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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I don't think that's ranked play.

Not sure what you were expecting. Kass initially wanted to be Jungle but I beat him to it. Besides, everyone here is unranked aside from the two bronze players.

Oh it says their rank on the side so I figure it was rank. A lot of times when I look up my games it only shows the rank of one or two people because the site is just buggy like that.

just had one of those games where everything was right, with one exception I was robbed of two pentas in one ranked game! I got two quads instead, but I really shouldn't be complaining.


Yea not much to complain about. I've only had 1 penta in rank to this day... :/ It was on MF. I got 3 with a good bullet time and chase the other two down thanks to red buff.


just had one of those games where everything was right, with one exception I was robbed of two pentas in one ranked game! I got two quads instead, but I really shouldn't be complaining.


I've had two penta kills in ranked stolen from me by scumbag flash/kill moves from teammates. Jerks. I've had plenty in Normals with Katarina. She's probably the easiest to do it with that I can think of. Those resets...


Neo Member
I've had two penta kills in ranked stolen from me by scumbag flash/kill moves from teammates. Jerks. I've had plenty in Normals with Katarina. She's probably the easiest to do it with that I can think of. Those resets...

You know my pain!

Yeah my only penta in ranked is with Katarina. I really like her I played her back in S2 when before she was buffed again. I would alternate between her and akali, I like them both but in the end I like Katarina more.


I used to play a ton of Katarina, but I never figured out how to do much damage with her after the remake.

I feel like advice is always to go 21/9/0 masteries, which I do, and buy haunting guise, which I do, but then I feel like I still end up with a really bad early game, and low damage even with the ult.
I used to play a ton of Katarina, but I never figured out how to do much damage with her after the remake.

I feel like advice is always to go 21/9/0 masteries, which I do, and buy haunting guise, which I do, but then I feel like I still end up with a really bad early game, and low damage even with the ult.
u don't rush guise u rush dfg into zhonyas and u get ur magic pen from ur boots.


like a while back they stuck a lot of kat's damage into her ult and being able to channel it for a while and nerfed her base damages, so the old magic pen build only gets you so far right now though it's obviously not the worst

kat is meant to find reset situations and that usually entails being with the team somehow because she is really bad at bursting someone down without dfg, and isnt that great at doing it even with a dfg

dfg makes up for a lack in her burst though and that's what most ppl get, if you can't farm it or you find yourself losing the game before you can even get the parts just go guise it's still good


That's a THIRD 1600 gold magic rod item! I'm not made of money here! I guess if that's the case she's still super snowball dependent. :p I just feel like most people have enough marginal skills to avoid her ult or harass her early, but I'm quite possibly wrong.



single handedly carried this team with my ability to 3 shot a 7/0 legendary vayne again and again and again and again and again. If I wasnt able to get my stun off, I would die immediately in 3 hits from her.

Game was so fuckin hard with my adc intentionally feeding.

Lux was 1/6 at one point

I delayed the game for so long, she came back into the game fighting. Lucian was just a dick for the whole time.


Just look at the gold stats. Fuckin insane.


Can you give me some Irelia tips? I'm going to attempt to learn Irelia, Ryze and Lulu for some champ diversity.

Btw hard games are going around tonight lol, I had to carry my ass off to win this game. I thought it was lost for 90% of it. I almost had a penta but scumbag Caitlyn killed me with 200 hp left. My Zyra just kept dying over and over and over, and she got into that toxic mood where she stopped caring about feeding and kept engaging fights.


Seig do you have any Jayce tips or have you written a guide or anything? He's probably my favorite champ but I tend to have a hard time with him.


Oh sure I can write up a basic one tomorrow. I have a couple of very different strategies depending on who you're matched up against.

This Irelia guide is ace.

Congrats to the varsity scholarship btw.
Thanks, that's definitely what I needed. I'll have to start watching the pro scene some too apparently. Right now I haven't seen a game in nearly a year. Are there free VOD's for everything?


Oh sure I can write up a basic one tomorrow. I have a couple of very different strategies depending on who you're matched up against.

Thanks, that's definitely what I needed. I'll have to start watching the pro scene some too apparently. Right now I haven't seen a game in nearly a year. Are there free VOD's for everything?

Yes. Only some OGN games might be harder to find, but all LCS games and other events should be simple to find. This subreddit and youtube should have most of the games.


You can look up archived broadcasts of pro top laners. Dyrus plays a lot of Ryze and Lulu and ZionSpartan plays really well with Irelia. Zion's stream might be a bit more hit or miss though since he doesn't stream as much as Dyrus and has been on a heavy Yasuo kick. Not sure if he's been playing other champs recently since I haven't had a chance to catch a stream of his.


Oh sure I can write up a basic one tomorrow. I have a couple of very different strategies depending on who you're matched up against.

Thanks, that's definitely what I needed. I'll have to start watching the pro scene some too apparently. Right now I haven't seen a game in nearly a year. Are there free VOD's for everything?

you should just check out recent games because the meta has been changing almost every patch, but top laners will basically always run teleport
Anyone else is getting the login screen like this?:

It isn't a big deal, but it still bothers me a little.

edit: wtf I shouldn't have gone to GD, people complaining because Ahri got some love in this patch. I'm done, night.


