when i say tanky i dont mean they are going tanky right off the bat, i still consider it a tanky build if someone is buying bruta or hexdrinker and then going more deep into randuins or something
like i think if an elise goes sorc haunting -> randuins, its a tanky build
or if lee builds a bruta before sightstone -> randuin, u kno
it's just normal jungler builds, where every jungler in the game right now is expected to fulfill some kind of tanky utility role at the end
and i mean, I'm pretty sure solo q hasn't changed from the couple of weeks I have played a game that heavily to not have ppl going and rotating for objectives or making plays off of the kit of their jungler? like that is some pretty standard shit
im not saying rengar is built as some maokai style tank
when competitive goes that route it's because it's necessary at that particular moment to achieve the things they want to achieve, not because it's the best general build
but i mean im also seeing ppl on stream literally aping dominate's build from last week, which I think he copied from korea in the first place (madreds into kindlegem)
as far as i can tell from the solo q I've seen, it's usually lantern->tank, with bruta/botrk if they are ahead, but I'm not going to say every rengar builds this way, it's just really ridiculous that you think that because you saw some rengars go all dmg that that is the only way he is being built in solo q
fotm will always copy a visible source in league of legends, all damage rengar was a thing a couple of patches ago in top lane we are talking about a different rengar now