Same here. Surely I'll get it soon?
Where'd all the good Zed players disappear to? Ever Zed player I played with sucked donkey balls during the laning phase.
Fought against a supp Maokai who just threw his minions seeds, all the time like ALL THE TIME. Oh lord just stop doing this
Lulu doesn't have very many lanes where she comes out ahead. Her strength is in team fights.if u play lulu you basically make the game a 5v4 for 40 minutes because she shits on pretty much everyone except nidalee who she goes even with.
Who wins in a lulu vs lulu match
Probably me.Who wins in a lulu vs lulu match
My last ranked match still has not shown up in match history.
Guessing I'm not going to get the win or LP. Fucking Riot.
Riot Kayle:
Arcade MF:
Quote to see. Already used on NA and EUW.
been getting a few of those lately. It's a shitty time to be playing ranked.
been getting a few of those lately. It's a shitty time to be playing ranked.
It's terrible. Had a perfect match that started lagging in the final 20 seconds and then only got 7 LP for the win. C'mon, Riot, that game was legit.
lol i appreciate this story as it continues proving me right. moreso cos they also have akali lolSpeaking of hard carrying. Just had one of those games. Team was getting completely crushed across the board. I'm jungle Vi. I know the other team is doing dragon but we don't have vision, so I just guess based on how long they'd been in there, I q in, smite dragon, chase them out of the pit and get a double kill before dying. Late in the game I steal there baron attempt. I went 14-5-16, did the most damage on my team while tanking the second most, had the most gold in the game, and we somehow turned it around.
Seriously check out this match history:
Was a really fun game once we started getting momentum. Their Zed started the game 11-0, but it would seem gaf has cursed Zed.
irrefutable proof that sivir is a garbage champion and newt is wasting his pathetic life playing her
irrefutable proof that sivir is a garbage champion and newt is wasting his pathetic life playing her
I'm surprised that Ez is dealing that much champion damage. Can't remember the last time I saw him do anything but be a blinking wet noodle.
This article is pretty bad.
irrefutable proof that sivir is a garbage champion and newt is wasting his pathetic life playing her
Surprised that Trist is so low across the board.
Mine didn't show up on the web or in match history, so yeah -- good game, good teammates, no ragers, and the result is the same as if I got drop-hacked. =(My last ranked match still has not shown up in match history.
Guessing I'm not going to get the win or LP. Fucking Riot.
Nope, see the notes above -- even on a weekday afternoon, people couldn't login, and some games were just plain lost. No win, loss, or must be nice to be able to play during the day when the servers are decentish
every time i come home for work ranked is disabled![]()
Got some codes used in NA but it should work on other servers.
Quote to see!
Jungle Gnar rushing Infinity Edge... jumping for joy over here
i thought it was jungle shaco until i saw the alistar smite.
Mine didn't show up on the web or in match history, so yeah -- good game, good teammates, no ragers, and the result is the same as if I got drop-hacked. =(
Nope, see the notes above -- even on a weekday afternoon, people couldn't login, and some games were just plain lost. No win, loss, or LP.
It doesn't even show up in my lolking history, just completely vanished with other games on either side, the same as a drophack.Riot Support tweeted me about an hour ago saying it should be up any minute. Still not seeing it ughhhhh
It's in my web history too. So dumb.
So my won ranked game wasn't recorded but the match I just went through with a toxic and feeding morgana (that we obviously lost) is there.
Most played game in the woooooooooooorld
edit: Riot support responded to me
Riot Games Support ‏@RiotSupport 18m
@ParkerFranklin_ We're still investigating the error that we encountered earlier and if we're able to restore the LP from these games.
So basically nope. Fuuuuuck
he has huge ap ratios.What exactly is the point behind AP Shaco? AD I can get.
What exactly is the point behind AP Shaco? AD I can get.
Anyone who plays Sivir for pure damage should just quit league.
irrefutable proof that sivir is a garbage champion and newt is wasting his pathetic life playing her
Anyone who plays Sivir for pure damage should just quit league.
You're still in the pre lvl 30 range right? I definitely recommend Graves over Sivir for you.Thank goodness I don't.
Siv is actually falling out of my rotation. Graves is falling into her spot.