Who was the one that linked us the drop box of all those league waifu pics and also neatly filed them by champs?
It seems super unlikely I will get gold this season, so you can take comfort in that.Everyone's getting promoted. I mean i'm happy about it, but wtf im silver for life.
drawn pictures of girls from video games are hard to consider beautiful because they have no basis on real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and represent unrealistic standards that many women are expected to fulfill to the dismay of any sane person!!!
being attracted to drawings is unhealthy!!!!!!!!!!!!
It seems super unlikely I will get gold this season, so you can take comfort in that.
don't bezkylon i am just jealous of how many posts you have im sorry
you hurt meWho was the one that linked us the drop box of all those league waifu pics and also neatly filed them by champs?
I no longer believe in love.
i have a folder filled with all of the death threats ive gotten from playing counterstrike and halo.
they dont.I didn't know they made 10 TB hard drives.
Does anyone use a Rune page that consists entirely of flat AD for their ADCs?
I rarely use this page.Because after looking at the Runes in the Store, I am confused on how some players have 10 more AD than me as Twitch...
they might have ad quints+ad reds but unlikely anyone runs full ad runesBecause after looking at the Runes in the Store, I am confused on how some players have 10 more AD than me as Twitch...
he can do it with tristana ult and blitz rocket grab tootoday i learned yasuo can ult off of thresh's q.
yup, zyra's pretty beast, specially if she buys early damageZyra support (a good one) is really scary to fight against.
today i learned yasuo can ult off of thresh's q.
I know you play Aatrox the most, but Aatrox MAY not be the best option for silver solo queue ranked. What sort of role are you looking for?Holy shit how do you feed as Lulu? I don't get it. Jesus christ. Back to silver 3.
Edit: Also fiora's ult is range inducing
For level 2:Had a few goes on Doom bots. Amazing, Lux is crazy. Struggling on level 2, what is best team comp? I get 2/1/2 is best to begin with, but how many carries/tanks etc?
Only had a couple of attempts so may just need a team that does not die after three seconds.
dont play aatrox against fiora.Holy shit how do you feed as Lulu? I don't get it. Jesus christ. Back to silver 3.
Edit: Also fiora's ult is range inducing
dont play aatrox against fiora.
Getting 6 extra AD instead of extra AS or armor is not worth it.Does anyone use a Rune page that consists entirely of flat AD for their ADCs?
You should probably feel proud. They seem super rare now as far as I can tell. I might have had one red ribbon player on my team today, though.I'm not sure if I enjoy or feel weird about the fact that I keep getting honor ribbons. It's cool but ultimately worthless.
You know how Ziggs' movement speed got nerfed?
It wasn't nerfed enough.
You know how Ziggs' movement speed got nerfed?
It wasn't nerfed enough.
well he now has the slowest movement speed in the game along with anivia so i dunno how much slower you want him to be