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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Splitpush is really the only way to win Lv5. No way you can win in fights. Just play a splitplush (Yasuo/Teemo/etc) + safe waveclear (Ziggs/Anivia/etc) team.


Playing against Blitzcrank makes for some amazing positioning practice.


NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Well Gaf I have reach a new achievement in league: i no longer feed mid. All i need to do now is to get better at carrying the squishy twitch from liss/lucian bursts combo and then will I try to get to gold.

If only Newt can see me now.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I still feel bad for the one time I played with Gaf as noob thresh support and Newt's Draven got eaten by dat superior Janna support.

To be fair I think panda threw the game by afking iirc.



Mid decides he doesn't want to go mid (didn't want the yauso mirror match for whatever reason) so I said "okay we can switch. but if you have any trouble top, just let me know and we can switch." He kinda gets camped top by Lee and didn't seem to want to actually buy a ward to subsidize his trinket cooldowns. By 11 minutes, he's 0/6 and after joking about quitting actually goes ahead and ragequits. He didn't yell at anyone on the team or anything untowards. He just...left the game. We were up maybe 10-6 at that point (yes, he accounted for all the deaths). I was 1-0 mid and slightly ahead of Yauso in farm, bot was winning bot, jungler was fine.

Long story short, ya boy did work. The whole team did work, really, overcoming a 4v5 and an over-fed Irela from 10 minutes on. Got my first ever Penta at a fight for their top inhib. Only death came while we tried to take their nexus in the same push on < 30% hp.

<3 Jayce




Mid decides he doesn't want to go mid (didn't want the yauso mirror match for whatever reason) so I said "okay we can switch. but if you have any trouble top, just let me know and we can switch." He kinda gets camped top by Lee and didn't seem to want to actually buy a ward to subsidize his trinket cooldowns. By 11 minutes, he's 0/6 and after joking about quitting actually goes ahead and ragequits. He didn't yell at anyone on the team or anything untowards. He just...left the game. We were up maybe 10-6 at that point (yes, he accounted for all the deaths). I was 1-0 mid and slightly ahead of Yauso in farm, bot was winning bot, jungler was fine.

Long story short, ya boy did work. The whole team did work, really, overcoming a 4v5 and an over-fed Irela from 10 minutes on. Got my first ever Penta at a fight for their top inhib. Only death came while we tried to take their nexus in the same push on < 30% hp.

<3 Jayce
wow hadn't seen dem cool new graphs on match history thingie

they also redid the lower chart

that's great

So apparently this years legendary will be mecha Shyvana. I guess you can barely see a wing and a tail in m. Aatrox splash art, and the 2 on the hangar will be his second skin. And theres a 5 or something on another wall that shows the number of skins shyv will have.

Bummer because I just got ice chest :(


they made similar theories about debonair zac a week ago

it'd also be really shitty to make an ultimate skin that's part of a 1350 set

i'm not buying


Game starts out and a guy on our team says, "I hope you guys don't suck. I've lost 6 in a row, because people are so bad."

He proceeds to feed and is terrible. He's playing bot, and I pinged that Leblanc was missing. About 6-7 seconds later she shows up down there. They don't run, and she gets a double kill. On her way back to lane, our genius jungler decides to fight her and gives up a double buff to her. Lovely.

So yeah, that was a loss.

Edit: Taking out Leblanc's silence feels like a weak nerf when she can still bounce around the screen dealing huge damage. You can't chase her down, she can gap close while dealing sick damage, can stun, and can get right back out. She's still nuts.


8-1-11 in a win against a team that had a Ryze, a Gragas, and a Leona. How did they let me do that with Katarina? They had all the CC they needed to make me terrible.

Edit: I was the only Silver player on my team. The rest were Bronze and Unranked. Silver is basically just Bronze but on a higher horse, confirmed.



Mumble backup server is down, so we'll be be using the main server at:

Label: NeoGAF 1
Address: voice.central.eoreality.net
Port: 3004

That is all.

-Supreme Commander Newt


i'm playing abyss odyssey

it has tons of waifus

one of em is naked

but overall is really fun beat em up spelunker thing

i don't think lustboy is going to tsm
Question for the vets,

How do you beat teemo?

I know this question has been asked before, but I'm interested in how you guys deal with him, because in my mind the best counter, is a counter champ. Yorick for example.
Don't get utterly stomped and you'll be more useful late game on any meta top laner. I usually play Ryze and Lulu top so I'd just try to farm off against him and poke him when he comes up to poke me. I want to learn Gragas and I imagine he'd have no problem with him. Irelia will need a lot of sustain to get through early laning but can murder him with some items if he dares use Q to poke. Bruiser Nidalee seems like she'd just murder him before even basing (see Dyrus' remark). Don't be afraid to bring heavy sustain and give up caster creeps - all you need on strong champions is experience and you'll quickly outscale him.

If I'm jungle I'll make a point of camping a Teemo because a) it's Teemo and b) he's a squishy top laner with no dash/blink/hard CC who will push the wave with auto-attack harass. If he gets too far ahead before I get to top I will ignore his side of the map and make plays elsewhere because his shrooms will turn any fight in his favour - if my team gets a lead in mid/bot we may well be able to hold off his splitpush and beat him in late game teamfights anyway.
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