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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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yea i don't think what graves needs is mobility

i just like the idea of carving niches for everyone, and he's a bursty tanky guy, allegedly and since tanky is rare for adcs i'd like that to be what they choose.

not to say he shouldn't be low damage, but he probably could use a bit more incentives to get in shotgun range
I like the ideas some Rioters were throwing around for Graves. Stuff like making his range lower but dramatically increase his damage up close while also giving him extra tankiness. Basically turning him into the Diana of ADCs, having the tools to get into a fight and survive there.

Would probably be OP as shit.


I feel like Graves really suffers from weak adherence to concept. His high-level is basically "big guy with shotgun" but he also has a smokescreen and a dash for no reason. I'd love to see those gone and replaced with tools that feel more appropriate. Tanky with burst but relatively poor sustained damage would be a pretty thematic route to take.


I feel like Graves really suffers from weak adherence to concept. His high-level is basically "big guy with shotgun" but he also has a smokescreen and a dash for no reason. I'd love to see those gone and replaced with tools that feel more appropriate. Tanky with burst but relatively poor sustained damage would be a pretty thematic route to take.
Uhh, the smokescreen is definitely his most useful ability.
Smokescreen is great. If someone gets on top of you, you can Buckshot, Smokescreen then Quick Draw away then pummel him with AAs while he can't retaliate.


i like that they are changing all these things before worlds
like every worlds everyone learns a meta together and then complains to riot about it really loudly
and then the season rework comes through its a pretty cool cycle


i don't think it's overpowered, it just allows and privileges a certain type of mid/top laner (wavecleary safe doods)
if you nerf it's mana regen more, you'd probably have to nerf whatever that item that builds into morellonomicon is


riot maybe should've just made the mana refund item an ap item instead of messing around with essence reaver

% damage refunded as mana, doubled against champions or some shit like that

read it's passive u dummy
both said base mana regen

price i can see, tho again i don't get what the point of that would be. regen items need to be really good because that's the only tradeoff we get for having mana. it's not like zed or yasuo or vladimir or whatever are weaker for being "resourceless", they're just as strong and can do wraiths and wolves for free while you're stuck wasting all your mana since your autos don't do shit


how different do you think the meeting where they decided on the name essence reaver and the meeting where they decided on morellonomicon were

reducing base regen means they have to use more to get the same mana regen u nostrodumbus


Lol I think I'll try to play top Ashe every game now :O.


how different do you think the meeting where they decided on the name essence reaver and the meeting where they decided on morellonomicon were

reducing base regen means they have to use more to get the same mana regen u nostrodumbus
i'm just asking what's the point of it

like you waveclear and do wraiths or gank

you're not gonna get more aggressive cos you need mana :/

Does this game have bank heists?
there are mafia skins

and jinx is a bank robber

I feel like Graves really suffers from weak adherence to concept. His high-level is basically "big guy with shotgun" but he also has a smokescreen and a dash for no reason. I'd love to see those gone and replaced with tools that feel more appropriate. Tanky with burst but relatively poor sustained damage would be a pretty thematic route to take.
they should replace his smokescreen with a bayonet.

the dash actually makes sense because he wants to get in peoples faces and fuck them up.
there are mafia skins

and jinx is a bank robber

jinx is a terrorist

either that or an anarchist.


yeah if it didn't give a bunch of mana regen it'd be pretty pointless, tho like i said, if they make it so you need to use more to achieve or be at a stable mana spot (like nerfing it's base mana regen, along w/ that morello item's) then it'd still retain it's character without being the fountain of youth
but i mean i dunno

if they nerfed exhaust or something like that it'd probably be better than trying to make athenes/morello not the item of choice somehow


i just don't get what the point of nerfing chalice would be

like unsurprisingly so nerfing its mr didn't bring about the era of assassins or made playing mid any less safe

if they nerfed exhaust or something like that it'd probably be better than trying to make athenes/morello not the item of choice somehow

no need to nerf an already balanced class to bring assassins back

sadly riot only obeys my nerf ideas, never my pleads against nerfs
Yeah I don't see the point in nerfing it either, I'm just theorycrafting as to what the nerf could be.

