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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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At 8 minutes your lane is 0/4. You got crushed. And if you got dove at level 3, well, you don't think that might be because Lucian and Sona are good at early game diving and Trist/Leona are bad at stopping it, i.e., champion select problems?

NO tris dove their turret, alone, solo even after I told her "No".


How you tryna tell me trist is balanced? She's incredibly safe in lane and has virtually no weaknesses. I'm not saying she's pick up first time and penta kill, but it doesn't take half a brain to play her. She's got the late game damage of kog, the range of Caitlyn and a huge aoe knock back. She can solo carry so easily.

And besides, what ADC is a factor before they get shi/ie/Bork? Lol

Edit: yi, Kat and fizz are all op in silver as well

Lucian, Draven, Ezrael? This is deeply cray.

Corki? (god of midgame spike), Kog'maw? Cait?

all you need is stattik shiv rush on trist to wreck low elo.

You literally kill people in 1-2 seconds.

Take spell weaving. Auto, stattik proc, auto, E, auto, ult - dead

You will get poked down by Ez, Corki, Lucian, Kog or even Jinx. Dis is why Mid game Trist isn't that good. Stop trying to misinformation Deadnames!
New soraka is kinda fun. Her root is nearly impossible to land unless you're chaining it with something. I couldn't even land it against bots tbh. her heals get to be ridiculous if she has any amount of AP. Max rank heal is on like a 1.8 second cooldown and can heal about a fifth of an allied health bar.

I'm not sure how much the "tanky stats become AP instead" thing affects her since I built a deathcap, but if she's built tanky she might just be able to keep people healed up forever unless she's CC'd and killed.


if u wanna be the thing that makes your teams win you shouldn't play adc

that's just dead wrong :p

(noot see what i did there?)


Well, more to the point, Leona is a terrible pick if your laner is Trist and their lane is Sona/Lucian. They will destroy you early game.

And hey, look, that's exactly what happens in the match history!

Lucian is a high-pressure early ADC, Trist is a late-game ADC. Play a support that can sustain her or keep Lucian off. Last pick has the most information of anybody in the game and you used that advantage to pick the wrong support for the comp.
None of that stuff matters in Silver or Gold.


Eh how you getting poked if you're just killing them in one combo.

Don't group mid to prevent the mid game. Stay bot with support and get a tonne of kills or picks in the jungle.

Every good trist i've seen has done that.

Even worse, trists who lose tower early and then start wrecking people when they push up.

Stattik ain't even that expensive of a buy

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Tried ascension today. I got 20 kills with brand and I learned Sona is rather op in this mode, literally spam spells all day and follow the ascended.




We weren't destroyed, this wasn't a champ matchup issue. This was a tris turret diving at 3, then going into a rage and jungling for the rest of the game. Oh feeding on purpose too.

Lots of yordles suffer from Napoleon complex! j/k I can totally imagine some Tristana W into turret range, my guess is he/she doesn't play her that much? And of course the toxic attitude!

Sorry ._.


Yeah, Coast deserved to get crushed.

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Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
So outside of some isolated matches in the Spring I haven't played League since the first few weeks of season 4. Trying to catch up on information/game knowledge. Been able to gather so far that

- Heal is used by the majority on the bot lane. Barrier, exhaust and ignite are much less common
- Season 4 going by the patch notes has a huge focus on balance, which is quite lovely. Popular picks are expected but most champs are viable in ranked yolo queue.
- Kassadin is no longer permabanned. Karma, Urgot and Poppy are still something of a sorespot within the champion roster.
- The game looks great. Lots of new artwork, particle effects, etc.
- Assassins no longer carry as hard. They still can wreck provided they have the opportunity to but aren't quite as scary. All roles generally feel as impactful as the other.
- Team Builder is pretty sweet. Love that I can play 10 Shen top games in a row if I want to.
- Community seems to be generally more respectful. However, I have a very limited scope on this between playing a total of 7 games in the past two days (2 bots, 4 normal 5v5 and 1 ascension).
- Some more variety between mastery, rune setups and item builds. I can check 4 top rated guides between the same champ and find slight variety. Good stuff Rito.
- Lots of quality of life changes from Riot. Client has been modified and improved in many aspects
- Community is more spread out amongst leagues/divisions (though expectantly, the majority of the playerbase is bronze/silver).
- How the lanes play themselves hasn't changed too much. Like I mentioned there seems to be more balance/champ viability than ever before.
- Concerning new releases Velkoz and Braun seem to have been received pretty well. Gnar is supposedly underwhelming.
- Still no integrated replay system :(

