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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Silver II.

Last game was heart breaking. Even up to minute 24. But too many people died to yi, especially doing silly shit like diving 1v5

I may have to make it a note to ban yi in this elo. Too many people make too many stupid errors, and once he gets fed nothing you can do.


Silver II.

Last game was heart breaking. Even up to minute 24. But too many people died to yi, especially doing silly shit like diving 1v5

I may have to make it a note to ban yi in this elo. Too many people make too many stupid errors, and once he gets fed nothing you can do.


For what, my good sir?

I don't know, silver II :(

Also aren't you suppose to get carried once in awhile statistically? Don't think anyone did in any of my games I won :( Closest would of been the mal jungl.

edit: Think I won't run maokai in jungle anymore... did far the worst when I did that.


This has been part of my problem as of late. I've been stuck with some super-passive supports in about 3/4 of my games, who basically play far enough back that I can either a.) go up, get killed repeatedly and have my support bitch at me or b.) let the enemy ADC freefarm until they push back to turret, then try to desperately hold out.
This is sadly very common among lower rank "supports" that do not know how the role actually functions. You're probably better off learning to support yourself or find a way to play around these brush-sitting bots.





I don't know, silver II :(

Also aren't you suppose to get carried once in awhile statistically? Don't think anyone did in any of my games I won :( Closest would of been the mal jungl.

yeah, like one in a hundred

it's not like hard carry or lose but get 100% carried is rare as winning a game 4v5 is pretty darned tough

and if you think you're carrying games 4v5 you're prolly not giving your team enough credit :p
yeah, like one in a hundred

it's not like hard carry or lose but get 100% carried is rare as winning a game 4v5 is pretty darned tough

and if you think you're carrying games 4v5 you're prolly not giving your team enough credit :p

Speaking of hard carrying. Just had one of those games. Team was getting completely crushed across the board. I'm jungle Vi. I know the other team is doing dragon but we don't have vision, so I just guess based on how long they'd been in there, I q in, smite dragon, chase them out of the pit and get a double kill before dying. Late in the game I steal there baron attempt. I went 14-5-16, did the most damage on my team while tanking the second most, had the most gold in the game, and we somehow turned it around.

Seriously check out this match history: http://matchhistory.oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/OC1/58353866/200424539

Was a really fun game once we started getting momentum. Their Zed started the game 11-0, but it would seem gaf has cursed Zed.



Silver II.

Last game was heart breaking. Even up to minute 24. But too many people died to yi, especially doing silly shit like diving 1v5

I may have to make it a note to ban yi in this elo. Too many people make too many stupid errors, and once he gets fed nothing you can do.

Silver II is a pretty good placement from nothing! Nice job. Not to add to any pressure but the first 20-50 games or so after placements are capable of delivering really big LP swings as the system figures out where you really belong. If you get on a hot streak early, you can skyrocket up very very quickly. The general word is the first 100 games are low confidence games for the system and you can swing pretty hard but those first 50 are pretty crazy.

I went from Silver II placement to Gold promos in the space of 20 games. Then hit a losing streak and back down to Silver II in the space of another 20 games in Season 3. Took another 30-40 games to climb back up to finally reach gold.
Absolutely not.

And it still sucks under those circumstances with how little damage it does and how ridiculously small the area of effect is. Not a single champion benefits from it.

Ok so you hate sunfire cape. What do you buy instead on a tanky champion? I mean assuming you already have randuins/thornmail/banshees/warmogs/boots.

I see everyone hating on it but half the time I end up buying it when the enemy team is mostly ad but I want a bit more health than with a thornmail or something.

I also almost always get it on Amumu along with Abyssal for my first two items after Wraith.


It's not the best item in the world but as an early jungle item for champs that already have small AOE effects (like amumu and Sejuani) that happen to do magic damage and subsequently probably has magic pen, it's not terrible.

