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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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i dropped to silver 3 one time because jungle rengar went 0/10/3

This is completely irrelevant to the discussion, though. His friend plays Rengar, you say that his friend playing Rengar will lose them games because idiots on Rengar do stupid things. The logical conclusion here is that you're just assuming his friend will do stupid things as Rengar.

Bad players do bad things regardless of the champion. Certainly some champions allow for more stupid plays, sure, but it seems weird to just assume "Oh, your friend plays Rengar? I guess he'll feed because he must be an idiot."


a lot of ppl are building lucidity on lucian right now and riot even changed the recommended boots to lucidity

i don't really have a particular opinion on it, but it makes sense to build lucian kind of normal with the only cdr being boots and maybe youmuu

especially since he's 500 range now, you don't really want to stand somewhere and auto

a lot of lucian's damage comes from his crazy spell rotation right now

ive only tested the new lucian with that wacky cdr build (essence reaver, cleaver, lucidity) and I don't think it's a good build, he definitely doesn't seem like he needs to go for 40%, but just in theory it doesn't really seem like atspd is worth more on him than cdr right now



it's happening


she's a true bride now
This is completely irrelevant to the discussion, though. His friend plays Rengar, you say that his friend playing Rengar will lose them games because idiots on Rengar do stupid things. The logical conclusion here is that you're just assuming his friend will do stupid things as Rengar.

Bad players do bad things regardless of the champion. Certainly some champions allow for more stupid plays, sure, but it seems weird to just assume "Oh, your friend plays Rengar? I guess he'll feed because he must be an idiot."
that was a troll answer lol

the real reason why i dislike seeing rengars at elos below gold 3 is because rengar has the capacity to fuck things up worse than many other junglers. he's sort of stuck in a weird role as an assassin/tank hybrid. the risk/reward for playing rengar is heavily in favor of "risk" because he's such a low-impact champion pre-6. As a level 6 ganker though there are just more options towards that particular role, especially considering the power of vi, eve, j4 and lee sin pre and post 6. you have to hope that your lanes aren't feeding so that you can safely get to 6 without having the other jungler randomly come into your jungle and kill you.

i'm not calling people idiots for playing rengar but he can fuck up games worse than any other popular jungler because of how uneventful his pre6 is. like the only jungler with a worse pre6 gank is warwick.
Debonair Ezreal is 750 RP. Assuming the same for the Vi skin, and there was a Debonair summoner icon a while ago.

Maybe a couple more skins and a Debonair bundle coming?

or they're releasing those 2 and the Jayce skin in a bundle. There was also a Mecha icon, so maybe they'll release the 2 new Mecha skins with Mecha Kha in a bundle?


most of the popular junglers kind of dance around utility/assassin/tank
and I don't really think his pre-6 is too uneventful, he has a double elise cc in his snare, he can't dive as well as elise but he does have a heal and tank stats

like im definitely against the feral flare style stay in jungle till i get strong type of jungler, but I don't think rengar is that

i guess maybe you are latching on to the fact that he can fall behind pretty easily, but it's not worse than something like vi falling behind, and he has more options than vi while being behind too
most of the popular junglers kind of dance around utility/assassin/tank
and I don't really think his pre-6 is too uneventful, he has a double elise cc in his snare

like im definitely against the feral flare style stay in jungle till i get strong type of jungler, but I don't think rengar is that
I don't really think I've ever seen rengar not get flare. I don't really know why considering that flat AD+CDR is something that rengar loves and that's what Elder Lizard gives him but w/e.

