Bjergsen streaming to ~60k people. Haven't seen figures like that in some time.
I wonder how much Faker would do on Twitch. 20k atm on Azubu.
Bjergsen streaming to ~60k people. Haven't seen figures like that in some time.
Never forget that Rex bait. Never in my life have I been more baited.
Bait can be observed at min 12:10
That game is lewd even by my standards
I like how he just turns around.Never forget that Rex bait. Never in my life have I been more baited.
Bait can be observed at min 12:10
I think you're just...not doing something right.
That image is giving me invalid file for whatever reason. And it's not shitty! I just need to learn how to do proper transparency.yea i really like the elaborate costume design
i dunno
also here's the shitty pic you chose with proper transparency
Bjergsen streaming to ~60k people. Haven't seen figures like that in some time.
the trick is not using mspaintThat image is giving me invalid file for whatever reason. And it's not shitty! I just need to learn how to do proper transparency.
Also that costume design with butt sliders is quite something
i wish someone made a tailoring gameKinda neat she keeps her sword in her hair.
so shorter duration for blue buff doesn't sound that badxypherous said:I think people would agree with you that blue buff makes a lot of champion balance problematic - especially since it synergizes well with other items.
I tried a couple different iterations of blue buff - these were on the whole about as problematic or far less satisfying than the current one, so in the end - I simply nerfed the duration of the buff so that you couldn't maintain 100% uptime if you had control of both blue camps (which is a lot of the problem with it as a Siege tool.)
But I'm using Gimp, watdothe trick is not using mspaint
you're a butt slider
Tell me, how do you handle AP ranged tops with her. I'm at a loss other than just stalling out and surviving laning. I mean, the last two times I've played her up there I've had my jungler feed the lane, but even with that I end up becoming ineffective in lane after they hit their power spike. Since her W is worthless to abilities, how do you avoid just getting wrecked by ranged attacks and skillshots?
I really like Fiora, but she seems so weak in the current top lane meta.
so shorter duration for blue buff doesn't sound that bad
Xpyh said:I simply nerfed the duration of the buff so that you couldn't maintain 100% uptime if you had control of both blue camps (which is a lot of the problem with it as a Siege tool.)
i don't like gimp one bitHow about making blue more impactful?
Cut the time by like half but make it be basically URF mode.
But I'm using Gimp, watdo
i think he means having control of both blue buffs means the losing team is pretty much fucked when it comes to sieges, not necessarily staggering the cooldowns or whateverThis highlights the issue I've had with Xyph for a while now. He's very good at solving problems, he is however bad at defining those problems:
When is this an actual problem? Competitive matches which have the coordination necessary to stagger the buffs don't have this. He's throwing a dart then painting the bulls-eye around it. The problem with sieges is that it's entirely comp dependant. No wave long range AoE wave clear? You're going to have shit siege/anti-siege. Blue buff has little to do with it. Want to help teams with poor siege? Re-evaluate Ohmwrecker.
let me know when you're playing later and I might spectate one of your games.
Add my NA account: nemesisND1derboy
Return of the S1 jungle? It used to be tough to jungle for many champs.The systematic changes are very likely to cause some champs to have real trouble clearing, and some champs to do too well. As we get further along and start to have more data, we'll be making champion changes if needed.
That being said, we're expecting to see a lot more variance in the health and speed of junglers in their clear, especially in the cases of people who have crazy gank or team fight power.
RIP Sejuani.Second, were planning to increase the base difficulty of the jungle.
i thought i heard a lot of ppl say s1 jungle was way more interesting?
i think he means having control of both blue buffs means the losing team is pretty much fucked when it comes to sieges, not necessarily staggering the cooldowns or whatever
i don't really think that's a big problem but i dunno
i'm just dying with anticipation
i thought i heard a lot of ppl say s1 jungle was way more interesting?
dimb said:RIP Sejuani.
These jungle changes will probably not help clear out the cancer that is Fiddle/Rammus/Mummy.
Leezard said:Nowadays just about anyone can and will go red-> small camp -> blue -> gank. There was definitely more variety in the jungle in S1.
Variety in jungle picks > variety in jungle paths. Do I start wolves or golem is not an interesting choice.
I mean, real talk. If karma and twitch are in the jungle, jungle's too easy.
yea sounds like itLooks like Thorin got the sack from onGamers
lolApparently Azir has a bug that if you ult a Jayce gate you get like 3 waves of minions worth of gold and XP because Jayce's gate is coded as actual minions
If you think back to the earlier iterations of the jungle at different points in League history different traits have been valuable. A long time ago sustain was king, if you didn't have Warwick or Fiddle levels of sustain you simply couldn't jungle.
More recently we gave junglers a lot of sustain, to the point where basically any champion could jungle. This had it's pros as well as it's cons. One of the cons is that junglers started getting picked entirely for early game dueling/ganking power. - See Lee Sin, Elise, Kha'zix etc as both clear speed and sustainability were guaranteed.
There are more examples of this (clear speed, early ganks, etc) and we feel there is a middle ground we can hit where more of these attributes are valued. Shifting up the difficulty of the jungle is meant to push us towards that "perfect center point" where more attributes of junglers are valued and differentiated. You might choose a jungler with fast clears to try to outlevel and carry into the mid/late game, while I might choose a jungler with strong ealry game to shut you down, or you could counter with a high sustainability jungler who is difficult to shut down/overpower. A live game is never finished so we won't hit this perfectly, but this is a large step the right direction.
Usher in an era of extreme counter jungling again. Shyvanna will reign supreme again.
Jungle doesn't have to be hard. Is hitting minions in lane hard? No. Difficulty in the jungle should come down to how you affect lanes and how your opponents affect your jungle. Making camps harder just shrinks down the jungle pool.
That's my point.
It's not good for the game to have ADCs in the jungle. We should absolutely shrink them out. ADCs literally get a buddy explicitly because killing minions is hard for them when somebody else is around.
Difficulty in the jungle being only about ganking is what we have now, and it puts a bunch of champs permanently out of meta while empowering champs that have perfectly good lanes of their own to go jungle because they have gank tools and no requirement to have a good clear.
feralpony posted this on reddit
sounds reasonable
The problem is that while ONE gank overweighs at least two full camp clears (and potentially more in implied gain), they *really* need to make it feel like a good prospect to stay in the jungle if ganks are not your flavor.
no, it's supposed to make you want to pick nautilus.Is making the jungle harder to clear supposed to knock down Lee Sin or Elise? I don't really get it.
edwardo it is ok to admire ppl for how hot they are
i dunno why you guys are focusing only on one aspect of the whole thing -_-
like jungle will be harder
but items will be different and those weird smite buffs and all that thing
i feel like riot probably shouldn't have been so vague with what's prolly the most delicate topic in the whole game (and they say mids are primadonnas). that was kind of extremely stupid
and i hope feral flare never comes back
i feel like riot probably shouldn't have been so vague with what's prolly the most delicate topic in the whole game (and they say mids are primadonnas). that was kind of extremely stupid
Barber kingI was pretty close to asking for Bjergsen's haircut at the barber today. Really close.