In other news, Ashe and Sivir are the best ADCs. (In diamond).
Underworld Ashe dream lives on.I probably will too because I adore my Amethyst Ashe skin.
Going to start playing Ashe bot again confirmed.
Oh man, I hope this helps. I hated flashing and then ending up frozen, confused for a second before stufff happened. I felt like this would happen if I tried to flash and then use a spell or active item though, so it might be unrelated.NO MORE AWKWARD STOPPING : Movement commands now persist after Flashing in the same direction you're moving
I hope this also helps. I tried ulting an ADC who was nearly dead in ranked recently -- they proceeded to run away, into the river, with like 100 HP, until they died several seconds later once the ultimate wore off.R - Chronoshift
YOU ASKED FOR IT : Now subtly tints the target's screen
you don't get plants at level 2/3?
Is early game trading an instinctual thing, or are there some good rules of thumb? I want to kick absolute ass as Morgana but I can't seem to find a good middle ground.
Zkylon alarm.dat karma skin doe
Oops, yeah. E -> W -> Q lvl 1-3, then E<>Q.
costy said:edit: them spell effects on the karma skin.
Newt said:Zkylon alarm
In other news, Ashe and Sivir are the best ADCs. (In diamond).
Rammus too strong apparently.
Protip, you can turn off images and avatars in your board settings. I browse GAF a lot from work and keep those turned off. I see no avatars and every image is just a link that I can click on at my discretion.
In other news, Ashe and Sivir are the best ADCs. (In diamond).
why, have some faith! rito consistently fixes ugly things in their skins (within reason). remember last time you said renek wasn't needing a tu as bad as some others. and then cass got one too? have some faith!Outfit on Karma looks nice, but the colors clash. Headpiece also distracts. Hope they'll still tweak it a little, but I doubt it.
Larger picture:
as per the patch notes, Azir will be released in 4.16, so that's cool. 2 new champs within a month. Not bad Rito.
Karma in-game:
Viktor TUs:
If faith was justifiable, Steel Legion Lux and that ugly Predator Caitlyn skin would've never made it past concept art.why, have some faith! rito consistently fixes ugly things in their skins (within reason). remember last time you said renek wasn't needing a tu as bad as some others. and then cass got one too? have some faith!
i don't think the headpiece is teh problem btw, it's the floating ring thingie that should prolly be a bit lower
i'm so diggin dem see thru jasmine pants doe
they put pants on that cait skin thoIf faith was justifiable, Steel Legion Lux and that ugly Predator Caitlyn skin would've never made it past concept art.
Movement commands now persist after Flashing in the same direction you're moving
Can it be? The dream is finally real? My waifu and my husbando getting love after years of indifference. Rito redeemed.
happy nev <3
Can it be? The dream is finally real? My waifu and my husbando getting love after years of indifference. Rito redeemed.
happy nev <3
ed: i'm not sure how i feel about rito calling cass "cassi". taht's just weird
Cassiopeia shoud be Cass. Kassadin should Purple Bastard. EZ
Why do some characters who have a silence ability, theirs only lasts 1 second like Talon or Blitz? I knwo Garen's can be higher, and I think Fiddle too?
Because of balance? Not sure what you're asking. It's like asking why some attacks do more damage than other attacks.
It just seems like the 1 second silence on Talon doesn't do much >_>;
Won a game as Mid Talon, but I was trying him for the first time in months. Getting the hang of him, but going in, Ulti all my abilities then GTFO or die is...awkward.
She has a lot of issues, but damage isn't one of them. There isn't a lot of other ADCs that can duel her, especially if she goes Triforce. Mid-game, her level 11 ult is nothing to mess with. This is a clip a guy on my friends list made for me a while ago. Fyi, we didn't even have a lead at this point.
But her E is complete garb, no matter how much dimb wants to argue. She is tough to position with, but you can play her well and be successful.
IE>Zerkers>Zeal>TF>LW>GA>BTWhat do you suggest for a triforce build?
E - Condemn
Now detects collision with player created terrain (Anivia's Crystallize, Azir's Emperor's Divide, Jarvan's Cataclysm and Trundle's Pillar of Ice)
This looks awesome, actually. The lotus is her mantra thingy and not part of her headress
Aren't her heals on a super short cooldown though?Not sure what to think about the new Soraka. She's got a ton of mobility and her abilities are all really long range, but her heals are definitely on the weak side. It seems like she'll have incredible potential to zone enemies even under their own turrets since her E doesn't pick up aggro.