Too bad Cho looks like poop in game.
who doesn't?
Too bad Cho looks like poop in game.
who doesn't?
Le Sigh, I gain 17 LP, I lose 17 LP... Seems Silver I is where I will end this season...
If you start winning more games then losing from here you'll do start getting extra lp gains on top of your win leadLe Sigh, I gain 17 LP, I lose 17 LP... Seems Silver I is where I will end this season...
Le Sigh, I gain 17 LP, I lose 17 LP... Seems Silver I is where I will end this season...
taking the Rammus into ranked
olaf afks half way up the lane and doesn't come back til he's 3 levels behind warwick and starts to feed
fun video games
a won game lost because of it
Well, he is playing Zed at what I presume is Gold. I woulda dodged.fuck solo q
so far ahead. game is practically won. just need to not do stupid stuff
zed goes and dies in their jungle. we get aced. they win off one push.
how can people be this dumb. it's insane.
Well, he is playing Zed at what I presume is Gold. I woulda dodged.
Warmogs/Atma's Malphite, LOL.He was like 15/3.
We were absolutely slaughtering them. 2 barons and all. One mistake late game and we lost.
edit: nvm he finished 21/5. Here's the history.
fuck solo q
so far ahead. game is practically won. just need to not do stupid stuff
zed goes and dies in their jungle. we get aced. they win off one push.
how can people be this dumb. it's insane.
Carry harder IMO. Stop blaming the team for your mistakes.
Low elo players, sigh.
sorry costy but it's zed, the most dodge-worthy of all champions in the gamethe Malphite build didn't matter
he was pretty much an ult bot. We were slaughtering fights. We just needed to play it out properly and not throw. Then Zed decided to throw.
it's too hard
I can't carry so many bad players.
I'm by no means perfect but these people... how do you get through life being this dumb?
All I needed was peel, I was a 9/2 Corki. All I needed was peel from the Jax. But no.
I saw it all this game. A split pushing Nautilus. A Morgana rushing Zhonya's before a sight stone against a pick comp. Throwing exhaust onto Leona instead of the Jax smashing me.
It was impossible to carry any of these games. I just don't understand people being this dumb and not listening to people who know better than them. I make good calls and people don't follow. they make shit calls and we lose fights. it's the worst
I'm thinking maybe Ryze should be deleted from the game. So anti-fun. Not even overpowered or anything, just boring to play as and play against.
If you wanna make calls as ADC, I got a champion for you.ended the day with a win after dobhitterkops came on
one less retard = win
Ashe? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)If you wanna make calls as ADC, I got a champion for you.
Ashe? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nope doesn't work because he was already playing Corki that game.
nah i don't think skillshots are the answerHe just needs a rework really badly to make him have, like, skillshots.
rito said they would update the upcoming reworks page when sion was releasedDid rito hire a bunch of new artists from the same school or did they hire one artist tha specializes in computer aided hyper HD art?
Cho looks great. Would love a visual update I his model. I have a bunch of guys skins from mysteries so anything to make Gentleman look nicer would be great. Battlecast is perfect already.
They said they were going to do some low risk/minor stuff after Sion was released. I'm guessing Fiora gameplay update will be in there.
trying to think what other champions need some gameplay tweaks that they've identified.
I doubt Warwick will be in there because he needs a VU too.
sorry costy but i read like a week ago (will try to find the post) that fiora rework had been postponed
i think ww too
i think ww too
That was a repost from April.But weren't the WW changes posted like a week ago? Or was that just someone's take on what should be done?