His pre-6 is sort of bad because his snare needs full ferocity. It's better if he just has a laner that has some good cc (lulu, etc) so that it makes his true role in ganks (high damage dealer) more useful. Like, you're not going to see too many successful Rengar ganks with a Shyvana laner pre-6.


it's really easy to get 5 ferocity on rengar in the jungle, like his red->blue clear puts him at 5 for a level 3 gank

i cant really speak for pros unless they say it clearly, and I don't think elder lizard is bad on him I get it sometimes, but I can see an argument for going feral/tanky cdr (both phys/magic sources of damage, his ult is up all the time so he can stack really fluidly, if he doesn't use the lizard well early on it's not getting any stronger and he will always be in a position where he wants to do damage, etc.)

i think both items are good on him tho, none of them suk for him
like in any case, I don't see rengar sticking in the jungle to get dat coveted flare, but rather it happening kind of fluidly

there was a glitch in 4.11 where madreds would proc twice i think, but he never needed it to clear like a crazy dood
I personally like Flare a lot more than Elder Lizard on Rengar. Early clear is way faster which is when Rengar has it roughest. His clear is insanely strong in the mid and late game with it too.

also if you like cheese, going the Flare route and picking up a Spirit Stone for really quick dragons or barons is pretty funny.

Also if your top laner has cc it makes it even better to use empowered bola in ganks and just layer the cc.

unless you're going to 1 shot someone, using empowered bola is better in 90% of your ganks. It's insanely strong.


what's worse is that they teased an pool party ori skin last year

it's as if like riot isn't obsessed about ori skins like i am


you do get more natural sustain (not using your w) with spirit stone i've found, but yeah you can just use your w. lizard does feel better early though, I haven't experienced a lizard game where I didn't snowball though so I kind of trust it to fall off a bit if you aren't going all damage
you do get more natural sustain (not using your w) with spirit stone i've found, but yeah you can just use your w. lizard does feel better early though, I haven't experienced a lizard game where I didn't snowball though so I kind of trust it to fall off a bit if you aren't going all damage

Elder Lizard might be better now cos of the big fix in this patch.

Madred's was proccing twice before so you would clear so fast with a ferocity Q that you wouldn't notice the sustain hit, as well as getting the heal on it twice.

I'll have to give both a try when I have time on this patch.


i actually like that rengar has to do his tanking by being in someone's face, whereas both lee and elise have ways to shrug off aggro, and eve has to soak up some slows and peace out
I just like Rengar in general. I wasn't too happy with his state post rework, and I still prefer his old iteration, but I think he's a healthier champion overall now.

Few champions in the game give me so much joy when I play them. Taking his stealth away would have ruined him for me.


I saw bengi playing rengar jungle this one game and he just went to a lane at lvl 3 with full ferocity, jumped on a minion from the brush and flashed on top of someone, snared them at point blank range and just bursted them down for the kill

I played a game of rengar jungle, did exactly the same thing, it actually worked and all my friends thought I was a god

Then I tried again in a few games after that and fucked it up hard every time and swore never to play rengar again
I saw bengi playing rengar jungle this one game and he just went to a lane at lvl 3 with full ferocity, jumped on a minion from the brush and flashed on top of someone, snared them at point blank range and just bursted them down for the kill

I played a game of rengar jungle, did exactly the same thing, it actually worked and all my friends thought I was a god

Then I tried again in a few games after that and fucked it up hard every time and swore never to play rengar again


the great thing about the ferocity abilities is that they scale with Rengar's level and not skill rank, so you actually don't lose out on damage using ferocity E. It actually does a fuck tonne of damage.


I tried Lucian in a doom bots game earlier with the 40% cdr and it felt fun + silly but I couldn't tell how good it would be in an actual game. I have like 100+ games in ranked with him this season so I think even if it's good its gonna take me a while to get used to, he plays completely differently now.
what is it with people and wanting to get more than one inhib down?

we just aced them and got a nexus turret down, unfortunately it ended up 4 for 5, and when everyone spawns they just go to other lanes instead of pushing down mid and just winning the game

like, we have minions in their base, our kog is fed as hell, but meanwhile gragas and kog are chasing lee sin around in botlane and im begging in chat to just close the game out

we won obviously, but geez.

