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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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what the fuck


yeah ascension is the same as dominion for me, custom made for champions i don't like to do things i don't enjoy

i can never turn ascended T_T
New Cass feels pretty weak. The QoL buffs on E and R are fantastic, but her lowered damage lingers for too long and then when you finally hit late game it's not really much stronger than it was before.

She needs either higher bases or higher ratios.


I tried the ascension mode. Putting a speed boost with a relic on top of it seems REALLY stupid. Try to click on the map to use speed boost = you freeze instead, which is typically the opposite effect you want from a speed boost. The random dark places on the map functioning as walls also seems like crazy design.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I tried the ascension mode. Putting a speed boost with a relic on top of it seems REALLY stupid. Try to click on the map to use speed boost = you freeze instead, which is typically the opposite effect you want from a speed boost. The random dark places on the map functioning as walls also seems like crazy design.

you just walk over the speed boost. like regular dominion. there is no clicking.



you just walk over the speed boost. like regular dominion. there is no clicking.
I probably have a habit of clicking the map constantly to move, so I can micromanage my path instead of clicking somewhere far away and letting Riot autopath the entire distance.

As a result, I end up clicking part of the speed boost since that's on my way, to make sure pathing takes me through the speed boost. As a result of clicking part of the speed boost, I instead get locked in place trying to capture a relic, and presumably killed.
I probably have a habit of clicking the map constantly to move, so I can micromanage my path instead of clicking somewhere far away and letting Riot autopath the entire distance.

As a result, I end up clicking part of the speed boost since that's on my way, to make sure pathing takes me through the speed boost. As a result of clicking part of the speed boost, I instead get locked in place trying to capture a relic, and presumably killed.
why dont u just click past the speed boost -_-
uh, not to rain on your parade or anything but your score is actually really bad because you're stealing away gold from your carry, especially Vayne who could have easily have dealt with even a 10000 stack nasus if she had the kills you had.

o wait vayne dc'd nvm


uh, not to rain on your parade or anything but your score is actually really bad because you're stealing away gold from your carry, especially Vayne who could have easily have dealt with even a 10000 stack nasus if she had the kills you had.

Vayne was lv7 because she DCed at 5 minutes and never came back, so I kind of had to go APC to hold bot together 1v2.


ferrio if u want to leave silver u have to play jungle, support or a massive bully top laner. u can't rely on late-scaling champions to carry you.

Nasus would of won me that game easily if my team had been just slightly *slighty* less retarded you know not the 20k gold lead retarded. I *almost* won it for us, I was nexus racing them even at a 20k lead. That's how bad this is.


why dont u just click past the speed boost -_-
I do, and normally I succeed, but sometimes if I'm low HP and running fast and trying to get away, I might click-scroll-click-scroll-click-scroll, and maybe along that route, a click happens to hit the speed boost.

To phrase it another way: If they had put relics and speed boosts in different places, it might have been a nicer map.


Demoted to Silver III

The curse of the shittiest players I've ever seen continues.

>Game is Hard.
ferrio if u want to leave silver u have to play jungle, support or a massive bully top laner. u can't rely on late-scaling champions to carry you.

Or Mid or Corki/Kog'maw

¡HarlequinPanic!;129415649 said:
looks like that poppy chose surrender~


Indeed she did.

Nasus would of won me that game easily if my team had been just slightly *slighty* less retarded you know not the 20k gold lead retarded. I *almost* won it for us, I was nexus racing them even at a 20k lead. That's how bad this is.

Aren't you being a bit negative then? If this ELO is so bad that you can win from 20k gold behind, then your ability to carry is crazy and that you should try again.


Aren't you being a bit negative then? If this ELO is so bad that you can win from 20k gold behind, then your ability to carry is crazy and that you should try again.

If my ability to carry is dependant if my team isn't a complete disaster then what's the point? Then it's a random roll if they're not complete tards, and that isn't fun that's just frustrating. Ya I can play 200 games of this torture to get statistics on my side and maybe climb out, but that's not really fun.

I've watched countless times the enemy team pretty much have free wins, and all my wins except one I've had to bust my ass on very close games.
If my ability to carry is dependant if my team isn't a complete disaster then what's the point? Then it's a random roll if they're not complete tards, and that isn't fun that's just frustrating. Ya I can play 200 games of this torture to get statistics on my side and maybe climb out, but that's not really fun.

I've watched countless times the enemy team pretty much have free wins, and all my wins except one I've had to bust my ass on very close games.
again, you can't rely on late game. i made that mistake in silver and got demoted.

ur the only constant in every game and u have to approach every game like ur team's retarded until proven otherwise.


Or you know.

You can just play Tristana because you have to be a complete fucking moron to somehow lose with her.

She's not even banned that much in silver.
Yeah, if you play consistently good you'll always climb up. In my last 20 games or so, I can say I only played terrible in around 3/20, but I lost 8/20. I'm still climbing up. LP gain/loss ratio is still very positive.


I know you are a better player than I am. You can do this. But not from the top lane. I think you need bot lane.

Top lane imo has the lowest impact of all the lanes.

Yeah. Unless you're playing a splitpusher like cancer cat or tryndamere then you really have to rely on your team. Its becoming more and more difficult to carry as a bruiser/tank. Unless you're ryze.

