He's always wrong, it's great. Cries about Kha nerfs every time and Kha is still always strong. Cried about Elise nerfs when they were incredibly minor.
It's a good thing people don't moan, bitch, and cry about nerfs destroying champs on GAF. No sir, nope, never happens.
So, time to share some jungle observations. Might even mosey on down to the official LoL boards to provide some feed back:
*Birdies might actually be the toughest camp when considering the smite and jungle buff changes. The camp is only marginally easier to do than Frog/Krugs but the catch is that you pretty much have to save your smite because Birdies' camp bonus isn't that good. I avoid doing it at all before level 4.
*Jungle buffs on non-red/blue camps aren't really that interesting. It's complexity for the sake complexity. You're pretty much forced to start either Krug or Frog. The buffs are also completely out of whack. Wolf buff is stupid (he doesn't patrol shit, he stands at the 4-way intersection on blue buff side). Red buff smite bonus is way better than Blue buff mana bonus.
*Crab is stupid. Kill a camp in the river and get vision control that can't be removed and a meandering speed buff. I think the idea of a neutral camp going along the river might be interesting, but I don't know what buff it should give. Like the jungle camp buffs, this feels like complexity for the sake of complexity.
*Camp timers are pretty bad. Even with slow clearers like Trundle it's possible to clear the 4 non-red/blue buff spots and get back to the first one you cleared before it's up (this is around level 6). It just seems so boring. I imagine the jungler will often find himself in a situation where he doesn't see a gank or counterjungle opportunity, the camps are cleared, and the only sensible decision left is to Back. Going back to base is never a fun decision. I'd like to see the camp timers reduce and their health/damage reduced as well to make up for the fact you'd be fighting more of them. I'd say power farming junglers like Yi and Shyvana won't like the new jungle even though they may be fine sustain wise in it. The camps just don't come up often enough.
*If S5 jungle is supposed to help tank junglers, it ain't working. They have on average the hardest time clearing it. Naut's actually in good shape. Sej got beat up but I was able to get level 4 with sliver of health left. Moakai can't clear to 4.
*I don't have an actual issue with the overall difficulty increase, the numbers are just wrong. It's actually kinda nice from a gameplay perspective that at later levels (5+) I can't just sit in the jungle full health, although it's still a bit too hard on mana consumption and health, but mostly mana. That said, holy hell are those first ~4 levels brutal. Of the ~10 junglers I tried, about three I'd feel confident ganking after double buffs, about 6 I could gank at level 3 at the expense of getting blue buff. Reducing the cost of machete to pick up a 3rd pot would go a long way.
*Jungle items are nice save for the AD enchantment. Should be +AD +10% CDR like the other items, ditch the lifesteal. Machete upgrade need to be balanced. The "gank" upgrade doesn't seem that great.
*Camps need XP and gold increases if Riot is intent on keeping the jungle at this difficulty. Right now it's S1 jungle difficulty but S4 jungle carry potential.