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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Panth has the fastest movement speed in the game, if you didn't catch up you did something wrong.

Part of it might be because I was gorggy and half asleep.
Then again i don't play Pantheon much so I'm not yet familiar with how to use him properly.
Ah well, if I keep at it I'll get better and manage to effectively waste fools as him.

EDIT: In probuilds.net itseems lots of players just get 3 weapons and then tank up.


OT Hard Carry


wat champ should i buy to play in all of my games with ~certain gaffers~

no nunu tho


Just bought Elise, played a game of her support (are people still doing that?)

Super fun, but hella confusing in teamfights, there's a lot of shit to remember. Also, how are people building her jungle these days? Is new Ancient Golem worth it on her? Or should I go Spectral Wraith (or Elder Lizard, even)?


Just bought Elise, played a game of her support (are people still doing that?)

Super fun, but hella confusing in teamfights, there's a lot of shit to remember. Also, how are people building her jungle these days? Is new Ancient Golem worth it on her? Or should I go Spectral Wraith (or Elder Lizard, even)?
More than almost any other champion, I feel like Elise lends herself to "I'll just do some ranged harass or snare somebody OH NO I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT" plays when you screw up a button press.


Just bought Elise, played a game of her support (are people still doing that?)

Super fun, but hella confusing in teamfights, there's a lot of shit to remember. Also, how are people building her jungle these days? Is new Ancient Golem worth it on her? Or should I go Spectral Wraith (or Elder Lizard, even)?

most people have been going wraith since it is better than golem for clear and sustain


Holy FUCK Donger and Zyra botlane


I never realized just how dangerous that combo can be. I was CSing like a pro, but I couldn't even scratch their turrets for fear of being either poked down by Donger's turrets or being snared and bursted by Zyra and Donger's rockets.

I never died once in lane, but it was Syndra feeding Kat hard that got the other team snowballing hard. In hindsight, I probably should have rushed IE/BT instead of BotRK since they had no tanks, but it was still an annoying game. Losing to a bronzie feels awful, even if I did outCS him for miles.


Just bought Elise, played a game of her support (are people still doing that?)

Super fun, but hella confusing in teamfights, there's a lot of shit to remember. Also, how are people building her jungle these days? Is new Ancient Golem worth it on her? Or should I go Spectral Wraith (or Elder Lizard, even)?
Wraith, Guise, Void, etc.


Thanks everyone. I know MPen is pretty much the way to go on Elise, was just unsure about early game stuff.

And yeah, screwing up my R form killed me/ a teammate at least once that game, but I'll get there. Also really need to work on landing that E.


Wraith, Guise, Void, etc.

while this helps make wraith more valuable, you should almost never go pure damage in the jungle right now
things like locket, sight stone, and tank items are all still good things to get and usually helps along the type of role you will be playing out of the jungle

locket wraith ionian is still really potent too


So why is it that some champs benefit from mpen more than others? Just something I never really understood. High base damage?

usually % health damage coupled with not so great scaling

think elise q

if you do 8%+(0.03 ap) health you'd rather make sure that 8% sticks than try and stack crazy amounts of ap for barely any difference

also since % health damage scales with essentially time (since as people level you do more damage to them having a lot of ap isn't as crazy necessary as making sure that % stays relevant

might be other reasons too


Forgot about percentage stuff, true that. Also the reason Elise usually goes somewhat tanky, I believe - you do enough % damage that survivability becomes more useful than even further damage.


Sooo I was Orianna and the enemy team was focusing our Xin for some reason and they were grouped onto him. It was really going to be a beautiful shockwave 4 or 5 ppl guaranteed.

And then Xin used his ulti.

Worst feeling I've ever had.


Sooo I was Orianna and the enemy team was focusing our Xin for some reason and they were grouped onto him. It was really going to be a beautiful shockwave 4 or 5 ppl guaranteed.

And then Xin used his ulti.

Worst feeling I've ever had.
lol i fucking hate when that happens
AP Mumu mustve really hurt you.

Not really. I mostly kited him and forced him to choose between ulting just me or ulting some random group of 2 others. He tended to choose poorly.

Also, 4,000HP is pretty good against a team with just 1 decent AP champ. He did his best though. I think if he had tanked up, he would have given his team a better chance to win. Instead, he melted just like everyone else.


that ahri looking like every hot argie girl i know

argies just don't have the right faces

or maybe i'm too used to them


Earlier I was watching the ongamers interview with doublelift and Travis gave him for his birthday a rule 34 book of Ahri he got from a convention.

Let's say that book was pretty interesting....


Ez is pretty good guys.

EU Nordic have been going AP Ez lately.

Oh and I recently won a Ranked match as Jungle Warwick, our bot were Lucian and supp. Skarner. Skarner was very effective him dragging opponents to us is freakin' hilarious. Our top was Fiora vs. Vayne, Fiora fed Vayne, which I sadly worried about since the player likely doesn't know how to counter her well (I'd have an idea on how to get around that though)


Take a few days off the game and the first ranked game I get into I get:

- 2 ADC instalocks
- feral flare xin zhao
- Jungler suiciding into turret giving enemy top laner double buff at level 3.
- 2 rage quitters at 9minutes

Fun, fun, fun.
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