so how many super casual players are going to quit because they have to relearn everything
Zero, because those players will already be playing HotS.
so how many super casual players are going to quit because they have to relearn everything how many super casual players are going to quit because they have to relearn everything
Elise is a solo lane reject, and being a solo lane reject she will never find happiness
Riot rework her into a mid laner pls
so how many super casual players are going to quit because they have to relearn everything
I doubt most super casual players even read the patch notesso how many super casual players are going to quit because they have to relearn everything
Kinda dissapointed by the lack of new active items. It's the best part of Dota 2 by far and the only one aspect of that game I wish Lol had.
I'm not sure I like the permabuff dragon and the buff you get for being in your base/inner turret shields; encouraging turtle is not good. I hope these don't make it to live. The rest look interesting.
Kinda dissapointed by the lack of new active items. It's the best part of Dota 2 by far and the only one aspect of that game I wish Lol had.
I'm not sure I like the permabuff dragon and the buff you get for being in your base/inner turret shields; encouraging turtle is not good. I hope these don't make it to live. The rest look interesting.
So you don't like buff to turrets cause of turtling then don't like dragon too which is suppose to discourage turtling.
Any tips on countering Tryndamere besides CC/exhaust? Seems like once he gets fed he's a terror, and his ult always seems to be off cooldown.
Also, how to beat Nasus as Garen? I use my Q to either counter his Wither or try to prevent his Q and spin to keep him away from minions, but I don't seem to do enough damage to him. I end up pushing the lane and can't get him low enough to dive+engage+ult without him using his own ult. One thing I'll work on is using E away from minions so I don't push the lane, and maybe starting Doran's Blade instead of Shield for more early harass. Or maybe I should just pick a ranged AP champ like Ryze.
I should've dodged the game above. First pick didn't know about the Trist nerf so he ended up going AP Trist. 4th pick chooses Blitz into Leona leaving me (last pick) as top. There was zero communication as we got stomped. At one point I flashed behind Annie to dodge her ult but she got it off first, which meant I was stunned after flashing. I really wish it was a disjoint.
You probably can't stop Nasus from getting stacks. Most champions can't really stop Nasus from getting stacks, honestly. What you can do is push the wave in and go roam while Nasus is slowly scaling up. Garen is unfortunately not super equipped to do this, but if you can gank mid and then take the tower there while Nasus is killing minions one at a time, you might be able to get the advantage in this matchup.
Zero, because those players will already be playing HotS.
Try to kite him out without CC. Find something with Grievous Wounds. Try to beat him early and hope he doesn't get a lucky crit. Cut off his vision to stop him from splitting. Play something that scales as well as him.Any tips on countering Tryndamere besides CC/exhaust? Seems like once he gets fed he's a terror, and his ult always seems to be off cooldown.
I like the idea of granting dragon more incentives, it's just that I don't think a permanent buff is the right option.
i want to play heroes of the storm
Can always silence him when he goes to Q a minion just to be an ass.
When are we going to play HotS again?
i want to play heroes of the storm
my taste is good though
just play shaco and counter everything while the other guy backs at lvl 3.just watched stonewall do new jungle with a bunch of dudes
shit's weird
Technically it didn't launch yet. Sylvanas will come out eventually and she's the original.Hots was bound to fail, it launched without a Drow Ranger rip off
You can't make a moba and not rip off Drow Ranger
Hots was bound to fail, it launched without a Drow Ranger rip off
You can't make a moba and not rip off Drow Ranger
When are we going to play HotS again?
You probably can't stop Nasus from getting stacks. Most champions can't really stop Nasus from getting stacks, honestly. What you can do is push the wave in and go roam while Nasus is slowly scaling up. Garen is unfortunately not super equipped to do this, but if you can gank mid and then take the tower there while Nasus is killing minions one at a time, you might be able to get the advantage in this matchup.
Can always silence him when he goes to Q a minion just to be an ass.
Try to kite him out without CC. Find something with Grievous Wounds. Try to beat him early and hope he doesn't get a lucky crit. Cut off his vision to stop him from splitting. Play something that scales as well as him.
Zero, because those players will already be playing HotS.
The most likely group to leave are players with some mastery who aren't extremely invested in LoL, if their area of mastery is completely overhauled. I could definitely see some S4 jungle mains feeling really put out by a huge overhaul (but probably not many long-time jungle mains, since the jungle has always been turfed around).
Has the jungle role always been so unrewarding gold/farm wise? Like the spirit items and conservation stacks were supposed to alleviate that issue.
So does the new jungle monster's health make it so it's unfeasible for laners to farm jungle camps for a longer portion of time than before?
Jungle camps as they are will rap apart laners pre-6, and well beyond that if you can't safely farm from a distance (e.g. Fizz). Chickens are no fucking joke.
Isn't that what DOTA players say about LoL?
Has the jungle role always been so unrewarding gold/farm wise? Like the spirit items and conservation stacks were supposed to alleviate that issue.
I just had the funniest game ever. It started off bad. We all called lanes, every member. Then the ADC decided he wanted top. I was top, called, locked, etc. Everyone else did too.
We get in game, Tristana goes top. I ping her, ask her what she's doing, and she just taunt spams. I give her a bit, then she starts creeping and pings me back.
I say "Sorry guys, I don't want to reward this player. I'm just gonna AFK. I know it sucks for you, but this isn't fun." Was I in the wrong? Probably. But I hate that shit. Instalocking is one thing. I can dodge or adjust. But thinking you're doing one thing, then switching to something else and laughing about it, that's just annoying.
Anyway, the Sona (mid Sona) goes off, calling me a cunt, a whiner, a baby, etc. I just calmly respond that I don't want to reward the Tristana. She says we can win, I say I understand that but this isn't fun for me, and that I'm sorry for ruining your game, but you should blame Tristana as well.
All game, literally non-stop, she's spamming all chat about me, never mentioning Trist. I say that if they want to report me, they can. The other team's ADC wonders what's going on, then realizes that he blocked the Sona a few weeks ago. He said she's obnoxious. We spend the rest of the game making fun of the Sona who is clearly a kid and throwing a tantrum. Yes, I'm an ass, but that was so fucking funny. Everyone reported the Sona.
Good times.
You afk'd but still watched the game?
You afk'd but still watched the game?
Looking at Stonewall's videos, the new jungle actually seems to be something of a return to the S1 style of jungling. There has to be a decision in which order to take the camps, and doing the large buffs is not as easy and obvious as before.
You sound like the bad guy here.I work from home and worked some while I "played". But then the conversation got fun.
You sound like the bad guy here.