Also if you want to nerf an item to bring assassins back, Chalice is the wrong item to look at *wink wink* Zhonya's *wink wink*


Alright, I'm convinced Lucian might be better now than he was before. Basically every auto is a double shot. Running around like late game Vayne at level 6.

Though the range nerf definitely hurts him in the really early game.


i mean it's an enabling item

it basically gives you infinite mana so you can do whatever you want

it's fun and let's you be relevant against resourceless champions

sure, mr is not needed for that but having some resistances is what allows you to take risks, i'll never understand why riot thinks otherwise

Yeah I don't see the point in nerfing it either, I'm just theorycrafting as to what the nerf could be.

Also if you want to nerf an item to bring assassins back, Chalice is the wrong item to look at *wink wink* Zhonya's *wink wink*
not really, zhonyas might be op but it existed in s3 and wasn't a problem then (and it isn't really a problem now)

then problem assassins have is that exhaust just renders them obsolete, and if support's running ignite they probably gonna have fotm/mikaels/locket/any combination of those and also they can't just blow em or junglers up since both are stronger. in competitive specially with like kayle and lulu top, there's just no killing anyone for assassins unless you're pre nerf lebonk and just silence them out of saving themselves.

also nerfing snowballing and everyone having wards just made their playstyles harder

i mean i play dfg ahri and dfg lizzy all the time and even some weird ass assassin like builds on lux and syndra. yasuo is played a lot even tho he's a weird thing and fizz is pretty strong. assassins are weaker right now, spec in competitive, but they're totally playable

nerfing mikaels was really good and they should probably nerf exhaust too


Damn Ryze is so easy, I just read a Dyrus guide and I feel like I already got him down after a couple of games. I pretty much picked Luc or Syndra every fight and tried to zone them out and burst them down putting faith in my team to handle the 4v4.
I love the words of wisdom from Lucy.


tbh i like the exhaust change and i wish it stayed and they found ways for assassins to work around it

in general league is moving away more and more from the idea that champions are all about ultimates and assassins are among the most guilty of this. that's why lebonk works in competitive but ahri doesn't, that extra 90 seconds or whatever they'll use to wreck your shit up

but considering magical place where every assassin gets reworked in a sensible fashion with clear countrplay and room for outplaying doesn't exist, exhaust nerfs would be ok


Alright, I'm convinced Lucian might be better now than he was before. Basically every auto is a double shot. Running around like late game Vayne at level 6.

Though the range nerf definitely hurts him in the really early game.

it hurts him at all stages, and having increased damage doesnt seem like it would compensate this lack

i tried him out with that wacky cdr build, he does a lot of damage but he's still paper and he still has to get in close to do damage
i don't actually think building cdr/maxing e (one of those things, i dont know which one) is really necesary tho

like he can def scrap really well early on, but there is no reason for someone like kog or trist to engage him in that kind of thing

trying to cycle your spells so you get the most cdr on e is pretty fun though, he's kind of like ryze now in that way


Thanks for the Irelia tips Newt.

Jayce Guide:

Build: 90% of the time you start Dorans+pot. If you're against Pantheon, Gragas, Lulu, or Ryze (basically any champion that you can't safely harass without taking some damage in return) starting with a flask+3 pots is a strong start.

My standard build order is Dorans+pot->Tear->brutalizer->boots->Ionia's->Manamune-> and from there it's dependent on the game. GA/BT/BC/Ghostblade/LW/BV are all good choices depending on the game and how well you're doing.
Depending on your play style you may prefer to rush a brutalizer and get a tear on your second back.
Crit is worthless on Jayce because the majority of your damage will be from Q->E'ing people from a far. Armor pen is a much more useful stat for him.

This is the build that I aim to have by the midgame in most games.

Skills: You max Q->W->E->R in that order. Turn quick casting on for every ability for the fastest combos. Since Jayce has 6 abilities with very little casting animation it's pretty much required. Don't level your Ulti until level 16.

