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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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yea i don't really like this either

i run 0/14/16 almost every game since i'd rather be tanky in lane than having more cdr, specially since cdr in support items is ridiculously abundant nowadays

Yeah true. I'll play around with it then. it's just the support page I've been running since the beginning of the season and I never really gave much thought to changing it.


like point of runes/masteries/etc is to find you own way of playing so it's alright if you like it that way better

i use 4 or 5 mana regen blues on adcs just cos coming from midlane i'm naturally pretty spammy with spells so i'd rather have that, which is probably not the best idea if you're trying to be good at adc but i don't really care

if it works it works, i really like the balance in 0/14/16 and go religiously for it (sometimes 0/16/14)
for mana regen on adc I usually just put 3 into utility and do a 21/6/3. thats when i play graves varus or ez or something. I'm gonna try out an 0/11/19 page right now, i tried to put as little as possible into utility and still get full points into intelligence since I think that mastery is great and I've been getting better at remembering to use my actives.

edit: also I can't remember if Championship Riven came back for sale for last year's worlds? I really want to get championship thresh since I've been bummed I missed out on him for so long.


So what's the new Lucian build path? Still IE first or is it BT now?

edit: fuuuuuck the other team picked him. Going Trist. Statik Shiv first now? I've seen it in LCS, but I dunno

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I never buy the shiv because by then, my trist has enough ad from IE and attack speed from zephyr to aa minions to death.

But hey, give it to a maestro yi...


Reaver would be great on her, except for the fact that you need to drop 3400g on it before it fixes your mana problem. They should've given it a Hexdrinker -> Maw sort of path, because by the time you get it your mana problems are already significantly reduced and you're essentially gimped compared to someone that bought a 3000g item whose value goes entirely to offensive stats. Having something that could actually help within a reasonable amount of time within lane then upgrade into something useful endgame would be a ton better than what we have now. Make it a 1350g item with the same passive and a combine recipe with a Brutalizer for the end game upgrade. Boom, done, problem solved.

Essence Reaver should work on her as well as any champ in the game, but it just doesn't because it's such a gold sink. Says pretty much all you need to know about the item. That and the fact that pretty much anyone else who wants to fix their mana problem can do it for either 700g or 880g.
Essence Reaver is the cheapest out of the four items. Sure, you don't get the mana regen until you finish it, but before then you just need to just buy some mana pots and land some good spell shields. I like how it builds out of BF+Vamp since those are both nice items to have in lane.

Poor Blitz runs into Sivir and Leona mains.


And we lost. Had their nexus open with all our inner turrets and we fucking lost. Our jung and mid (Yasuo and Yi of all people, you know, 2 of THE best split pushing champs) kept insisting we all group mid and then initiated 2v5 and became toxic. Went from tied in kills to us down like 15. I could've played better but still ffs.

I really need to work on finishing games.
Did BaronReplay break for anyone else? Can't record any replay since the last update around 5 days ago but there aren't any patch notes. It always says can't find game ID.


Did BaronReplay break for anyone else? Can't record any replay since the last update around 5 days ago but there aren't any patch notes. It always says can't find game ID.

i moved to lsi since you can map a key to show you like lolnexus stuff right on the game client
unfortunately i think not

it does load replays from op.gg if you have em


Kinda bummed me that BR stopped working. I was making so many plays last night with Thresh that someone kept calling them "mvplays". I really love escaping by hooking into jungle monsters. I got a pentakill with Irelia on ARAM too by juking into the bush. This makes it my third ARAM pentakill I believe (others being Udyr and WW)

I'd bet kha gets one too, just based on last year's being elise and thresh. kha kinda fits that mold of being newish and popularish, though I guess less-so recently.

edit: also only has the one skin, just like elise and thresh did.


Are all Yi players retarded? We almost won a game where I DC for like, the first 7 minutes but this fucking Yi decides to facecheck baron vs Talon.


Are all Yi players retarded? We almost won a game where I DC for like, the first 7 minutes but this fucking Yi decides to facecheck baron vs Talon.
In my ranked experiences I've found that 90% of Yi players are bad...

...and the other 10% are just fkn awful.


They're all ugly skins that should never be used.

It's gonna be Jinx.
victorious janna and championship riven are pretty cool

Victorious Ryze
Ultimate Ziggs


(Rito pls no)
you can walk yourself out

I'm guessing Karma is probably gonna be either Victorious or Championship.
this is like the 17th time i hear this

what's with the karma thing

i do hope it's not ori as it'd be kind of boring to use the same skin as everybody else

I'd bet kha gets one too, just based on last year's being elise and thresh. kha kinda fits that mold of being newish and popularish, though I guess less-so recently.

edit: also only has the one skin, just like elise and thresh did.
yea kha's a good candidate

i actually had the feeling it was gonna be aatrox but since he's getting the mecha skin i guess he's off the table


Unless you are Jax, I feel like triforce is the "LOOK HOW RICH I AM" item you taunt the other team with, you are beating them so badly.
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