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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Idk, I wanted everyone to group up early and push, but Lee was clearing wolves and splitpushing for no reason for a lot of the game. Nid kept talking about how she didn't know what she was doing. She actually almost won it from a backdoor, but died with their nexus at 300 hp. We lost in the end because Voli and Lee left the base to stop heir mid push with our bot inhib down. I stayed to defend and tried to get everyone to come back because Yi was coming and we had no nexus turrets. I died to him 1v1 and the rest of the team, minus Thresh, died in a fight outside our base.

Basically, the longer the game went the more of a mess it turned into. I messed up a fight against zed and didn't qss his ult. If I did, I would've killed him and ended the game.

I was pissed when the game ended, but it's done now. You win some you lose some. ADC is definitely my favorite role to play, but I guess it might be time to practice some other stuff.


OT Hard Carry
I don't know who to buy, any suggestion?

I kind of like J4, Kog'Maw, LeBlanc, Rammus, Rumble, Skarner and Trundle. I dunno.



Neo Member
Managed to beat Doom bots level 5 with a little help from a doge. Main tactic was to get carried. Second tactic was to pick someone so toxic even the bots cannot possible be more obnoxious than this particular champion. Just keep lane pushed and eventually win.



Why is Xerath being played in LCS over TF/Anivia/Karthus/Ziggs/any mage?

Well, they all serve different purposes. Xerath specifically has extremely long-range poke, and the ADC meta shifted towards longer-range ADCs (Trist, Kog, Cait to some degree), so a longer-ranged mage is more useful for sieging now.


For all you Sivir players (forever alone) I'm convinced essence reaver is the way to go.

Core build path. If their team isn't tanky, sub LW for PD/Shiv.
You died a bunch, didn't get many kills, and built it as your 5th item? I don't mean to be rude, and you may be right, but do you mind sharing more of your reasoning? Or maybe a statistical thing, give it a shot 10 games in a row, then post Super Stats so we can go all mathworks on it.


You died a bunch, didn't get many kills, and built it as your 5th item? I don't mean to be rude, and you may be right, but do you mind sharing more of your reasoning? Or maybe a statistical thing, give it a shot 10 games in a row, then post Super Stats so we can go all mathworks on it.
I built it is as my first item. The reason I build it is because all the stats benefit Sivir. She's a mana hungry champ, needs AD, and the CDR is definitely useful on her. Anyways, a normal score for Sivir is like 5/5/12 or something like that. She doesn't tend to get that many kills in games, though she still does good damage. Anyways, if you want games:





I built it is as my first item. Anyways, a normal score for Sivir is like 5/5/12 or something like that. She doesn't tend to get that many kills in games, though she still does good damage. Anyways, if you want games:



Thanks for the extra data. I was a little confused by the order because you said "core build path" and showed 2 dorans at the top left.


how does rengar work

i don't like him but i'm confused why his snare likes an eternity
The root is 1.75 seconds, but if he uses it coming out of his ult, he can do it again once he gets 5 stacks automatically from the ult, for a total of 3.5 seconds.


The root is 1.75 seconds, but if he uses it coming out of his ult, he can do it again once he gets 5 stacks automatically from the ult, for a total of 3.5 seconds.
so like he ults, throws e and gets a stack, hits a q+w and gets two more stacks, and root lasts 1.75s so by 2s he has enough stacks for another snare, giving you a window of .25s to do something, if that considering that he's getting ferocity from the second e goes out?

sounds very dumb

tbh i always freak out every time i have rengar in teh enemy team as the growl from his jump scares the shit outta me
Just got my third penta ever.

1st - Corki, GAF in house during dragon fight.

2nd - Lucian, Ranked game during baron fight.

3rd - Tristana, normal draft, fight where we flanked from behind.

I just played it so perfect, ulted Swain out of the fight, killed Cait, E'd Swain and buttfucked him as he came back in, sniped Rengo as he tried to run, flash W'd and AA'd Cait then blasted Leona as she tried to run. My support Thresh helped out a lot in the fight as well. Feels good man.


so like he ults, throws e and gets a stack, hits a q+w and gets two more stacks, and root lasts 1.75s so by 2s he has enough stacks for another snare, giving you a window of .25s to do something, if that considering that he's getting ferocity from the second e goes out?

sounds very dumb

tbh i always freak out every time i have rengar in teh enemy team as the growl from his jump scares the shit outta me
If he focuses everything on snaring, yes. He could E, then QWE for 3 stacks immediately, so it's probably possible to not give you any non-snared window at all if he times it right. You'll presumably take less damage that route than the empowered Q route though.

