NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Quinn changes were a mistake.

Quinn changes were a mistake.
Pretend I'm a toddler and explain what changed on Quinn please.
yea just focusing on the thing i likeMid laners are probably the ones least affected by these
Like sure, there's big changes - MP regen, blue buff nerf, crab shrine making for better roaming - but overall playstyle doesn't seem to be changing much.
New monster/buff in the river that gives a speed buff that spawns after 20 minutes.
New Baron buff that promotes one or two quick sieges and not the prolonged sieges you see in the pro games.
Dragon doesn't give global gold and instead gives your team a permanent buff that stacks.
Red buff turns you into a split pusher.
Turrets have unique properties to promote different ways to interact/siege them.
Lots of item changes/new items. Mana regen is based on base regen (percentage), not a flat number.
1.) The jungle is absolutely kicking my ass (Xin and Naut so far). Legit shook about trying Sejuani.
2.) I'm using a ton of mana on two champions who never had issues with it before. Junglers that opened up because of the SS changes may be in trouble as things currently stand (Wu and Pantheon)
3.) Towers may look like stone, but they're totally paper. Just mucking about the jungle, I noticed that two of my inner turrets were down due to minions by 14 mins. Decided to see how well the turrets stand up to a champion. Not well. Took it down from full hp as level ~10 Xin in about 7 seconds.
Neat changes in concept, but the numbers are all sorts of fucked right now.
Do you see J4/Vi making it through the new jungle?
Ferga said:Why wouldn't PBE want me? I'm a jungle main :c
Want to experiment with jungle routes so badly
Single target damage dealing junglers are back?
Hell yeahhhh
Watched a few jungling videos. Those new wraith birds look like they hurt like hell
The birds are hell. The damage on the small birds is ridiculous.
The best path for every jungler is Kruge(smite immediately) -> Wolves -> Red buff(smite). Across the 7 junglers I've tested, there has been no exception so far.
WTF is this? Sonic and friends?
will master yi make it okay D:
and why isnt my pbe account level 30
will master yi make it okay D:
and why isnt my pbe account level 30
So apparently Tristana has a bug in the latest live patch where she gives her attack speed from her Q to a nearby enemy champion instead of herself.
The Tristana nerfs are real.
This little guy:I hope the crab is like, rly cute
Some Rioters did bring up that they still have a lot of work left to wrap up to help define these buffs and new jungle items with immediate visual clarity, while also looking into different avenues to teach new / inexperienced players as the pre-season rolls out, so there's that.I thought so too, at the start, but I realize that they're probably just going to add a lot of particle effects so you can see "Okay, this dude is clearly decked the fuck out in buffs, I should avoid him". As long as people understand that these particle effects mean this guy is much stronger than his levels/items would lead you to believe, that should be enough. You don't actually need to know the fine details of the numbers or whatever.