It's armor, health and helps a little with jungle clears.
Is there such a thing as a fake/scam PBE account approval email? The email seemed fake but upon checking I actually did get approved for PBE access, so that's awesome.


At level 18, Sunfire Cape does 43 magic damage per second in a 400 range AoE.

43 damage is not a lot of damage.

So compare Sunfire to Randuin's. Randuin's costs 350 gold more and gives:

* 50 more health (133 gold value)
* 25 more armor (500 gold value)
* Cold Steel passive and the slow active

Is 43 magic damage per second worth at least 283 gold MORE than having enemies that hit you get a 10% attack speed slow and having a PBAoE movement slow to throw out?

I mean, maybe in some situations, but in general, I think Randuin's just dominates Sunfire Cape.


Is 43 magic damage per second worth at least 283 gold MORE than having enemies that hit you get a 10% attack speed slow and having a PBAoE movement slow to throw out?

I'd argue that it possibility is if you're already ahead.

Wish stat screen would break down the damage % from all effects.

Silver II is a pretty good placement from nothing! Nice job. Not to add to any pressure but the first 20-50 games or so after placements are capable of delivering really big LP swings as the system figures out where you really belong. If you get on a hot streak early, you can skyrocket up very very quickly. The general word is the first 100 games are low confidence games for the system and you can swing pretty hard but those first 50 are pretty crazy.

I went from Silver II placement to Gold promos in the space of 20 games. Then hit a losing streak and back down to Silver II in the space of another 20 games in Season 3. Took another 30-40 games to climb back up to finally reach gold.

Ya dreading going on a losing streak. What happens if you lose a match at 0 points?


At level 18, Sunfire Cape does 43 magic damage per second in a 400 range AoE.

43 damage is not a lot of damage.

So compare Sunfire to Randuin's. Randuin's costs 350 gold more and gives:

* 50 more health (133 gold value)
* 25 more armor (500 gold value)
* Cold Steel passive and the slow active

Is 43 magic damage per second worth at least 283 gold MORE than having enemies that hit you get a 10% attack speed slow and having a PBAoE movement slow to throw out?

I mean, maybe in some situations, but in general, I think Randuin's just dominates Sunfire Cape.



So I think I have a new game plan against jungle yi.

-Pick lee sin/eve
-Run smite/ignite
-fuck him up at his buff at lvl 2->3

Worth tossing flash for?


Ya dreading going on a losing streak. What happens if you lose a match at 0 points?

There's some buffer. Divisions drop easier than whole tiers but depending on your MMR (hidden behind the scenes) you can lose at 0 LP a couple times at least without dropping.

So I think I have a new game plan against jungle yi.

-Pick lee sin/eve
-Run smite/ignite
-fuck him up at his buff at lvl 2->3

Worth tossing flash for?

I usually just ignore him and pick an early ganking jungler (Pantheon, Lee Sin, Vi good picks) and make the lanes hell while he farms away and his laners get super pissed at him. Their team morale drops and your team rejoices from having a jungler that does something during laning phase.

You could ambush him at his 2nd buff and set him back a little bit but he'll just go back to farming. If anything it may help snowball you more than set him back so worth a try. Yi isn't very strong at level 2.


So I think I have a new game plan against jungle yi.

-Pick lee sin/eve
-Run smite/ignite
-fuck him up at his buff at lvl 2->3

Worth tossing flash for?

Play Elder Lizard Udyr, put a point in tiger and bear, and you'll wreck Yi (and most other junglers too).


I usually just ignore him and pick an early ganking jungler (Pantheon, Lee Sin, Vi good picks) and make the lanes hell while he farms away and his laners get super pissed at him. Their team morale drops and your team rejoices from having a jungler that does something during laning phase.

I've tried that route, doesn't seem to work. Still seems to hinge on people not feeding him. Figured if I could rob him of his first clear buffs it'd delay his ganking for awhile, and it seems like it would be a very easy kill.


