played much in the past two months my anxiety is coming back. Even when I find the time I can't pull the trigger on starting a match. Just have to force myself I guess.
Anyone play much Nautilus around here? I'm trying to branch out a bit from Vel'Koz, and have been doing some jungling. But I can't tell if he is a good jungler, or support or bottom.
As a new player (level 9) the single biggest most consistent problem I experience with my teams is no one using their warding trinkets. I'm constantly telling people to use their wards.
As a new player (level 9) the single biggest most consistent problem I experience with my teams is no one using their warding trinkets. I'm constantly telling people to use their wards.
This is an issue you'll keep running into until you start playing with higher level people. You'll still run into it then, but much less.


Anyone play much Nautilus around here? I'm trying to branch out a bit from Vel'Koz, and have been doing some jungling. But I can't tell if he is a good jungler, or support or bottom.

Nautilus is a fine jungler in the sense that he has four different types of CC -- root on his passive, hook Q, PBAoE slow on E, and the enemy-seeking knockup on R. Build Golem into tank and ping your laner when you're going in, because you aren't going to get the kill yourself. But they should easily be able to close the deal.

He's also a great initiator when it comes to teamfights. R somebody in the backline (it will hit enemies along the way), then hook them as they're getting knocked up, hit WE and start autoattacking.

Your weakest point is your clear speed, which is generally bad. Start W, then E.

Nautilus should probably be a decent support too, for the same reason that Blitz is.

Nautilus's Q will pull him forward if it hits a wall or building. This is your secret dash, so use it to get around, but be very careful hooking enemies near towers, because it's super easy to pull yourself unhelpfully into a tower.


Question regarding skill shots. Take Gnar's Boomerang for example, after he tosses it, does having high attack speed make his AA come out faster?


Nautilus' clear speed is average on first clear, then faster than average until the completion of the first big jungle item where the damage from Wriggle's/SotEL outperforms the %health damage from SotAG*. Which is sort of a moot point because by then Naut should be looking to gank at every opportunity.

*You can always get cheeky and build SotEL on Nautilus. Under the proper circumstances it's a good buy.


Question regarding skill shots. Take Gnar's Boomerang for example, after he tosses it, does having high attack speed make his AA come out faster?

This question is confusing -

Having a higher attack speed does make your auto attack come out faster, but this has nothing to do with skill shots.

All (most?) abilities have a cast animation and a finish animation - this finish animation can be canceled (by issuing a move command), allowing you to start your AA animation sooner.

For Gnar, throw the boomerang and once the 'rang leaves his hands, issue a move command immediately - then attack - this will make his AA come out faster.
Thanks for tips! I had my first Nautilus game (before reading) and yeah....pulled myself into a tower on accident early on. Whoops!

Any tips on Runes? I've seen a lot of back and forth on whether to use increased attack speed and movement speed runes.


sigh down to 0lp in gold 1 thanks to 4 top lane dcs in a row. Kass came back at 15mins in this one but that let their warwick free farm and gnar had nobody to lane against.
I just want there to be some server stability or a more reliable loss prevented.

On the bright side I have the leona vs morg matchup down. Bot was really easy.


After enough testing...Urgot needs a rework. Block this character/remove him from the game til you figure someway to make him effin' work especially in late game...

Either that or I need to try him out on Top.


Last night I had the lovely situation where someone argues to get ADC in team select and two guys were arguing against them since their Lolking profile showed "that they're really terrible at ADC and should stick to Normals for that."

Dude locks in ADC when his turn comes up, we decide to roll with it. He feeds and then quits after going 1-4-0 (his lone kill came from when I ganked his lane). We lose. I really hope people like that actually start getting banned.

Wow, I just actually looked at his Lolking and I see why the team was complaining. Dude suuuuucks.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Loving Morgana support. Any tips for success once I have triumphed the most difficult task of getting her without her being banned or picked first?

Drifting away from my love for Alistar because my ramming often helps the other team.


Thanks for tips! I had my first Nautilus game (before reading) and yeah....pulled myself into a tower on accident early on. Whoops!

Any tips on Runes? I've seen a lot of back and forth on whether to use increased attack speed and movement speed runes.

With feral flare junglers you usually want attack speed while tanky junglers usually want movement speed.

With Naut, attack speed reds and movement speed quints are how I go since the reds help proc the magic dmg on his w autoattacks while movements help with ganks and generally getting around the map.

Loving Morgana support. Any tips for success once I have triumphed the most difficult task of getting her without her being banned or picked first?

Drifting away from my love for Alistar because my ramming often helps the other team.

The only support I feel I do well with Morg is Karma but eh. Alistar is still a solid support overall and the wq combo is terror when roaming.
This is an issue you'll keep running into until you start playing with higher level people. You'll still run into it then, but much less.

I'm in Silver and I sometimes have to tell my ADC to use their trinket.

Loving Morgana support. Any tips for success once I have triumphed the most difficult task of getting her without her being banned or picked first?

Drifting away from my love for Alistar because my ramming often helps the other team.

Use the snare wisely. If you miss, its cooldown is long enough for the other team to jump your ADC.

Use W to proc Spellthief and zone, but don't use it to push the lane.

Similar to Q, use Black Shield wisely since the cooldown is so long.

With Alistair, you can W+Q if you dumb-cast W and mash Q the second he begins his ram. Hard to pull off but very effective if you can do it.


Trist/Braum most un-fun combo in the game.

I should have killed Trist at least 3 times ugh. But NOPE Braum E W ugh.
Have you tried playing Tristana in ranked yet? If you're an ADC main (it sounds like it if your account is TomShoe and you talk about bottom lane a lot), give her a shot. I think she's free with a skin if you don't have her yet.


Loving Morgana support. Any tips for success once I have triumphed the most difficult task of getting her without her being banned or picked first?

Drifting away from my love for Alistar because my ramming often helps the other team.

If you reach 6 first, abuse it.


I don't know if its just me but are all support mains bad adc's?

Literally had two support mains being forced into adc and going 0/5 before 15 minutes.
Ghost playing ADC gives me a migraine.

Don't even get me started on Achtius playing ADC, lol.


Ghost playing ADC gives me a migraine.

Don't even get me started on Achtius playing ADC, lol.

I do feel like as a support main my last hitting early on falls behind my lane opponent fairly easily if I'm not paying attention. This is much more obvious as ADC I guess, maybe why i gravitate to the ADCs who deal a bit of extra passive damage with their autos to help with that.
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