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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Sure if you don't mind waiting forever till you can actually play.

No I mid wtf
*locks in Katarina*
"You have been put back in queue because a player has left the lobby"
No I top wtf

and then you're stuck playing a role you really didn't want to bother practicing for 40 minutes because quitting is lame.

I just stick to teambuilder.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
AP Trist is like loads of other assassins. Carries playing against her just need to not roam off on their own.


I got 6300 IP and only had 9 champions left! I may never reach gold, but at least I can farm until I have them all.

I did not know whether to buy Lucian or Ahri...Ahri just got buffed, but Lucian got reworked to much fanfare.

I ended up picking Ahri. I trust it was the right choice. <3


I got 6300 IP and only had 9 champions left! I may never reach gold, but at least I can farm until I have them all.

I did not know whether to buy Lucian or Ahri...Ahri just got buffed, but Lucian got reworked to much fanfare.

I ended up picking Ahri. I trust it was the right choice. <3

U failed the test


You have to shut down ap Tristana really early. otherwise if played well can totally wreak.

The key is not to stay in lane if you are <75% health, and a champ that can farm under tower will helps, mid doesn't freeze lane often.

I got 6300 IP and only had 9 champions left! I may never reach gold, but at least I can farm until I have them all.

I did not know whether to buy Lucian or Ahri...Ahri just got buffed, but Lucian got reworked to much fanfare.

I ended up picking Ahri. I trust it was the right choice. <3

Best choice!


So...Ziggs? He's so slow now that she can blow him up if he is anywhere but under tower.

Trist can't 100-0 someone without being ahead in kill or cs, may be with dfg and ignite. Once Trist blow her cd off you, you are safe to farm until her stuff is back up. The only way for trist to kill any champion is slowly harass you to ~70% health, and full burst you to death. As long as you keep your health up, you can survive her burst and return fire, or just walk back to tower.


I got 6300 IP and only had 9 champions left! I may never reach gold, but at least I can farm until I have them all.

I did not know whether to buy Lucian or Ahri...Ahri just got buffed, but Lucian got reworked to much fanfare.

I ended up picking Ahri. I trust it was the right choice. <3
Ahri is fun! Good choice.


Reddit is a bunch of babbling morons?

Say it ain't so!
I was curious so I searched back through this thread for mentions of Lucian. It appears that not everyone was happy about him here either. There were some comments saying he would still be good, or wait and see, but there are also these comments (which I think are in reverse chronological order due to search, and are just isolated samples rather than a conversation):

let it be known that lucian's power was his ability to be da bomb at all times
and that unless the changes increase his effective range up to or past 550 it's a fukkin nerf because he will not be da bomb once he has to stand close to someone and use a bunch of spells that require him to stand still so he can get out of range again

but in general this is a nerf to his mid/late where you can get blown up as an ad, and any smart bot lane doesn't die in a 2v2
he also doesn't get the levels onto his e until around 12-13

but i mean if lucian is the kind of champ who can rotate all of his spells safely in a scenario where he has to dash in, which I don't really see, sure he could be really strong

fuk it, any ad that has to blow their mobility spell to go in, in a situation where they aren't finishing off priority targets, is fukkin wack
And I can't believe you're bringing up Jinx. She gets to choose what range she operates at. Lucian does not. What an awful example.

I'm not discussing Lucian any more. It's like talking to a brick wall.

You're letting your dislike for Lucian cloud your judgement on his strength.

Please go and play him, then tell me he is perfectly good at 500 range.
Lucian would have fit perfectly fine into the 525 bursty and mobile category. Instead he went to the 500 category, i.e. where Kog and Sivir are. Kog has an ability to boost his range. Sivir operates at a longer range, provides massive team utility and pushes incredibly hard making her range disadvantage less of an issue.

500 range was the wrong category to put Lucian in.
So new Lucian is unsurprisingly shitty, I thought he might be interesting with the low range but buffs to everything else, but nope, he feels like crap to play now.
Damn it, Riot. Way to kill one of the actually entertaining ADC's and the only brotha in the game. At least I still have Nidalee and The Cane, I guess.

Would 520/525 range have been a more balanced nerf?
They went with the Lucian changes

Happiest day of my life
Nooooooo Lucian noooooooooooooooo
RIP in peace Lucian
Uh oh, Costy. Those Lucian changes went through.
Ya I doubt I'll be able to play Lucian after these nerfs. What strength will be have that another adc can't do just as well?

It sounds like at least some people considered it a nerf, or even a heavy nerf.


Reddit metasheeps at it again. Lucian is permaban for me now, he's more broken than he ever was.

I don't know when they're gonna add more bans, they keep releasing champions but the bans are the same ridiculous 3 per team. Vi and Irelia should've never left the permaban status in soloQ but with the amount of new instaban champions like Braum and Yasuo there are just not enough bans for all the bullshit in this game. I remember when games weren't decided in champ select, that was what made it much better than Dota, but nowadays it's the same pre-match win-lose garbage as Dota/2.