edit: in other news my thresh is on point today


no he's great in solo q and is banned often in higher elo
all the things you just listed happen in solo q
You barely even play solo q.
the fotm build leans tanky, that is pretty much how all the pros have been building him
oh unless we are talking about like ryan choi making rengar popular a few patches ago, which is not what im talking about, I'm just talking about the surge of rengar in competitive and the resultant copying

bad mechanics is worse on something like lee, rengar literally just has to decide what order of spells he wants
jumping in at a bad time is bad decision making, but like i said there aren't too many jungle champions you will successful with if you are diving in on bad situations with the full vision rengar ult gives you

like yeah i feel your pain playing with bad rengars, but it really isn't the champ's fault

rengar got good in the jungle because of ryan choi actually, i think it's because of him that they made his ult give stacks after reveal
Nobody builds Rengar tanky in solo q, fotm is pure dmg assassin.


what is it with people and wanting to get more than one inhib down?

we just aced them and got a nexus turret down, unfortunately it ended up 4 for 5, and when everyone spawns they just go to other lanes instead of pushing down mid and just winning the game

like, we have minions in their base, our kog is fed as hell, but meanwhile gragas and kog are chasing lee sin around in botlane and im begging in chat to just close the game out

we won obviously, but geez.

edit: in other news my thresh is on point today
I actually think going for an outer lane (AS A GROUP) is much more reliable in solo queue if you're 20-30 minutes in. I'm obviously no expert, but if you push up the middle, you've got TWO nexus turrets and homeguard spawn racing people to defend against you. Your chances of getting both nexus turrets may be pretty slim. If your push goes wrong and they DO happen to kill kog'maw, then you're stuck without your carry to kill towers, and the other team gets time for their inhib to come back up and recover.

It's much safer to retreat after the inhib, push as a healed group to take a second inhib turret and inhib, and then double lane super minions will ensure your push wins. You can also typically baron if necessary with 2 inhibs down. The main thing is getting the second inhib for pressure though.
just had the worst game of my life. 1-1 in promos. lee was at my blue like i knew he would be and killed me. from then on i had zero control of my jungle and was getting endless abuse from my team.


You barely even play solo q.

Nobody builds Rengar tanky in solo q, fotm is pure dmg assassin.

i mean that's just not true at all (the latter)

also i watch streams a bunch and every stream is solo q
plus streams affect fotm a lot more too


Let us hear how it goes! I'm too afraid to try them.

I just hit level 20! And I have 3000 RP. This is going to take forever to buy all the runes I need...I've bought 0 up to this point.

Lvl 1 doom was easy, early game was a bit rough..(karth+morg vs riven+tryn was dicey) .but they still seem very very stupid if you push towers hard.


when i say tanky i dont mean they are going tanky right off the bat, i still consider it a tanky build if someone is buying bruta or hexdrinker and then going more deep into randuins or something

like i think if an elise goes sorc haunting -> randuins, its a tanky build
or if lee builds a bruta before sightstone -> randuin, u kno

it's just normal jungler builds, where every jungler in the game right now is expected to fulfill some kind of tanky utility role at the end

and i mean, I'm pretty sure solo q hasn't changed from the couple of weeks I have played a game that heavily to not have ppl going and rotating for objectives or making plays off of the kit of their jungler? like that is some pretty standard shit

im not saying rengar is built as some maokai style tank
when competitive goes that route it's because it's necessary at that particular moment to achieve the things they want to achieve, not because it's the best general build

but i mean im also seeing ppl on stream literally aping dominate's build from last week, which I think he copied from korea in the first place (madreds into kindlegem)
as far as i can tell from the solo q I've seen, it's usually lantern->tank, with bruta/botrk if they are ahead, but I'm not going to say every rengar builds this way, it's just really ridiculous that you think that because you saw some rengars go all dmg that that is the only way he is being built in solo q

fotm will always copy a visible source in league of legends, all damage rengar was a thing a couple of patches ago in top lane we are talking about a different rengar now
Lvl 1 doom was easy, early game was a bit rough..(karth+morg vs riven+tryn was dicey) .but they still seem very very stupid if you push towers hard.

yeah they really have no idea how to react to splitpushing

problem is at level 5 they have so much AOE its hard to get stuff to towers
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