Neo Member
I got some rp and I'm thinking of buying a champ, braum perhaps. But I don't wanna regret it if they release a new cool champ soon.

Any info about the next champ to be released?


I've had two penta kills in ranked stolen from me by scumbag flash/kill moves from teammates. Jerks. I've had plenty in Normals with Katarina. She's probably the easiest to do it with that I can think of. Those resets...

If you still think in terms of kill steals, you are doing it wrong though :p


Can you give me some Irelia tips? I'm going to attempt to learn Irelia, Ryze and Lulu for some champ diversity.

I find that Irelia loses to almost everyone at level 1-2. I just let people push me into turret and last hit there until I hit level 3.

I usually start flask+pots unless i'm against renekton/darius/jayce. You need cloth armour to survive these match ups and survive the early game.

Against melee and champs with no flash abilities at level 1, you want to take the stun(E) first. You never want to trade against these champs. A thing i've learnt is that when they hit you when you try and cs and you stun them, you usually win the trade from minion aggro. PLUS, the minions push into your turret so you have an easier time csing.

Against ranged or champs with flash abilities, you want to take Q first. Give up caster minions unless you can reset Q off it so you can get out if they start hitting you too much. You have to be unpredictable and try to use Q when the enemy is going for a cs so you don't take too much harrass. You want to Q to a minion and run back into the bush ASAP and you keep doing this. You should be able to use pots to stay on full hp during this time.
Note: this is probably the most difficult thing about irelia (along with estimating hp %s for stuns). If you misjudge your Q damage or your opponent's damage, you will die for your mistake. But it's just something you gotta get practice because it's the only way you will ever get cs when you aren't under tower. It's very hard to target irelia when she is resetting off an entire wave.

Only time you want to harass pre-6 is when you can get your stun off.
Try and auto a caster minion so it gets low but don't kill it. When your opponent comes to last hit, Q to the caster, E to stun and harass with W->autos. If the opponent bursts you for to much, feel free to Q back to a melee minion to get out and win the trade. If the opponent decides to run and not hit you back, feel free to Q into him to chase him out of lane. This is risky since youre a free feast for a jungle gank but if noone comes, you completely push them out of lane.

You never want to auto anything without your W up. Feel free to waste Q on a melee minion to get out of trouble if you find yourself in a bad position. Fighting without W up is simply suicide.

Also, phage ad + Q with the sheen proc should be able to one shot caster minions when you're level 9+ if you decide to take my rune page(that is, if you don't fall behind). So you can use this knowledge to abuse Irelia's Q reset and stun on the enemy when they go to cs.

The games where I shine are the ones where people go even in lane because Irelia mid-late game is an absolute terror if you know how to hit the stun and hold onto your Q to reset off minions when people run. No matter how badly you do in cs, you will most likely outscale your top lane oopponent in team fights because of Irelia's insane utility and damage to instantly kill ADCs and Mids.

There is almost never a time in the entire game where you need to initiate with a Q that you can't reset. Having Q up is the most important thing to Irelia's ability to survive/kite/continuously kill in teamfights. But if you need to use it to get to a fed champ that can be killed by a sheen proc, feel free to do it and soak up damage for your team to clean up.

In team fights, know that you can stun full hp targets when you are full hp yourself. What I usually do is just flashing onto the adc/mid to hit the stun when we are both full hp and kill them within the stun. This should be extremely easy to do with nothing but a triforce. Just remember, never use Q for upfront damage AND ALWAYS save one ult proc when they do flash out. There have been so many times where I killed people with one ult proc after they flash

Since I know how crappy irelia's early game is, I take scaling armour and magic resist, ad reds, 1 ad quint and 2 AS quints. Play safe and become a team fighting or split pushing monster.

Build wise, I hate Botrk on irelia. I just go triforce, randuins, banshee, zephyr and GA/thornmail. And yeah, Triforce is enough to instantly kill adcs and mids for the entire game. Even when they are 6 itemed and level 18. Zephyr is there to make you unstoppable and give you the option to get even more tankier with ninja tabi

I don't find last whisper necessary but it's there for you if there's a malphite who goes thornmail against you.


Heyo! First time posting in this thread.

Anyone have some good support streamers? The only ones I can find tend to jungle, which is good but eh.

I am level 24 still, tend to play Leona, Annie, and saving for Thresh, on EUW.

Sometimes I do well but sometimes as support I feel helpless in some matches as I can't really help tilt the game much (I assume someone better than me, would definitely be able to do this with ease). Also ofc, sometimes I do really poorly. :(


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Heyo! First time posting in this thread.

Anyone have some good support streamers? The only ones I can find tend to jungle, which is good but eh.

I am level 24 still, tend to play Leona, Annie, and saving for Thresh, on EUW.

