problem with the stuff banana says is that if it's meant to say something about league it just doesn't. it's like super anecdotal stuff and it's normals, with a mix of diamonds and silvers and who knows what else. he's also playing blitz who's a pretty binary character and that can basically amount his life to hook or no hook and he's even getting fed who to hook anyways.
so like whatever that proves i don't know it
now for sure he's right to say having skillshots doesn't make league any more complicated which is the root of this whole thing i think?
i like skillshots but i enjoy targeted spells too and both have their places and doto and league are different games and each use whichever they can use better. league is more fast paces and since there are lots of jumps and low cooldown spells it makes sense for there to be a lot of skillshots. i don't understand why anyone would feel morally obligated to protest against flash but to each its own, if you enjoy gimping yourself out of one of the most playmaking aspects of the game then more power to you.
i personally think the minute to minute of doto is ridiculously boring in that nothing really feels satisfying and everything feels sluggish and unexciting as fuck. that's playing league first for you and i'm sure there must be a lot of combo and teamfight and strategic highs but i'm not capable enough to understand those when just starting out so it ends up being kind of like playing against doom bots and being constantly amazed at the weird shit that's happening around me.
also closer you're really sad
also no one should really take nev too seriously
I mean, if you're playing with a diamond adc against gold players ofcourse you can do whatever the fuck you want and still win lane/game, just because something works doesn't mean it's necessarily the optimal way to play thought right?
And when you're in a LoL thread, essentially talking shit about the game compared to dota, when you don't even play the game "properly" is just asking for it.
he didn't really talk shit about the game, just said that from his experience making his earnest to play the game "wrong" he found that's actually sort of viable
which is true and that's why you get people getting to diamond playing ad sion and other random shit like that
In any online game I've played or read about, the most vocal demands for change are always directed at whatever is "top tier", whereas supporters of "bottom tiers" are more fragmented. Every player has his or her favored underdog, but in general, they all unite to complain about whatever is at the top.
This says to me that pubs, which is the MOBA equivalent of the aforementioned players, don't really care about balance. As long as there aren't really overt offenders infringing on their fun, everyone's content, except for some tryhards thinking they're Challengers and that everyone should pick whatever the pros are picking in LCS.
Balancing for pubs is simply a matter of reducing potential sources of complaints, rather than aiming for a level field, which is where I think the real difficulty of balance really comes from.
Another way of framing this is that pubs are looking for very different things from the game than pros. The former wants to maximize their fun, the latter wants to maximize their chances of winning. Naturally, the latter have drastically more interest in seeing a balanced game, unless they wish to exploit a specific imbalance. Devs, I feel, tend to be aware of this too. While they'll nerf the odd pubstomper that escapes playtesting, by and large they're focused on the players who actually give a damn about balance, rather than the ones who are, more or less, perpetually goofing off. Considering Rito's commitment to D I G I T A L S P O R T S, I think any discussion of balance should reasonably veer toward the competitive side of things.
the game is mostly balanced for competitive with the exception of a few champions that are accepted shouldn't be competitive (teemo). a lot of other champions are old as fuck and need total reworks (zilean, urgot, whatever) or half reworks (lucy, sona, nidalee, kassadin all getting reworked).
that doesn't mean pick variety is a big problem aside from making the game a bit more boring to watch. a lot of the popular pro picks are high skillcap champions (ori, elise, lee sin, syndra, lucy, thresh, yasuo, nami, tf) and while there are a lot of repeats it's not like you're watching same comp every single game.
it's not as big of an issue if you just enjoy watching good teams playing. like try watching ogn and it's fucking ballet man and those guys still play sona (<3) and are constantly innovating.
it should be better tho, which is what 4.13 and onwards are supposed to address
i'm not expecting miracles but you know riot has to undo a lot of old mistakes