Im done with the plat dream. Servers have been far too unkind to my teammates while caressing he enemy team with a warm elo boosting embrace.
Going to learn top in normals so next season i wont have to choose between a dc'd top or an 0/12 feederino.
Im done with the plat dream. Servers have been far too unkind to my teammates while caressing he enemy team with a warm elo boosting embrace.
Going to learn top in normals so next season i wont have to choose between a dc'd top or an 0/12 feederino.
just play lulu like i did and carry through map pressure and cc.


Was a really fun game once we started getting momentum. Their Zed started the game 11-0, but it would seem gaf has cursed Zed.
It is possible for Zed to do well and win in diamond, but it may be rare. I found this score from yesterday:


Four of them had armor items too.


just play lulu like i did and carry through map pressure and cc.
Alistar had no sightstone as support? Scary!


My girlfiend makes fun of me everytime a beast Zed destroys their team. Every time she just turns to me and says "but I heard that the wise guys at GAF told us that Zed is useless".

And I cant say anything to her, frankly. No idea why GAF hates on Zed.


Here is a funny chart from my last ranked game yesterday:

My team was down 11k gold at one point. We were STILL down 3k gold when I think we won with a nexus kill because of winning a teamfight. Our nexus didn't have any towers and we basically didn't deserve to win.
My girlfiend makes fun of me everytime a beast Zed destroys their team. Every time she just turns to me and says "but I heard that the wise guys at GAF told us that Zed is useless".

And I cant say anything to her, frankly. No idea why GAF hates on Zed.
mechanically intensive champion that is difficult to play well outside of laning phase because of is nature as a dive assassin, making it hard to teamfight with him unless you force a team split.

he's a terrible teamfighter if you really think about it because his burst at level 6 is massively delayed, meaning that exhaust during his deathmark combos absolutely destroys his damage and deathmark itself during teamfights is risky because he's diving into the middle of 5 people, meaning that he can get focused and blown up if played poorly.

solo que also doesn't play to his strengths, which is as a 1v1 duelist, great at picking off individual targets (aka splitpush/pick comp) since everyone basically needs to group otherwise you'll end up in throwing situations.

tl;dr zed can 1v1 anyone that doesn't have 300+ armor but the players' skill and the general nature of solo q shits on his playstyle.
Ok so you hate sunfire cape. What do you buy instead on a tanky champion? I mean assuming you already have randuins/thornmail/banshees/warmogs/boots.

I see everyone hating on it but half the time I end up buying it when the enemy team is mostly ad but I want a bit more health than with a thornmail or something.

I also almost always get it on Amumu along with Abyssal for my first two items after Wraith.
Health is easy to come by through various means, so that's a moot point. And if you already have Randuin's + Thornmail (which is perfectly fine), then you usually don't really need more armor than that. Especially if you can get away with Ninja's Tabi instead of Mercury Treads, situational as that may be.

It's not the best item in the world but as an early jungle item for champs that already have small AOE effects (like amumu and Sejuani) that happen to do magic damage and subsequently probably has magic pen, it's not terrible.

It's armor, health and helps a little with jungle clears.
Better off just getting Haunting Guise for those then after you bought proper defensive items like Randuin's. Not something you'd immediatedly finish into Liandra's of course if a match'll last long enough for that thought to cross your mind, but better bang for buck once the likes of Sejuani and Amumu become durable enough for mid or late game. Mummy could probably get away with a Rylai's at one point too after having acquired an adequate amount of resists; not a great pick-up admittedly and I frankly never tried that at length on recent League builds so your mileage may vary, but at least it's cost-efficient instead of flushing all that money down the drain for an outdated, ineffective armor item.

Plus, even with magic pen Sunfire still doesn't deal a whole lot of damage, nor is it anything more than a marginal improvement at best to clear out monster camps or minion waves given their scaling MR values. Not that Amumu or Sejuani really struggle with killing creeps, save for arguably their mana pool.