Newt feels like Rengar usually loses though, and Rengar has like a 47% win rate in diamond ranked solo queue though, so your odds may in theory be okay. :p


Just got my third penta ever.

1st - Corki, GAF in house during dragon fight.

2nd - Lucian, Ranked game during baron fight.

3rd - Tristana, normal draft, fight where we flanked from behind.

I just played it so perfect, ulted Swain out of the fight, killed Cait, E'd Swain and buttfucked him as he came back in, sniped Rengo as he tried to run, flash W'd and AA'd Cait then blasted Leona as she tried to run. My support Thresh helped out a lot in the fight as well. Feels good man.

Nice dude. Congrats


Rengar's empowered bola is a stun and his regular bola is a slow. But the slow is still applied to the empowered bola so if he chains both bolas, it's a 1.75 stun and like a 5 sec slow.


If he focuses everything on snaring, yes. He could E, then QWE for 3 stacks immediately, so it's probably possible to not give you any non-snared window at all if he times it right. You'll presumably take less damage that route than the empowered Q route though.

Newt feels like Rengar usually loses though, and Rengar has like a 47% win rate in diamond ranked solo queue though, so your odds may in theory be okay. :p
yea i'm not saying he's op or anything but i feel like he's such a weird ass champion

so does he e three times in that combo?

so confusing

Rengar's empowered bola is a stun and his regular bola is a slow. But the slow is still applied to the empowered bola so if he chains both bolas, it's a 1.75 stun and like a 5 sec slow.
wait what


yea i'm not saying he's op or anything but i feel like he's such a weird ass champion

so does he e three times in that combo?

so confusing
The wiki probably explains it better than I could:

wiki said:
Rengar builds 1 point of Ferocity whenever he lands an ability. Upon reaching 5 Ferocity, Rengar gains the ability to cast an alternate set of abilities, which are empowered versions of his basic abilities. The two ability-sets do not share cooldowns, and his basic abilities' cooldowns will continue to count down while his empowered abilities are available. His empowered abilities have no cooldown and can be used whenever 5 Ferocity is available, though using an empowered ability consumes all 5 Ferocity.


I built it is as my first item. The reason I build it is because all the stats benefit Sivir. She's a mana hungry champ, needs AD, and the CDR is definitely useful on her. Anyways, a normal score for Sivir is like 5/5/12 or something like that. She doesn't tend to get that many kills in games, though she still does good damage. Anyways, if you want games:




Reaver would be great on her, except for the fact that you need to drop 3400g on it before it fixes your mana problem. They should've given it a Hexdrinker -> Maw sort of path, because by the time you get it your mana problems are already significantly reduced and you're essentially gimped compared to someone that bought a 3000g item whose value goes entirely to offensive stats. Having something that could actually help within a reasonable amount of time within lane then upgrade into something useful endgame would be a ton better than what we have now. Make it a 1350g item with the same passive and a combine recipe with a Brutalizer for the end game upgrade. Boom, done, problem solved.

Essence Reaver should work on her as well as any champ in the game, but it just doesn't because it's such a gold sink. Says pretty much all you need to know about the item. That and the fact that pretty much anyone else who wants to fix their mana problem can do it for either 700g or 880g.


I am shit at adc but I think reaver could be viable for Lucian. The 40% cdr spell spam is pretty damn fun. Quick draw adc fantasy fulfilled. I've also been watching faker play him mid.


I got my secondary account up to Diamond 1! I can't believe how much easier it is to carry when you have reliable teammates. I was struggling so hard for two weeks to get this account out of D2.

Also this Zileans a jerk, he's the typical "I pick a troll champ that's not viable late game and bitch about my team mates all game" kind of guy. I've had him on my team before.



I got my secondary account up to Diamond 1! I can't believe how much easier it is to carry when you have reliable teammates. I was struggling so hard for two weeks to get this account out of D2.

Also this Zileans a jerk, he's the typical "I pick a troll champ that's not viable late game and bitch about my team mates all game" kind of guy. I've had him on my team before.

