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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Lost my first game outta placements, and the sad part it was my fault. Not totally since everyone loved getting caught out by blitz the whole game, but we had the chance to turn it around and I blew it in the most horrible way possible.

We kill 3 of them including their jungle, go to baron. It goes down quickly, I smite... tiny smiget of health left and a blitz arm comes and kills the fucking thing. Could not fucking believe it.


Chiming into the Zed discussion. He has the exact same problem as Vayne and Lee Sin. Because his kit is quite complicated, it needs to be balanced around players who make near perfect use of his kit or it would be broken in challenger and pro play. Even if you can lane well with him which is easy enough, and even if you can roam okay, the teamfights become extremely difficult. The difference between him and Lee Sin is that Zed has to build full damage to be useful while Lee Sin can build tanky which makes him more forgiving. Also, Zed gets really screwed over by exhaust and zhonyas.

If you play him purely as a split pusher he's okay but I don't see why you'd prefer him over Tryndamere or Jax in solo queue for that role.


Why someone wouldn't learn Talon over Zed is beyond me. At least talon isn't outright shut out of a game by buying a single item (zhonyas or QSS).
I did it. It's done. Took me almost 300 games, over 175 of which were my TF, but it's done. I'm finally out of Bronze and into Silver V. I'll probably get demoted in no time but I'm just happy I could do it.

Here are some pics from my journey to Silver V over the past however many months. I posted a bunch about my TF before if anyone remembers.

First pic is the last 5 games of the Bronze 1 promo. It went down to the wire but TF wasn't gonna be denied.

More of TF, the best and most fun champ ever. I lvoe you forever TF






idk why people don't just piss on ad tf's range and loss of a global threat in bronze.

then again I saw a duo midlane in bronze with kat yasuo.
Why someone wouldn't learn Talon over Zed is beyond me. At least talon isn't outright shut out of a game by buying a single item (zhonyas or QSS).

Buying a QSS means spending 1500g just to cancel out his ult. You get loads of MR that doesn't do anything against him. If you're an AP mage then yeah sure Zhonya 1st or 2nd item is still great on many of them. If you're not, you're boned. Tanks/supports don't use QSS and ADCs shouldn't buy QSS until at least 2 big items.
I think the biggest thing with Talon is it's easy to get your damage out in a teamfight. The problem with Zed is you can have twice the damage of the opponent but fail to get it out due to zhonyas/exhaust etc.

Just played Pantheon in a solo lane for the first time. Did pretty well. On a nice win streak right now, in promos for gold 4.

Picked him since we already had Ryze top and Trist bot so I figured picking a strong early game champion that falls off hard wouldn't matter. Was a pretty good call I think. Went 12-6-16, pretty much played teamfights like I was an adc, sitting at the back.
idk why people don't just piss on ad tf's range and loss of a global threat in bronze.

then again I saw a duo midlane in bronze with kat yasuo.
I just know how to stay out of range and when to initiate a fight. Idk how to explain it. Try him for 100 games and you'll understand. The damage he deals is just unbelievable. There is no other ADC in the game that can beat him 1vs1 if TF gets the stun, which you will get 99% of the time in a fight. No APC can beat him, either. Only if someone buys a scimitar or QSS but nobody down here does that. Hell even when you miss the yellow and get red or blue you still win the fight the majority of the time. This is of course after getting the core items. Pre-Statikk Shiv he does nothing. If you can get Shiv + IE + most of BotRK in a respectable time you become unstoppable. If you fall behind you're screwed.

Bronze is pretty standard stuff. That duo mid lane you saw isn't at all a representation of it. Occasionally that kinda weird shit happens but it's always due to infighting and raging (some guy "calling mid" but this other guy wanted it so they fight and duo the lane). It's never planned.
I just know how to stay out of range and when to initiate a fight. Idk how to explain it. Try him for 100 games and you'll understand. The damage he deals is just unbelievable. There is no other ADC in the game that can beat him 1vs1 if TF gets the stun, which you will get 99% of the time in a fight. No APC can beat him, either. Only if someone buys a scimitar or QSS but nobody down here does that. Hell even when you miss the yellow and get red or blue you still win the fight the majority of the time. This is of course after getting the core items. Pre-Statikk Shiv he does nothing. If you can get Shiv + IE + most of BotRK in a respectable time you become unstoppable. If you fall behind you're screwed.

