Nah Zkylon gets jealous whenever somebody plays with his wives.
who are you again
Nah Zkylon gets jealous whenever somebody plays with his wives.
mechanically intensive champion that is difficult to play well outside of laning phase because of is nature as a dive assassin, making it hard to teamfight with him unless you force a team split.
he's a terrible teamfighter if you really think about it because his burst at level 6 is massively delayed, meaning that exhaust during his deathmark combos absolutely destroys his damage and deathmark itself during teamfights is risky because he's diving into the middle of 5 people, meaning that he can get focused and blown up if played poorly.
solo que also doesn't play to his strengths, which is as a 1v1 duelist, great at picking off individual targets (aka splitpush/pick comp) since everyone basically needs to group otherwise you'll end up in throwing situations.
tl;dr zed can 1v1 anyone that doesn't have 300+ armor but the players' skill and the general nature of solo q shits on his playstyle.
I think there should be a big ass sign that says "I'm a huge retard and you should dodge this game" when someone on your team picks Ashe.
Bought Rocket Girl Tristana! I can't believe now I'm one of those people that buys skins. ._.
He's great but his strengths don't fit with playing with 3~4 strangers in your team.I see, thanks. So Zed is not a broken or bad champion, just not easy to play with.
It's all ogre nowBought Rocket Girl Tristana! I can't believe now I'm one of those people that buys skins. ._.
Bought Rocket Girl Tristana! I can't believe now I'm one of those people that buys skins. ._.
:lol What a noob.
(Just kidding. Think of all the time you spend playing. $5 or 10 here or there is worth it)
300-400 here and there is worth it.
That's how AP Nid has to play in order to work. A pokey build will only take you so far nowadays.Just saw an AP Nidalee dumpster the living hell out of Zed. She didn't play as a poker either. She was usually in the middle of teamfights.
Elo decay happens at Gold/Silver too? That's ridiculous. It should only happen to like Diamond and above. Basically what they're doing is forcing you to play.i haven't played for a couple of month and my elo dropped from Gold IV-V to Bronze 3 due to inactivity and now i'm stomping all my soloqueu games, i don't think how this helps anyone.
I'm gonna get one soon. I can't wait. I don't like my PS4Any of you have an Xbox One? I just bought one yesterday.
I'm gonna get one soon. I can't wait. I don't like my PS4
Rocket Girl Tristana is on sale, worth it? ._.
i haven't played for a couple of month and my elo dropped from Gold IV-V to Bronze 3 due to inactivity and now i'm stomping all my soloqueu games, i don't think how this helps anyone.
Bought Rocket Girl Tristana! I can't believe now I'm one of those people that buys skins. ._.
Any of you have an Xbox One? I just bought one yesterday.
i heard you can turn an xbox one on just by screaming at it
its not the only thing that you can turn on with your voice, brian
That's how AP Nid has to play in order to work. A pokey build will only take you so far nowadays.
Does anyone know what the next champion to go down to 4800 LP will be? I only have a few left to get.
sorted wrong. It's Ahri.Does anyone know what the next champion to go down to 4800 LP will be? I only have a few left to get.
Does anyone know what the next champion to go down to 4800 LP will be? I only have a few left to get.
here's a stream that stalks lcs ppl while they play solo q in korea
Galio's a pretty fun support, even though he's not actually all that great at it. Fuck leveling E at all and max Q and he's this wonky harass tank in lane. Has a ton of synergy with Face of the Mountain. The fact that he pushes is a bit of a problem, but chunking the enemy ADC at such low risk with the bonus armor and healing from his W is nice, and his ult is good both offensively and as peel/counter engage. It's a bit tricky to use well considering how easily it gets interrupted or can just be whiffed, like when our Gragas top tossed toss his keg on me one time when I had a 4 person lockdown set up, but it's great when you nail it.
My biggest problem with it is that I tend to get overaggressive with it and dive in right at 6 rather than making sure the other team is chipped down first to guarantee some kills.
Or play lulu to annoy the shit out of everyone with your laugh.
Yep. Nights? Bad. Weekday afternoons? Bad. Weekend afternoon? Lagging and freezing, and everyone crashed on launch in a team builder game. :'(How are you guys playing in NA? Every single game there's lag or some disconnects..
How are you guys playing in NA? Every single game there's lag or some disconnects..
NopeA friend of mine told me that Riot gives RP to people who ask for compensation for these server issues. Is he speaking the truth?