List of champions DeadNames hates:
Irelia's E
Zed and Yasuo because the people that play them are morons
Gnar (even though I play him, he's so annoying to lane vs)
and NeoGAF's favorite waifu-
-none other than-
What is the correct reaction to an unexpected 2v1?
Just stay within experience range?
Has someone kept a count of which champions you hate at this point?
Vi is a jungler with strong clears, potent mid/bot ganks post 6, that suffers from weak early pressure and a rather large vulnerability to being invaded. Like most junglers with strong hard cc ganks (rammus being another good example) you will want to try and ward her jungle to find our her position, rather than simply warding the side bushes of your lanes.
You don't seem to realize that if a champion is strong in some areas it doesn't make them broken, it means you have to alter your play around them.
I feel like the litmus test for this behavior is playing against Annie mid. She's extremely one dimensional and squishy. If you're bad, you get destroyed, if you make adjustments to counter her, you will quickly demolish her.
Well that's kinda meanthink that guy is like 1300 mmr? i wouldn't put too much stock in it.
What is the correct reaction to an unexpected 2v1?
Just stay within experience range?
why, if he hated talon he'd maybe have a pointWait.. you dont hate Talon? I'm surprised.
I played with him and you see things you wouldn't expect to see.I played a match with my friend and Lord Newt... We actually won- was a really fun match.
Leona is perfect. Leave her out of this.
why, if he hated talon he'd maybe have a point
(tho tbh that list isn't so terrible)
I just hate her broken E hitbox
I played with him and you see things you wouldn't expect to see.
Like a kennen who's actually good.
E-q smartcastI wonder what he hates about Cait
Only if you've been moved.
What difficult matchups to be aware of? Ice blast people behind minions for harass? Skill order? Early itemization?
Wow Ahri's Q is broken as fuck. Playing Zed and my Q would do minimal damage to her. Just one hit from her Q and I would lose 1/3 of my health... Like wtf.
Wanted to say thanks to EUWGAF for the ranked 5v5 team matches yesterday evening. Man, was a lot of fun but I also realized I'm pure trash. ._.
Oh well, they say the first step is to accept it and improve from there!
If any of you has the replays from yesterday, hook me up! I'd love to analyze them a little bit (I forgot to turn on lolreplay, with all the skype shenanigans).
Fun times!
Try looking up your name on maybe someone recorded it in the match history. For future reference that's a thing you can do when you start a game.
Easy - Fizz, Twisted Fate, Akali, Talon
Medium - Zed, Yasuo, Orianna, Ahri
Hard and annoying as fuck - Xerath, Syndra, Ziggs
Please note that Fizz, as the bullshit champion he is, will snowball with one or two undeserved kills even if he sucked in lane, so never stop following him and tell your idiotic botlane to stop overextending without vision.
Of course, ice blast people behind minions for harass, except if you don't want to push.
Doran - Athene if against Syndra, Ziggs or Xerath. Rush Needlessly Large Rod recommended if confident/against champions with non retarded lanes.
Tips - Wait for R's stun to be over to use W, especially in ganks/picks. Make good use of the passive and you won't need chalice in lane, use E in ganks after the enemy has used their CC if you can survive it and can't avoid it. Use E to help you burst people down. Use E + Flash to pick carries unexpectedly (efectiveness not guaranteed in decent elo). Don't always use ALT + R, try to ult the adc. Learn to use E so the ground particle is hidden or partially hidden with terrain (example, near the wraith corners); calculate where you're gonna appear when aiming it to a wall and make an advantage out of it. This is very important because it means you can appear totally out of nowhere, but you can also fail and appear behind the wall if you don't know the particular outcomes depending on the part of the map.
me and newt get wrecked by a pony.
audio is somewhat wrecked by my mouse cord scratching against the mic, i had forgotten to move it. -.-
Multiplayer ghetto.Ah cool. I didn't realize NeoGAF had a League thread. I guess it never occurred to me it might be in the Community section.
HAHA you cant smite air!
This video has the exact same matchup in case you wanna pick up some tips. I like the commentary and he generally gives good advice without thinking too high of himself.
As the new resident Ahri expert I feel confident in saying that that Ahri was extremely shitty. Starting off dorans against Zed, having 3 cs at 5 minutes, walking into a Zed shadow while at half hp and then, after dying three times, building a chalice against an ad champ. She's pretty much trolling. There's some good advice on how to use your momentum, though.
F is only for flash when I have smite or teleport.
Otherwise D is for "DAMN you so smart for putting flash closer to your index finger which has a faster reflex!"
This is how wars startD for flash.
F flash users are renegades and uncultured savages.
L-lewdi have all my keys mapped to my mouse keys, that way i don't have to use my left hand.