Bronze is pretty standard stuff. That duo mid lane you saw isn't at all a representation of it. Occasionally that kinda weird shit happens but it's always due to infighting and raging (some guy "calling mid" but this other guy wanted it so they fight and duo the lane). It's never planned.

Anyone that out ranges him should wreck him. Tristana/Kog/Caitlyn/Corki.

I guess it is bronze so it's not surprising that adcs can't kite.
Anyone that out ranges him should wreck him. Tristana/Kog/Caitlyn/Corki.

I guess it is bronze so it's not surprising that adcs can't kite.
Nothing they can do if they get stunned to start the encounter. If his ult is down the TF has to find a way to approach the other ADC in the shortest distance possible which you learn to do after a while. Even if they get a couple hits in while you're running into range, as long as they get stunned the TF will always win the fight. I'm talking about a situation where both players have their core items and most of their build.

If it's an encounter where TF uses his ult to tele in there is nothing they can do. Even flash won't be enough. Only flash + Trist/Corki jump.


Buying a QSS means spending 1500g just to cancel out his ult. You get loads of MR that doesn't do anything against him. If you're an AP mage then yeah sure Zhonya 1st or 2nd item is still great on many of them. If you're not, you're boned. Tanks/supports don't use QSS and ADCs shouldn't buy QSS until at least 2 big items.

Yeah but you also make zed completely useless in team fights outside of W-E harass. If he can't assassinate anyone, teamfight is practically lost if teams are even.


Nothing they can do if they get stunned to start the encounter. If his ult is down the TF has to find a way to approach the other ADC in the shortest distance possible which you learn to do after a while. Even if they get a couple hits in while you're running into range, as long as they get stunned the TF will always win the fight. I'm talking about a situation where both players have their core items and most of their build.

If it's an encounter where TF uses his ult to tele in there is nothing they can do. Even flash won't be enough. Only flash + Trist/Corki jump.

So what do you do about Mikael's/QSS?


So what do you do about Mikael's/QSS?

In my ~80 ranked matches, I've seen maybe 5 people build it (in bronze).

Positioning/Peel don't exist in low elo. Instead, when TF or someone else with cc gets fed, all chat is flooded with "broken champ gg"


I think there should be a big ass sign that says "I'm a huge retard and you should dodge this game" when someone on your team picks Ashe.
Is anyone else getting really horrible performance in Howling Abyss? The first 10-20 mins of my first game there is always ultra laggy. Victory Screens always get stuck for like 1-2 mins so I just alt f4 before I see it.


Had a first time yasuo and ashe in my ranked queue

The time it took me to dodge was the fastest I have ever moved my mouse


Had a first time yasuo and ashe in my ranked queue

The time it took me to dodge was the fastest I have ever moved my mouse

I hate when someone is trying out a champ for the first time and they tell you right as the game starts up. Had a game earlier this week when right after we all entered the game the dude says, "first time Gnar, lol." He suuuuuuuucked.


My favorite comment about me playing Gnar so far was when a Janna on the other team said "u little hamster shit".

But then I offered to report their AFK player after the game, and they said they would get me some hamster food. :3


Me a shitty adc with a lux support up against a twitch+morg. That was hell. Had to plead to her to get her sightstone, only got it after she got boots+athenes

edit: Also when's the proper time to use Lucian's ult? Least in teamfights I mean.
if i know my biggest threat is a stun from an ad tf, i dont buy qss i buy a fucking banshees veil.

I use Q to break Banshee's before the fight. In fact, that's the only time I ever use Q, to break the occasional Banshee's. I don't even put a point into it until like level 12 or 13, I forget...the level where it's the only choice.


I wish they wouldn't do this with champions -- skins like the expensive Ezreal one being slightly more responsive.

I dunno about the Ezreal skin though - I have several adc friends that never use the skin despite having it since they think it has worse auto attack animations.

Rocket Girl Tristana is essentially the standard for trist though.



pretty decent ranked teams night trying out new jungler (omg finally someone that plays fucking lee sin). lizzy game was pretty rough since enemy team was all diamonds plus a raid boss d1 renekton and last game a level 1 kill on our jungler really set me back and i just misplayed the lane super bad

really bummed about that ahri game, i didn't consider the kill exp advantage and ziggs got lvl 2 mid trade and just destroyed me. was fighting diamond mids for i think almost all games and this was the only one that was big trouble. even on the lizzy torture game i was doing pretty alright during laning phase.

also banning tristana and morgana makes games so much fun. i like enjoyed all the games except the last one where captain forgot to ban her and our adc picked her.
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