Sometimes I do well but sometimes as support I feel helpless in some matches as I can't really help tilt the game much (I assume someone better than me, would definitely be able to do this with ease). Also ofc, sometimes I do really poorly. :(

If you can catch Gleeb, TSM's Support, seems like a nice dude and obviously a good support player. Usually on like once a day.


Neo Member
Only support streamer I can think of is Krepo, and I don't know the last time he did it. Maybe Aphromoo? I think qtpie duos with Kiwikid as well, but you may end up with a bowl cut after watching.

You should join the other three lurkers in the Neogaf channel and ask someone to adc so they can critique your support play. Or just have someone spectate a game.

Something something we like to watch (studies new Sona pics intently)
Heyo! First time posting in this thread.

Anyone have some good support streamers? The only ones I can find tend to jungle, which is good but eh.

I am level 24 still, tend to play Leona, Annie, and saving for Thresh, on EUW.

Sometimes I do well but sometimes as support I feel helpless in some matches as I can't really help tilt the game much (I assume someone better than me, would definitely be able to do this with ease). Also ofc, sometimes I do really poorly. :(
You should try watching Aphromoo or Krepo


Heyo! First time posting in this thread.

Anyone have some good support streamers? The only ones I can find tend to jungle, which is good but eh.

I am level 24 still, tend to play Leona, Annie, and saving for Thresh, on EUW.

Sometimes I do well but sometimes as support I feel helpless in some matches as I can't really help tilt the game much (I assume someone better than me, would definitely be able to do this with ease). Also ofc, sometimes I do really poorly. :(

This is a good Korean support streamer:


Yet another terrible performance mid. Outclassed all laning phase by a Zed. Only managed to average ~6cs/min on Ziggs. And yet, I won. Again. 5/3/15 KDA. I've only had two Ziggs games were I could *maybe* argue I won the lane, still sitting at 7W-1L with him since I started practicing my mid champions.

When you have a 2 sec cooldown long range spell that can potentially get 1/3hp of the carries each time it hits and a lane wide AoE ult that does similar damage to Nunu ult but not channeled and casted from basically out of any kind of danger, that will happen, no matter how bad you were in lane. You will eventually get (mostly undeserved) kills and end up being able to turn around whole teamfights pressing one button. 80% of Ziggs matches happen exactly how I described it.


Neo Member
I used to play a ton of Katarina, but I never figured out how to do much damage with her after the remake.

I feel like advice is always to go 21/9/0 masteries, which I do, and buy haunting guise, which I do, but then I feel like I still end up with a really bad early game, and low damage even with the ult.

Really the reason I build the way I do is league of legend right now is tank of legend for the most part. Tanks and fighters are everywhere so depending on who I am going against will depend on what it is I build.

Right now in my opinion there is a fine line with kat at being too aggressive or not aggressive enough. Some champions I feel like I have to push otherwise they will get the upper hand on me, at the same time there are other champs that I know I have to let bully me while I wait for level 6 or a jungle to help.

Depending on how I start if it is an AP champion I will normally go with the abyssal scepter to reduce damage from them and give me more sustain in lane (because I'm taking less damage) for AD champions I'll start with haunting guise, and either skip abyssal scepter or build it third or fourth item in.

My normal build, is either Ring and 2 potions or boots and 4 potions. Negatron Cloak > Blasting Wand > Abyssal Scepter > Sorcerer's Shoes > Haunting Guise > Void Staff > Rabadon's Deathcap

Unless you are comfortable and confided with katarina normally this isn't a build that I would recommend for everyone. It is just the build that has been working well with me I probably have an 75% win rate with this build since I've switched over to it (I've been using it for about 15ish games)


When you have a 2 sec cooldown long range spell that can potentially get 1/3hp of the carries each time it hits and a lane wide AoE ult that does similar damage to Nunu ult but not channeled and casted from basically out of any kind of danger, that will happen, no matter how bad you were in lane. You will eventually get (mostly undeserved) kills and end up being able to turn around whole teamfights pressing one button. 80% of Ziggs matches happen exactly how I described it.

Ziggs' level 3 ult does less damage than Nunu's level 1 ult, unless you're including scaling and only talking about tank Nunu, in which case i'm not sure what your point is.


I decided to install the PBE client.
What region is it or does it connect you to the nearest players within you area?


So new Lucian is unsurprisingly shitty, I thought he might be interesting with the low range but buffs to everything else, but nope, he feels like crap to play now.
Damn it, Riot. Way to kill one of the actually entertaining ADC's and the only brotha in the game. At least I still have Nidalee and The Cane, I guess.

Would 520/525 range have been a more balanced nerf?
Damn it, Riot. Way to kill one of the actually entertaining ADC's and the only brotha in the game. At least I still have Nidalee and The Cane, I guess.

Would 520/525 range have been a more balanced nerf?

I feel he could have been fine with 525 range. Not dominant, but a decent pick still. That was my hope when they originally reduced it on PBE that they'd bring it up to 525.

500 is too short. No matter what shitty compensatory buffs in other areas you give a champion, losing 10% of your range on an AD Carry is a colossal nerf. Especially when the meta is already shifting away to long range carries.
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