guess agree to disagree
i think a lot of things about janna are boring (w is awful) but
* timing shields
* weird skillshot q
* good coordination for ulting
* fast as balls
are things i like about janna. like i think she's engaging and has a niche and all that. i love how janna prevents so much death, that's a cool unique thing for her.
I don't really see what part of Janna's kit is unqiue in protecting AD carries. Like, there are lots of champions that do that.
Janna Q isn't that weird. You don't even need much of a charge on it for it to be effective. It's one of the pieces of Janna's kit that shoehorns her into being a support that's passive and defensive, because it's unrewarding to hit unless you're kiting the enemy. Shield timing is eh. There's not that much to it. Shield people that need it the most, and some decision making comes into play with how you want to distribute the attack damage buff.
There are so many problems that makes Janna just nightmarishly simple and effective. She has absolutely insane mobility that comes at no cost, and because her spell ranges are so long she just about never has to put herself in danger. This is why people can rush Mejai's and other junk on her, because if you're playing Janna properly it's extremely difficult to punish. Janna doesn't even need to use most of the pieces of her kit to win trades, which is one of my least favorite things. Yeah there are some crazy things you can do with the ult but it's not that hard to just use it to zone and heal your team.