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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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no you should still change your builds according to the situation

ie buying multiple dorans, getting bt instead of lw if enemy team doesn't have any tanks, buying mercurial scimitar, etc.

like even just choosing banshees vs ga (or no defensive items whatsoever) is a decision you should be making every single game (u know if it goes that long)

True enough.


Had a great run with Twitch over the last couple games. 18-4, 16-4, 13-5, 16-8, stuff like that. Then I run into a Lux support that doesn't show up until 4:30, runs into an engage that gets us both killed and follows up with a "lol lagged", comes back from a mid roam while I'm stuck and tower through river despite the fact that Thresh was clearly warding river bush and gets us both killed, never used her exhaust (which resulted in getting us both killed), and consistently fucked with my csing and didn't ward outside of trinket. Then proceeded to call the whole team kids when we started calling her out on mistakes.

Intentionally feeding never felt so good.

Also, I don't care what anyone says, Runaan's is the god damn destroyer of worlds on Twitch.


After the ranked +11 LP win, the next one was +21 LP. So who knows what logic is going on, but at least the 11 wasn't consistent.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Had a great run with Twitch over the last couple games. 18-4, 16-4, 13-5, 16-8, stuff like that. Then I run into a Lux support that doesn't show up until 4:30, runs into an engage that gets us both kills and follows up with a "lol lagged", comes back from a mid roam while I'm stuck and tower through lane despite the fact that Thresh was clearly warding river bush and gets us both killed, never used her exhaust (which resulted in getting us both killed), and consistently fucked with my csing and didn't ward outside of trinket. Then proceeded to call the whole team kids when we started calling her out on mistakes.

Intentionally feeding never felt so good.

Also, I don't care what anyone says, Runaan's is the god damn destroyer of worlds on Twitch.
And teemos. :)
Speaking of Runaans. I was testing out Lucian in a custom game.... hurricane on him is badass looking.

I run it in games where I have a clear advantage on their ADC so I can farm faster and then roam a bit after winning lane. Really fun, especially when attack speed is raised.
Probs not viable in competitive play though haha


The swain god approves.
i should probably buy swain now that he's in-meta to have something other than lulu and lizzy

He's popular now? Maybe it's just because I'm in low elo, but I'm the only swain player I've seen in any of my games.


I run it in games where I have a clear advantage on their ADC so I can farm faster and then roam a bit after winning lane. Really fun, especially when attack speed is raised.
Probs not viable in competitive play though haha

I just meant it looked cool, I'd never run it in game. Only reason I had it was I was solo against 5 bots, so needed to push lanes fast.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
The swain god approves.

He's popular now? Maybe it's just because I'm in low elo, but I'm the only swain player I've seen in any of my games.
I find swain to be one of those obscure champions. The first time ive seen him in action was while i was spectating a friends game. His mundo got stomped hard by the enemy's northern front swain. I barely seen him in games in which i dont choose him.


The swain god approves.

He's popular now? Maybe it's just because I'm in low elo, but I'm the only swain player I've seen in any of my games.

wouldn't say popular but he's more accepted for sure

i usually see swains do good in yolo q btw


I run it in games where I have a clear advantage on their ADC so I can farm faster and then roam a bit after winning lane. Really fun, especially when attack speed is raised.
Probs not viable in competitive play though haha
It really is like farming with a vacuum cleaner.


I find swain to be one of those obscure champions. The first time ive seen him in action was while i was spectating a friends game. His mundo got stomped hard by the enemy's northern front swain. I barely seen him in games in which i dont choose him.
He's really underrated, I feel. One of the best snowball champs in the entire game



Riot Ghostcrawler said:
Yeah, she needs nerfing. Realistically it is unlikely to happen before worlds. We like for those matches to take place on as stable a build as possible that has been thoroughly tested, so even very good changes can be ultimately risky. We also think it's reasonable for the players to expect that numbers won't go changing wildly right in the middle of worlds.

To clarify, she needs some sort of weakness. If we just lower her damage or something, players may just switch from her to Kog or someone which just substitutes one dominant ADC for another. Ideally we'd like to give her some trade-offs so that you can choose her for her strengths or avoid her because of her weaknesses.



TomShoe joined the room.
IPlayNunus4u joined the room.
RoadToOblivion joined the room.
Stainlessteel joined the room.
KrnQT4U: mao...
IPlayNunus4u: the throw
TomShoe: gg
KrnQT4U: such a good job ganking
Logan Vasquez: gg
TomShoe: report mf
TomShoe: so childish
KrnQT4U: than never joins the team...
DarkZircon: report mf refusing to group last fight
KrnQT4U: report mao
KrnQT4U: me?!?!!
KrnQT4U: wtf did i do?
KrnQT4U: mao wanted to split lanes
KrnQT4U: so split lnaes!
TomShoe: U GUYS
Stainlessteel: how
KrnQT4U: it was his idea man
Stainlessteel: and i was in series
KrnQT4U: not my fault
Logan Vasquez: because of lag spikes
Stainlessteel: unreal
Th3 HaTt3r: toxicity towards one another is what loses games
Logan Vasquez: the servers are **** for like 2 months
Logan Vasquez: so loss prevented everywhere
KrnQT4U: maokai that baggless piece of scufkcing shiet back motherless fcking cunttt eating shiet i hope he gets cancerr
TomShoe: lol
KrnQT4U: i could've gottenn into silver
TomShoe: u upset
KrnQT4U: that fcking asssshoeelel1! ! ! !!@!!!!
KrnQT4U: fcking cnt!!!
TomShoe: lmafo
TomShoe: im crying
KrnQT4U: u haveee no idea...
KrnQT4U: how madd i ama t him
KrnQT4U: didn't us eee me typing?
KrnQT4U: and askingg him to come?
TomShoe: gotta be patient
KrnQT4U: thatta fcking *******
KrnQT4U: pateient?
KrnQT4U: until we lose?
KrnQT4U: lol
TomShoe: lol



when the enemy team tells you you deserved the win, you KNOW your team was fucking up

match details for those curious

you guys must rlly not care about the lore. no discussion concerning the revamp o:


Ehh, if you play Corki you deserve to lose every game :).

corki is an awesome champion tho. why do you hate on him?

freelona and trustrong won.

yeah i can't believe rito is retconning the past lore now wtf do i do with all my old ashe fan fic

i'm kidding lol
Pretty much. The support will determine much of what happens in lane. ADCs can definitely do a lot of stuff on their own if the enemies are bad though.

This has been part of my problem as of late. I've been stuck with some super-passive supports in about 3/4 of my games, who basically play far enough back that I can either a.) go up, get killed repeatedly and have my support bitch at me or b.) let the enemy ADC freefarm until they push back to turret, then try to desperately hold out.
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