There is a trick to this, I played 16 ranked games this season, I got to mid in 12 out of 16 games, all solo q. Sometime even if I am last pick, if you ask nicely, people will more likely to help since they wanted to have to best team possible.

By calling out "mid", you basically commanding 4 other stranger what they not allow to do, people don't like that, and some will even lock the position you want just to show that you are not their boss

Instead, tell them what you can't do.

"I can't adc or jungle, but I am best at mid", now you increased your chance to get the pick you want from 1/5 to 1/3. Everyone wanted to win, so naturally they will be more willing to give you mid, and you did this without sounding like you boss people around.

If someone asked you to go somewhere you didn't want to go, instead of saying "no", just tell them "yeah i will try, I haven't played xxx for a few months tho". Usually this will freak people out and yield you whatever role you called.

Don't worry about support, for some reason there are more and more support players around, I never been to a ranked game without 1 or 2 people screaming "support only!". So in theory by calling out the 2 roles you can't do, the chance of you getting the role you want is 1/2.


lowering range and having him have to get closer to do dmg is a nerf you dinguses


Reddit metasheeps at it again. Lucian is permaban for me now, he's more broken than he ever was.

I don't know when they're gonna add more bans, they keep releasing champions but the bans are the same ridiculous 3 per team. Vi and Irelia should've never left the permaban status in soloQ but with the amount of new instaban champions like Braum and Yasuo there are just not enough bans for all the bullshit in this game. I remember when games weren't decided in champ select, that was what made it much better than Dota, but nowadays it's the same pre-match win-lose garbage as Dota/2.
Why not play one of the strong champions yourself if the match largely gets determined by which champions get picked?

Also, did you see the screenshot and match data I posted recently, where I was in a 4v5 game (our support said they were stoned and left at level 8), against Yasuo, Jax, and Master Yi? It was a crushingly one-sided game because despite the power of Yasuo and Jax, those players did poorly.

I think there is more to it than champion selection. And even if there is, then one is free to pick a strong champion if it doesn't get banned, thereby giving your own team the advantage.


like tell me one thing that new lucian can bring against a kog maw meta
or i guess i mean a long range mid/late meta

besides racial diversity which is obviously invaluable

but i mean to reiterate, b4 i get words put in my mouth
a range nerf is a nerf
do the compensatory buffs he got resolve this? i dunno, but, on paper, probably not
can his range nerf be compensated by particular team comps? i dunno! i dont have the brain for that
does lucian have a particular weakness now that he didn't have before? yeah duh


Which, incidentally, was a meta already sort of "countering" him out at the competitive level. And it gets worse with the range change :x


riot costigan is a passionate man

but i mean also
let's not forget that lucian is a lot more fun to play now

also bandwagoning on itoldyousos is also a thing reddit does you dingbat walruses

the ppl in this thread saying they think the lucian nerfs will push him out of comp. give a bunch of reasons and want to think and discuss it while the ppl saying he's op just say
oh he's op

qtpie says he's ezreal on crack, but how do we stop the black panthers? ronald reagan cooked up an answer


Bookmarking this post for the future.
for support!

they might get him as coach, personal trainer, animal psychologist, turtle tamer or some other thing like that

It's the only skin out of the wholesale texture update that looks like a step back. Lost details (even if her previous model was busy), colors are flat and the Christmas decorations look like they're missing any kind of lighting. Only her music instrument is an improvement.

as always are your opinions are wrong :3

So glad I unlocked this skin when I had the chance.
me too

only one i'm missing is muse now

which unfortunately isn't getting a splash art update :(


hold up im gonna report whats op in this thread

nm pay2win


we can think of conditions where 500 range lucian can work but for me they are pretty untenable

like theoretically
you'd have to ban kog, grag, xerath, corki, syndra, fizz at least i think
trist outscales, ez can also poke
lucian is pretty slippery right now, but it'd probably be a misplay to just blow things trying to engage on him unless you can blow him up quick
but i mean the same can be said about misplaying an engage on trist or corki, who can also put damage down at a longer range
we can think of conditions where 500 range lucian can work but for me they are pretty untenable

like theoretically
you'd have to ban kog, grag, xerath, corki, syndra, fizz at least i think
trist outscales, ez can also poke
Maybe lane swapping could help him a ton if you can't have certain bans.

At this point I don't really care though, I just wanna gloat cuz I was right and Costy was wrongggg


i actually don't think his laning is that weak though i dont have a lot of actual play with it
like to me, he has a lot more damage earlier on, just because his new damage rotation allows him to relatively have two reliable e's and outdamage in a trade, esp with the buff to his base stats. also his q costs like nothing, and his e is free
but yeah, if he's strong (? dunno yet) in lane, or if his ability to put damage on is more stacked on his earlier levels, the other team can swap pretty easily


Maybe lane swapping could help him a ton if you can't have certain bans.

