Wow at all the posts!
I decided to play a ranked game since I haven't been playing ranked much. Too stressful! The only game I played, I got matched to lane against the GAF channel's own kayos90.
It was a come-from-behind victory though:
The other team got first blood by invading our jungle and killing the mid laner. I got ganked top by overextending, and then I messed up two early ganks. One of them I had no mana and didn't want to flash, and Eve ran away instead of killing Shyvana. The other one, I made a bad dive decision and Eve ended up taking the tower focus as a result, giving double buffs to Shyvana.
Bot and mid tower went down, and I got top tower first but promptly lost my own top tower. Eve wasn't doing well, people were almost raging, etc.
Once teamfights started, we were lucky that our team actually started grouping together, and the tides began to turn. I almost got the nexus after a fight, but messed up flash / ghostblade / timing and got killed when it had 300 HP. We then tried for nexus again but got aced (lost Leona too early). Fortunately the siren song of baron lured the other team and they ran away from baron with low HP as we respawned, effectively leashing it for us. We were able to push up mid for good that time or shortly after.