I noticed Xin was on free champ rotation this week and decided to give him a go. I've seen him played before top, but I always felt his top lane was weak in comparison to other top laners, so I decided to build him ap.
Sweet monkey Jesus that dmg and heals was ridiculous.I was vs a Nasus that seemed to know what he was doing. About lvl2 I went all in and got him to half hell in one combo. My only mistake was not chasing him, but I was in my smurf and I've been surprised on how useful mysteries and runes really are. That led me to the point where I worked out the weakness of AP Xin. Burst. I could duel nasus really well, but his q just did far too much dmg. He got two kills off me before I realised, that unless you have nashors, you should always wait for Nasus to waste his mana.
So lvl 9 comes, I've got nashors, I've got magic pen boots and a tome. Time to go in. my burst brings Nasus to half health. He ults so I run to turret just as he get's ready to kill me. Along the way I stack my q on minions and then turn on him as soon as he enters turret range. The knock up combined with my combo kills him instantly. Just as well as the enemy yi appears. I bait him into turret range, repeat my q and burst and then just e him. I have less than a quarter health left, he was on full. My burst takes him to half and then my auto's just wreck him. It's was crazy. By the end I am on half health and he tried to run from me. My e comes up and he dies and from that point I snowball.
Xin can be crazy strong ap, but his weakness is cc. He needs to autoattack to get his heal, one on one against most champs I feel ap xin has a real chance of winning, unless that have CC. In tf's I wrecked, but it wasn't until I got crystal scepter that I was able to tank the dmg properly. I was more of a dueler/assassin. Once I got that It was just impossible to kill me or run from me.
Anyone else played Xin AP? I'm kinda interested in playing him some more. He feels very viable with the tank heavy top lane metta right now.