Can anyone fill me in on some gaps? I'm trying to get my gamesense/mechanics back so I can reclaim gold and hopefully on to plat (ended gold 1 last season). Theoretically I know how to play as well as I did before but I know my CS is generally lacking and my positioning in team fights generally feels awkward.

Also, if anyone is lacking in the friends list NA then feel free to add me @whiskeystrike.

Edit: Also, is League replay alright to install? I remember there was some concern over suspected malware a while back.


97LP, son of a bitch.

Went lee jungle against a yi. Took ignite instead of flash as an experiment. Killed him after he got his second buff. Even then my lanes fed him.. I don't know how a buffless lvl 4 yi successfully ganks, but he did quite a few times.

They pulled it together though.
seriously though? just pick akali and snowball for the 20 minute surrender


this is my smurf. filter match history by ranked and see how easy it is to carry at silver. it was bronze last season. a few weeks ago i went in and just picked akali knowing nothing about her, and ran her jungle.

23 ranked games total. 19 wins, 4 losses. 11 Akali, 3 Yi, the rest random other champions (Irelia win, Pantheon win, Eve win, Riven loss). From unraked to placement into silver 4, skipped silver 2 to silver 1, and haven't played since.

the tl;dr: choose super snowbally champs and EXPLOIT THE BADNESS OF THE ELO. You don't have to be a better player than them, all you have to do is ID the general weakness of players at that elo and exploit it for your own gain.
Akali jungler viable?
I'm sort of decent with Akali but i've never jungler with her.
Runes and masteries?



Game starts, Kha'Zix disconnects and then they just camp top lane, letting Nasus get his stacks up because there's two in lane the whole time. Kha comes back when everybody is around level 6, but it doesn't matter when Nasus is so fed.

Nasus is so stupid.

Edit: Despite the DCs and such on the rise lately, I'm still on a heck of a run.



And so it begins.
Couldn't they have cleaned those windows first? Jeez.

- Kassadin is no longer permabanned. Karma, Urgot and Poppy are still something of a sorespot within the champion roster.
Karma is actually deceptively strong. More annoying for top lane melees than Nunu ever was.

Akali jungler viable?
I'm sort of decent with Akali but i've never jungler with her.
Runes and masteries?
She can "jungle" but she's never particularly good at it.


I've tried to make akali jungle work several times this season. It's a safe and slow jungle with a power spike at level 6. She's like warwick but more... useless (in terms of the jungle role)

I mean, you can learn it to snowball as akali to avoid laning with her.

You run the exact same runes as lane akali. You can switch out mr for cdr or flat ap blue runes though to keep yourself on full life during your early clears.

Mastery wise, go 21/9 taking early ap and ad in offense and tough skin in defense. This gives you a tonne of sustain with the passive and lets you save pots in your first clear.

I'm not going to recommend it since she really is a worse warwick who single handedly loses games if you don't snowball but if you're a god at akali, go for it.

Pre-6 ganking is practically non existent.


We got an ETA on when Azir will be up for purchase on regular client?

Nice win bro!

Poppy just feels weird. Her main 2 offensive abilities scale with AP, yet her Q gets 100% bonus AD+Some AP. If you tank her she becomes nearly unstoppable once she activates her ulti (either my lappy's keys are busted or the game doesn't register my targeted champ properly).
I should try jungling with Poppy...

Dr. Mundo is maybe the most fun champion in the game.

Build Rylai or Icy Mallet as your final item, walk up to them and keep attacking them, while singing 'YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! DON'T STOP THE PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTAY!'
usually when you see the Champion Spotlight go up it's within a day or two, but we haven't had that yet.

We did get the Q & A yesterday though. I'd wager early next week unless the spotlight comes out today.
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