Teemo is anything but safe. Annoying little prick that counters some champions, but he's not really safe.
i was very disappointed this isn't what i thought it would beListen to more baby metal
don't say that, i'm slacking off counting on g1->plat climb being ezpzIt's weird. There is a definite jump in skill level from gold 2 to gold 1. Like as soon as I get gold 1 with a healthy amount of lp the competition just gets way hard. I've dropped down to gold 2 a few times and its easy peasy to get back to gold 1. But then the difficulty increases again.
i feel like if anything league of legends has the best lgbt representation out of any game ever what with taric, ez, cait x vi, varus being david bowie and the crazy amount of drag queen skinsGame 1.
i feel like if anything league of legends has the best lgbt representation out of any game ever what with taric, ez, cait x vi, varus being david bowie and the crazy amount of drag queen skins
kinda wish some of it wasn't accidental
Just tried Kog'Maw and even though I enjoyed the champion itself, it looks like it might be very dependant on the rest of the team right? Idk, I felt like E saved me a bunch of times but still, so immobile. ._.
Ez x Lux is canon thoi feel like if anything league of legends has the best lgbt representation out of any game ever what with taric, ez, cait x vi, varus being david bowie and the crazy amount of drag queen skins
kinda wish some of it wasn't accidental
someone report this guy....
he's unstoppable....
I am Yisus
Me? I just had to get rid of all that pent up rage from pinging/telling this yasuo to back off.
at least I didn't put it out on him in game ._.
i should play more luxEz x Lux is canon tho
still got reported thoWell that does mean you're not toxic.
Just kind of an asshole
Well that does mean you're not toxic.
Just kind of an asshole
how did that rammus get 246 cs
is what i wanna know
Can't wait for more Yas nerfs so I have to carry these fucktards harder. Sigh.
inb4 toxic. I really don't care lol. This guy was so fucking stupid. Shame he'll get carried every once in a while. I wish I could get carried like that.
Nice, might look into that.So I tried that WTFast client. Reduced my LoL ping by about 30ms. Felt nice.
If you get banned from rank while sitting in Silver 2, you're going to feel like it wasn't worth it to vent.
i think nautilus is like the quintessential sucks in your team, is a ganking god in theirs jungler for me
i dunno why i always struggle against the guy :/
i think nautilus is like the quintessential sucks in your team, is a ganking god in theirs jungler for me
i dunno why i always struggle against the guy :/
you could say overextending is my playstyleits cos you always overextend
actually most shacos i see are pretty good and carry me pretty hardNot Shaco?
I can't remember who said it, but they said that the big dividing line between good and bad players is for those who treat it like deathmatch vs. and objective game. I want to start playing with objective-minded people. That would be superb.
Just had an unbelievably inept team. I feel sorry for anybody involved in that match. Amumu tried to gank 3 times, died every time. Annie let Fizz roam without pings and then wouldn't follow or push the lane. We had 3 in bot the entire game except for when we had 4. We never took the first mid or top tower somehow. So dumb.
Assassins are as in meta as it gets. If anything "fighters" have been marginalized, but there is little overlap between them anyways. As far as I'm aware there is nothing being done to change this balance either.On a completely unrelated note, I am a bit anxious on the meta change (from assassins to fighters?) that some people have mentioned? I'm holding off on my IPs for now ._. Don't want to buy something that might not really fit the meta later (inb4 play what is fun).
Assassins are as in meta as it gets. If anything "fighters" have been marginalized, but there is little overlap between them anyways. As far as I'm aware there is nothing being done to change this balance either.