I find it hard to say why I dislike him without using slurs, but basically he's an egomaniac, obnoxious whiny one trick pony bitch that thinks he's hot shit because he is popular with an equally delusional fanbase that actually thinks they are learning anything from a guy that can barely play a single champion in high level while getting destroyed with pretty much any other champion while jungling against stuff like Qtpie dicking around, all that just because he can climb the ladder easily playing against plat and under players.I can never watch Nightblue for long periods of time. Like, I also don't get the hate but sometimes when he's trying to carry, it ends up doing much more harm. Why do people dislike him so much?
Imagine if Pewdiepie was a talentless asshole.
I really hate Akali's design
I kept her to 9 cs at 10 minutes but it doesn't matter. She can basically afk for half the game and still come back to relevancy :/
He's not an asshole though. He's just talentless but it works and he's not a dick about it, who am I to judge.imagine?
No we're not, now sit down and start hating on something.hey we're allowed to have opinions
I find it hard to say why I dislike him without using slurs, but basically he's an egomaniac, obnoxious whiny one trick pony bitch that thinks he's hot shit because he is popular with an equally delusional fanbase that actually thinks they are learning anything from a guy that can barely play a single champion in high level while getting destroyed with pretty much any other champion while jungling against stuff like Qtpie dicking around, all that just because he can climb the ladder easily playing against plat and under players.
Imagine if Pewdiepie was a talentless asshole. That's what Nightblue is to LoL streamers.
It's not that hard of a matchup actually. Try playing against Rumble or Pantheon.Better than my Fiora game last night. Playing against Vlad (nightmare match up, by the way), I get an ult off on him at level 6 and he has a sliver of health. He uses his pool, flashes, and runs to tower to back. I tell our Rengar that he's blown his flash and since he's constantly pushing lane on me to come gank. He doesn't. Upon coming back Vlad is stronger than me and I can't get farm anymore, so he's constantly pushing me back to the tower and denying farm. Still no gank. It would be so easy to kill him, but nope.
Then I am forced to back and Rengar decides he's finally going to wander up there (he's 2 levels down), and he dies. I come back to lane and Vlad is just a monster after backing and buying again. I hold steady, staying pushed to my tower, and keep it from falling, but it's impossible to CS (her Riposte is garbage against an AP opponent. They need to allow it to spell shield without returning damage). I back once more, he comes to lane again and dies.
I start to roam a bit and pick up some kills, but it's too late. Vlad is out of control and our Rengar continues to feed everybody else up. If he had just come and ganked after I had forced a flash, the whole lane and game would have been different.
Total disaster match.
It's not that hard of a matchup actually. Try playing against Rumble or Pantheon.
Start doran shield on Thresh if you don't feel confident in last hitting with relic.
Coin is just a tad weak compared to everything else. You put the whole lane in a bad position early on.
not really, she's like jarvan, it's impossible to fuck up her gank mid and there's nothing you can doVi ult has plenty of counterplay. If you're positioned well it will take Vi into a terrible position where she can easily be dealt with. And her q can be rendered useless if you interrupt it with draven e, thresh flay, cait trap etc.
that's not all that different from yasuoI really hate Akali's design
I kept her to 9 cs at 10 minutes but it doesn't matter. She can basically afk for half the game and still come back to relevancy :/
zky I need help looking for av worthy Kat fanart
All I can find is shit art or art from a furry character with the same name, halp
Rumble is not an easy matchup. He can just start cloth 5 and not really worry about you levels 1-3. Past level 3 you won't be able to push against him.Rumble's pretty easy to murder as Fiora.
Rumble has a really late power spike. Like level 4 or 5.
Again, if you abuse him at early levels you can murder him.
Fuck Pantheon though.
It's not that hard of a matchup actually. Try playing against Rumble or Pantheon.
Vlad's damage is garbage without items. Teemo is another easy matchup.I ask for a lane swap if it's Pantheon. That's almost not winnable if they're competent.
You simply can't outsustain Vlad though. Your W is useless, he can go into his pool to cancel your ult, and he outranges you with huge damage. Unless your jungler wants to help or at least keep from feeding him, Vlad is a handful for Fiora.
Teemo is the worst though. Even with your W you still take poison damage and get blinded. Awful.
Rumble is not an easy matchup. He can just start cloth 5 and not really worry about you levels 1-3. Past level 3 you won't be able to push against him.
I did. Maybe you just haven't played against competent Rumbles?if you're against a Rumble and you think he's going to do that you can just start with flat armour pen. marks and you'll still bully him.
you can rush Brut or Hexdrinker depending on how the lane is going. I honestly don't think it's a hard match up at all. Fiora has all the tools to beat on him.
I did. Maybe you just haven't played against competent Rumbles?
that's probably the case.
I dunno. Like your early game is so much better than his.
But I'll take your word for it.
Vlad's damage is garbage without items. Teemo is another easy matchup.
That's why you max W.Teemo is just annoying, but your burst handles him fine, yeah. I just hate him so bad. Anybody playing top hates Teemo, I imagine. Stupid champ.
I'm probably done picking Fiora unless I'm one of the last picks though. She's too dependent on a little help if you're dealing with ranged AP tops and it's hard to coordinate in solo queue. Everybody goes cloth/5 and uses their range until they can scale up to the point where you're struggling with them. Her W needs a kick.
You're what's wrong with the world tho.i bought liandry's on ori yesterday :I
I did. Maybe you just haven't played against competent Rumbles?
Maybe it was hard because you were playing the best Rumble player in all of North America? Unless he's lying, but I don't see why he'd do that.
That's why you max W.
People who draw mid laners wearing Liandry's when they don't buy Liandry's is what is wrong with this world.
I was talking about Teemo. Also, don't max E after W.I do max her W first. W first, then E, then Q. Problem is that against an AP ranged opponent your W doesn't do anything for you.
What about ADCs being drawn with Liandry's? Also, which house do you think the sorting hat put her in?
If someone is playing AP MF them buying Liandry's is the least of my concerns.What about ADCs being drawn with Liandry's? Also, which house do you think the sorting hat put her in?
What about ADCs being drawn with Liandry's? Also, which house do you think the sorting hat put her in?
Also, which house do you think the sorting hat put her in?
In a super packed time no less. 60k with all the popular morning streamers plus WT and Hotshot being back ain't no joke.Bjergsen streaming to ~60k people. Haven't seen figures like that in some time.
That game is lewd even by my standardsi feel like blade and soul would be a game i'd enjoy
Can't play this game without troll team-mates.
i feel like blade and soul would be a game i'd enjoy
I think you're just...not doing something right.I'm probably done picking Fiora unless I'm one of the last picks though. She's too dependent on a little help if you're dealing with ranged AP tops and it's hard to coordinate in solo queue. Everybody goes cloth/5 and uses their range until they can scale up to the point where you're struggling with them. Her W needs a kick.