I wanted to ask what does that scholarship give you/ ask of you? Also Grats man... Two accounts!


The scholarship is offering 50% of tuition and room & board. I don't know much else at this point, it's still early in the process since the fall semester of classes don't start until Sept. 22nd and it sounds like they're still busy selecting team members.

I imagine I'll have to practice with the team regularly and compete in tournaments.

And thanks.


I hate losing progress well and losing in general. It's always been my goal to keep two accounts near the same ranking so it bothers me less when I lose. I went 7 wins/7 losses as Ryze in ranked this week and that was frustrating all on it's own. It's difficult learning new champions in ranked when 1 mistake can cost my team the game.
The bad thing about playing with a caitlyn is that you really have no idea how it's gonna go. Cait's top tier, but she's also the ADC that people pick when they have no idea how to play ADC.

So you'll be laning with them and they won't take your lanterns to get back to lane quicker, won't let you get relic procs off on cannon minions, that sorta thing.

Also, is it me, or is proccing relic shield with thresh way harder than it is with leona? I don't know why, but I miss a LOT of cs that I feel like I wouldn't have missed with leo.


I am shit at adc but I think reaver could be viable for Lucian. The 40% cdr spell spam is pretty damn fun. Quick draw adc fantasy fulfilled. I've also been watching faker play him mid.

Lol yea I was watching some youtube videos of faker playing him mid.

Reaver is pretty cool on him. Depends on the enemy team though. I still really like botrk, but its awesome just skirting around the battle with 40% cdr.

Also, is it me, or is proccing relic shield with thresh way harder than it is with leona? I don't know why, but I miss a LOT of cs that I feel like I wouldn't have missed with leo.

He's ranged, so the execute isn't gonna proc from his autos.


^I've tried Liss support, it's pretty strong especially if your jungler takes advantage of your CC and camps bot lane. It's still a risky pick though since her W has such a short range, maybe that's why it's not picked super often.


Has anyone tried liss support? I believe her with draven can literally cleave the bot lane to the inhib in less than 20 mins.

i've played her a bit but imo she's just a worse version of annie

i'm surprised everyone's forgotten about annie, she's still crazy strong imo

anywho, you should try lizzy+ashy level 6 combo. you'd think they're both low damage champions but lizzy's pretty high up as far as supports are concerned and basically at level 6 if you're doing well in lane the other laners just cannot be in range of your e or they'll get arrow'd+ice coffin'd every single tiem

Thank you. I always use those two words interchangeably. I need to stop doing that.

The slow on his empowered bola still applies the slow. So it's a 1.75 snare on top of a 2.5 sec slow.

So if you land your empowered E, you can use your E again right away to apply an additional 2.5 sec slow.
well then it's probably not a 5s slow but more like 3 or 3.5 since slows just refresh
I beat Doombots level 2, but level 3 didn't unlock! What on Earth?

Also, I might need to buy Morgana....I love playing support, and she looks like she might be a good support champ.
You can level up your E first if you've having a hard time AAing creeps for the Relic Shield procs.

Yeah I max e or q pretty much equal amounts of time. maybe a slight edge to e.

I also usually use AD runes on thresh (since I only have three rune pages) but today I tried AP and was having an extra hard time for obvious reasons.


Yeah I max e or q pretty much equal amounts of time. maybe a slight edge to e.

I also usually use AD runes on thresh (since I only have three rune pages) but today I tried AP and was having an extra hard time for obvious reasons.
yea i really don't like the bother of relic shield on thresh so i just run tanky runes and get coin

shurelyas is still pretty good and 20% cdr for threshie is godly
yea i really don't like the bother of relic shield on thresh so i just run tanky runes and get coin

shurelyas is still pretty good and 20% cdr for threshie is godly

I do a 4/5/21 page which gives 10% right off the bat actually so its not like the CDR is super necessary, and mana regen isn't something i really feel like I need. I just like the extra tankiness because I still don't run health runes.


I do a 4/5/21 page which gives 10% right off the bat actually so its not like the CDR is super necessary, and mana regen isn't something i really feel like I need. I just like the extra tankiness because I still don't run health runes.
yea i don't really like this either

i run 0/14/16 almost every game since i'd rather be tanky in lane than having more cdr, specially since cdr in support items is ridiculously abundant nowadays
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