At level 18, Sunfire Cape does 43 magic damage per second in a 400 range AoE.
It doesn't even do 43 damage per second because magic resist. Shit's a joke.



Well, I guess. But you run into the exact same issue with Thornmail, Warmog's, Frozen Heart, etc. once you already have Randuin's. Randuin's just makes the comparison really obvious. There's probably always a better defensive purchase than Sunfire Cape and there's always a better offensive purchase.

That said, I mean, build what you want and maybe there's an awesome combo or some situation where Sunfire Cape is ideal (Garen's passive is wrecking your team...somehow). Like Frozen Mallet, it's just one of those items I don't really think about when itemizing, because there are more straightforward options that I'd rather think about.


It is possible for Zed to do well and win in diamond, but it may be rare. I found this score from yesterday:

Don't even see the point of covering the name. Like anyone else plays Sivir.

That game J4 and Ryze just continually fed. Nothing could really be done.


Better off just getting Haunting Guise for those then after you bought proper defensive items like Randuin's. Not something you'd immediatedly finish into Liandra's of course if a match'll last long enough for that thought to cross your mind, but better bang for buck once the likes of Sejuani and Amumu become durable enough for mid or late game. Mummy could probably get away with a Rylai's at one point too after having acquired an adequate amount of resists; not a great pick-up admittedly and I frankly never tried that at length on recent League builds so your mileage may vary, but at least it's cost-efficient instead of flushing all that money down the drain for an outdated, ineffective armor item.

Plus, even with magic pen Sunfire still doesn't deal a whole lot of damage, nor is it anything more than a marginal improvement at best to clear out monster camps or minion waves given their scaling MR values. Not that Amumu or Sejuani really struggle with killing creeps, save for arguably their mana pool.

It doesn't even do 43 damage per second because magic resist. Shit's a joke.

It increases the base damage done by Sejuani's W AOE by 80% and you can build into a Haunting Guise earlier because you already have those defensive stats you need. If that's worthless, you should probably just scratch Sej's W off the board completely. It's not like she needs the Rylai's or Randuin's slow either.

Sunfire's worthless on anyone that isn't a tank with a self AOE, but for the ones that are it's a nice combination of defensive stats and a amount of damage to top off their AOE that would probably take a Rod to reach via AP scaling.


Oh my god we won.

Now that shen is gonna go and tell his friends shen support is a thing.

edit: I didn't get any LP waaaaat
Ill just provide enough map pressure to negate the fact that im down a player. It's just that easy. If only i picked lulu.
if u play lulu you basically make the game a 5v4 for 40 minutes because she shits on pretty much everyone except nidalee who she goes even with.


Don't even see the point of covering the name. Like anyone else plays Sivir.

That game J4 and Ryze just continually fed. Nothing could really be done.
I didn't want to be a TOTAL jerk and call you out though, just thought it was an example where even someone playing their best (I assume SIvir is one of your best), on a team with armor, can get beaten by a Zed. Like I said, I would guess it is rare a Zed does well in diamond though, since I think you said you should always dodge if a Zed is on your team.

About being carried Ferrio, it does happen sometimes -- I just did poorly top, but got carried thanks to a team who actually had map awareness. It was really heartwarming to see. The enemy jungler was trying to invade and kill our jungler, but both me at top AND the mid ran to protect and get first blood on the enemy instead. I think we got a double kill since their mid tried to help too.

*edit* Ranked problems RIGHT during a match that had no lag or issues and a great team. I didn't get to honor any of the good team, and I got no LP from it. ;_____; Hopefully they add it after the fact.


I need to start making a list.

  • Don't try to play ranked on weekends
  • Don't try to play ranked on weekday evenings
  • Don't try to play ranked on weekday afternoons

I'm still apparently at 0 LP gained from that last game, also.

Same here. Surely I'll get it soon?
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