At this point I don't really care though, I just wanna gloat cuz I was right and Costanza was wrongggg

Except it's too early for this? Until we see whether or not Lucian is still picked in competitive, it's pretty much still an unknown. Besides that, a few days isn't really enough time to gauge it all.
i actually don't think his laning is that weak though i dont have a lot of actual play with it
like to me, he has a lot more damage earlier on
but yeah, if he's strong (?) in lane, or if his ability to put damage on is more stacked on his earlier levels, the other team can swap pretty easily
QT was playing him earlier and he seemed to do great vs Kog. Doesn't look like the match up changed much pre-6.

Cait and Trist should be rough now though
Except it's too early for this? Until we see whether or not Lucian is still picked in competitive, it's pretty much still an unknown. Besides that, a few days isn't really enough time to gauge it all.
He's nowhere near unusable which was my point, I never discussed his balance just that he had the kit to work at 500 range, which he does.

Competitive picks don't matter, MF isn't any less viable because she is never picked, she's just not what pro teams are looking for, same for champions like Jinx, Sivir and Draven, they're nowhere near bad, they're just not the best.


i think he's totally fine in solo q esp. in the early stages of his release, ppl don't really exhibit the patience or knowledge to correctly deal with his new kit
a 500 range (+ culling) damage dealer does sound odd on paper tho, compared sivir and kog who don't depend heavily on short-range autos to deal damage, and the former contributing a team ult that is really good, tho not as good in this meta

im prtty sure tho i cant speak for other ppl that people are talking mainly about competitive (and that if he is never picked in competitive his pick rate will drop in solo q)
you can play a lot of things ppl consider to be "bad" in solo q to great success, you just have to put a little more work in and make up for certain weaknesses, i dunno if that is a conversation worth having

for example you can play non-top 4 junglers in solo q and do great (shout outz to amumu), but you don't see that kind of thing in more serious play, where it basically rotates around very very few picks (and then transfers that ideology to solo q). tho there is a rammus and mao playing right now in lcs, i didnt watch ban phase tho, and I bet twitch chat was all waaaa? rammus maokai?

i dunno i made this really long post maybe like two threads ago about how it's interesting that the visibility of lcs and streamers heavily influence the picks of normal players, even when normal players are not even close to that level or have the same considerations, though lower elos seem to have a more organically developed meta


Fair enough. I care more about the discussion from the competitive angle since that's what the change is more aimed at (since solo queue is solo queue). From that angle, it's a fairly potentially gutting change to him since it's all about introducing a lot of risk to his play pattern.

Edit: That said, there's certainly a lot of hyperbole in general. But that's this thread / GAF in a nutshell :x

im prtty sure tho i cant speak for other ppl that people are talking mainly about competitive (and that if he is never picked in competitive his pick rate will drop in solo q)

More or less. I don't play right now so I don't really care about it from a solo queue angle and, besides that, you can make a lot of things work in solo queue anyway. This won't really change much in that regard except introduce more outplay potential to him (which is a fun thing to have).
I think that Lucian still has a lot of competitive merit since he still melts towers early/mid game - and faster if you consider you can get more passive procs going - and he's probably more oppressive in 2v1 lanes, so you could send him to just feed off the enemy top.

We'll see in a two weeks I guess.


like when i play ranked (basically when im going to decay) i just try to play strong champs that make sense and hope everyone has a good time, im in elo heaven tho every ranked game ive played this season has everyone being really nice and compassionate

lucian can melt towers sure, but his ability to do so only seems nerfed compared to old lucian. like he was also already a strong split pusher and duelist before, and now he has to get xcloser during sieges, if that was a big part of why i was picking him id probably default to corki

but also let me be clear id totally love to be proved wrong once comp. kind of settles around this patch (though im sure we'll see changes to him before the worlds patch), because im pretty confident that it'd either be me overestimating the range nerf's significance, or it'd be them implementing lucian in a way i couldn't imagine


Because I don't rely on bullshit to climb.

Like, I guarantee you we're gonna lose this even if we go 8-3 in early game.
Wait, so you're complaining about champions you consider strong in a competitive mode because you refuse to play them...and you want to be able to stop anyone ELSE from playing them?

Did you notice the post-match data I posed from my 4v5? What if your game ends up being 4v5? What if it's even 5v4 or 5v3 in your favor? What if one of the enemy players is absolutely terrible and feeds even though they have a powerful champion? You can guess statistically what might happen, and you can choose to give up in your head and ensure that you lose, but you can't actually GUARANTEE any game result before the match because so much depends on the human element, who rages or gives up first, who AFKs, who disconnects, what the individual skill levels are, and so forth.


nev gotta nev

raising the number of bans wouldn't help, it'd just enforce this must-ban op thing and limit the number of possible comps and whatever.

problem isn't bans, it's op champions, which riot always sooner or later, nerfs.

i don't rely on meta picks/bans and never had trouble and i see weird shit all the time, tho i haven't played much ranked since 4.11 tbh
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