ADC is number 1 for carrying, followed by mid
Please, this was true at one point but is now completely moot.
u need 3 items to be relevant against other adcs. that's not even taking into account how badly someone

i always ban trist in unranked (aka high plat/low diamond mmr) but i never bother banning her in gold because she's a massive nonfactor until she gets IE/Shiv/BT. good adcs know how to mitigate that. bad adcs don't.

this is silver. do the math.

ADC is number 1 for carrying, followed by mid
completely wrong lol. no role in the game is more influenced by how strong his team is because in the end, he relies on his team to protect him while he deals damage. in lane, he's a guy that farms. in mid-game, he's the guy running away from as many threats as possible while trying to deal consistent dps. in late, he's the guy everyone wants to either protect or pick off because killing him means their team loses all of their sustained damage, meaning that if your team is weaker, you are going to get fucked.

the most influential role in the game is the jungle because he is the one that makes winning lanes keep winning and losing lanes keep losing. then it's mid because of roaming influence (useless if he doesn't roam.) then support because they are the main vision controllers in the game (u ward or u die) followed by the top laner (global map pressure) followed finally by adc (consistent dps.)


seriously though? just pick akali and snowball for the 20 minute surrender


this is my smurf. filter match history by ranked and see how easy it is to carry at silver. it was bronze last season. a few weeks ago i went in and just picked akali knowing nothing about her, and ran her jungle.

23 ranked games total. 19 wins, 4 losses. 11 Akali, 3 Yi, the rest random other champions (Irelia win, Pantheon win, Eve win, Riven loss). From unraked to placement into silver 4, skipped silver 2 to silver 1, and haven't played since.

the tl;dr: choose super snowbally champs and EXPLOIT THE BADNESS OF THE ELO. You don't have to be a better player than them, all you have to do is ID the general weakness of players at that elo and exploit it for your own gain.


u need 3 items to be relevant against other adcs. that's not even taking into account how badly someone

i always ban trist in unranked (aka high plat/low diamond mmr) but i never bother banning her in gold because she's a massive nonfactor until she gets IE/Shiv/BT. good adcs know how to mitigate that. bad adcs don't.

this is silver. do the math.

How you tryna tell me trist is balanced? She's incredibly safe in lane and has virtually no weaknesses. I'm not saying she's pick up first time and penta kill, but it doesn't take half a brain to play her. She's got the late game damage of kog, the range of Caitlyn and a huge aoe knock back. She can solo carry so easily.

And besides, what ADC is a factor before they get shi/ie/Bork? Lol

Edit: yi, Kat and fizz are all op in silver as well


you're playing at an elo that is begging for snowball hypercarries to force surrenders at 20 and playing...... leona.

Well, more to the point, Leona is a terrible pick if your laner is Trist and their lane is Sona/Lucian. They will destroy you early game.

And hey, look, that's exactly what happens in the match history!

Lucian is a high-pressure early ADC, Trist is a late-game ADC. Play a support that can sustain her or keep Lucian off. Last pick has the most information of anybody in the game and you used that advantage to pick the wrong support for the comp.


all you need is stattik shiv rush on trist to wreck low elo.

You literally kill people in 1-2 seconds.

Take spell weaving. Auto, stattik proc, auto, E, auto, ult - dead


Well, more to the point, Leona is a terrible pick if your laner is Trist and their lane is Sona/Lucian. They will destroy you early game.

And hey, look, that's exactly what happens in the match history!

Lucian is a high-pressure early ADC, Trist is a late-game ADC. Play a support that can sustain her or keep Lucian off. Last pick has the most information of anybody in the game and you used that advantage to pick the wrong support for the comp.

We weren't destroyed, this wasn't a champ matchup issue. This was a tris turret diving at 3, then going into a rage and jungling for the rest of the game. Oh feeding on purpose too.


Good thing Tristan's outranges all of them

This is totally irrelevant to the argument you were actually making, which is that there are no early-game ADCs.

Just because I agree that Tristana probably needs a nerf doesn't actually make your complaints about Tristana correct
How you tryna tell me trist is balanced? She's incredibly safe in lane and has virtually no weaknesses. I'm not saying she's pick up first time and penta kill, but it doesn't take half a brain to play her. She's got the late game damage of kog, the range of Caitlyn and a huge aoe knock back. She can solo carry so easily.

And besides, what ADC is a factor before they get shi/ie/Bork? Lol

Edit: yi, Kat and fizz are all op in silver as well
people assume this all the time but it's completely untrue. even in the lcs where trist picks basically decided the finals, it was a good team composition centered around letting tristana scale late that allowed her to become such a monster. u don't get those comps in silver. and no knockback in the world is going to save u from a fed assassin.

as to ur other question, corki becomes relevant with one item. (also huge in the lcs if people even remotely care about that which they shouldn't.) lucian becomes relevant with one item. kog'maw, despite his immobility, gets a huge power spike from just a trinity force. u see a lot of these mid-game centered carries in solo q because mid-game decides whether or not u dictate the game. people always bring up stall tactics as an end all but there's always going to be a tipping point in the game where even a late-game oriented comp can't compete versus a mid-game deathball like for example corki-nami-yasuo-khazix-lulu. u can have the full late-game comp of ryze, trist, karthus, braum, vi but the other team is basically guaranteed to shit on u at 25 minutes just because of how hard they spike with just one item on all of them.


We weren't destroyed, this wasn't a champ matchup issue.

At 8 minutes your lane is 0/4. You got crushed. And if you got dove at level 3, well, you don't think that might be because Lucian and Sona are good at early game diving and Trist/Leona are bad at stopping it, i.e., champion select problems?
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