Summoners: This is up to your preference, but I run ignite in roughly 80% of my games. Against champions like Irelia, Yasuo, Jax, Renekton and any other melee who you can dominate you will always want ignite because if it's up you have nothing to fear from them past level 7 as long as you have tied or won your lane before that point.
You should run teleport if the enemy picks a champion who you know will also pick teleport or if you're not confident in your ability to win the lane. Jax is the only exception if he runs teleport and you run ignite, you should be able to wreck him with ease.

Strategy: In almost every single match up I only last hit creeps that are sub 15% hp and I aim to avoid damaging the creeps what so ever when possible. The rest of the time is spent poking the enemy when they come in to last hit or trying to hit them with non gated ranged form Q's. Your plain Q is your most efficient harassment tool in terms of mana cost and not exhausting your mana pool. You should only use Q->E in ranged form starting at level 5 or if you think you can kill them before that point.

Jayce is vulnerable to jungle ganks in the very early game so you want your lane to get pushed closer to your tower. If the enemy is pushing really hard Q the melee creeps and kill them before they reach the tower, then tank the ranged creeps out of range of your turret and wait for your wave to arrive. Now the lanes frozen under your tower for the next couple of minutes and as long as you kill the melee minions fast enough it's very difficult for the enemy to force your lane to push back out. In doing so you usually get a big advantage over the enemy because they have to give up on some CS, as you comfortably farm near your tower with high AD and a fast attack animation.

Late game your goal is to stay in ranged form for as long as possible in team fights. You really only go into melee form if it's to execute someone or if you catch somebody alone away from their team.

Combo: Once you have your tear your killing combo should start in ranged form. It's Q->E->W->Melee->Q->W (if they're low enough to execute or not dead already and your ranged form is almost off cooldown) then you can hit the melee E, swap to ranged and get an AA+Q to finish them.

Awesome stuff here Seig, thank you so much. I've probably jungled in 75% of my games since starting to play SR and so even some of the more basic laning mechanics are beyond me. Really excited to get to work on him.

Do you ever play Jayce mid? I would imagine a lot of the same tips apply.
I'd imagine its quite similar. When you're playing mid, you also have to pay close attention to the opposing midlaner because them backing doesn't necessarily mean they've gone back to shop. Call MIAs always (note:doesn't work in bronze/silver) and always shove your wave completely into his tower if he disappears to deny xp and to possibly take mid tower if he roamed poorly.


Thanks for the tips guys.

Good Guy Garry is doing ultimate bravery in solo queue right now if anyone is interested. It's pretty entertaining.


woo, this new League patcher is awesome. I love the client on the patcher side. Can't wait until the actual game client gets updated as well


His ww build the game before wasn't bad either.

I mean, it was godawful, but at least ww scaled with the items. I forgot Executioner's existed tho.


That's not a very nice thing to say. I'm unfamiliar -- is there something bad about this streamer?
I've tried watching his stream a couple of times and I've never liked it. He just seems like a giant prick and douchebag. He's a high Diamond level player and all the dude does is play bronze to challenger and that's always rubbed me the wrong way since I would feel bad for the opposing team and his own team when he would lose games on purpose. I don't think I've ever seen him play on a high ELO account. And then he tries to justify it by saying he helps out his team to learn and shit.

You can give him a shot and like him, that's fine. I just don't like the dude at all and would rather watch some other entertainment streamer.


I've tried watching his stream a couple of times and I've never liked it. He just seems like a giant prick and douchebag. He's a high Diamond level player and all the dude does is play bronze to challenger and that's always rubbed me the wrong way since I would feel bad for the opposing team and his own team when he would lose games on purpose. I don't think I've ever seen him play on a high ELO account. And then he tries to justify it by saying he helps out his team to learn and shit.

You can give him a shot and like him, that's fine. I just don't like the dude at all and would rather watch some other entertainment streamer.
Ah, I didn't know he was a jerk. I was watching with the sound off. He appears not to be using the version of ultimate bravery where you have to buy items in order, so that should help.
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