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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So my friend linked me a thing to get dreadknight garen skin. You just got to link your twitter like the other free skins like trist and ali.
The Elise auto range nerf is not pointless, it's her main way of starting a gank when she has red buff.

The Liss changes are weird, whats the point of removing the ratio on W?


Those Lissandra changes are complete bullshit. The only way I see that working is if it's paired with the proposed passive changes that gives her a shield/defensive stats when applying CC. You know what? No, it's still bullshit because her current passive is garbage.

Wow at this patch. Nerfs everywhere. On the one hand it's ok because lots of nerfs are being directed at problematic champs and items, but isn't the reasoning for nerfing high play/win rate champions as opposed to buffing low play/win rates that it's easier to make changes to the few than the many? Well, what happens when you're nerfing a quarter of the roster directly, and a huge chunk of the rest indirectly through item changes?

Riot needs to rework Elise. So long as she gets to double dip every skill point it's going to be an issue unless they Olaf her into the ground. Give her the Jayce/Nidalee treatment and her second set of skills improve with ultimate rank. Spice things up in contrast to Nidalee by making her spider form her regular set of abilities and her human form the ultimate level linked ones.


rick maher ‏@ricklessabandon 3m
@zkylon her burst is already atypically high for her type of kit, and her sustained dps is buffed—it's getting nerfed to make dfg less ideal

there you go

i wholeheartly disagree with this change


... but isn't the reasoning for nerfing high play/win rate champions as opposed to buffing low play/win rates that it's easier to make changes to the few than the many?

No, the rationale is that nerfing champs that crowd other champions out is a better direction than buffing champions since it doesn't create an arms race situation. But, that only really applies in cases where the underused ones aren't just actually awful regardless of the competition. In those cases, buffs/reworks are better options than nerfing other things.
I agree that it doesn't make sense for Liss to have burst - and making that burst any higher will just ensure she gets nerfed into the ground - but though I agree with making her more of a DPS type of mage, her kit will needs a fuckton of tuning for it and not just shaving off 1 second of the Q's CD. She needs the new passive and she needs more changes for her role to make sense, nerfing W's damage and calling it a day will just make her weaker.
No, the rationale is that nerfing champs that crowd other champions out is a better direction than buffing champions since it doesn't create an arms race situation. But, that only really applies in cases where the underused ones aren't just actually awful regardless of the competition. In those cases, buffs/reworks are better options than nerfing other things.
Yep. There's a ton of junglers that would be much more playable if they could manage dealing with Elise / Lee. Their tools create a "you must be this tall to do Dragon if the enemy jungler is alive" situation that most junglers just can't compete. Nerfing dominant champions while buffing ok ones will just flip the situation around and create dominant forces.


@zkylon it's less about the dfg item specifically and more about the pattern behind it. when she uses dfg, she 100-0s in a very short window

@zkylon it's not a problem unique to lissandra, but it's one we don't want to make more common.

ricklessabandon being nice and replying to me but the deal he's offering is really bad, lissandra is basically getting nerfed, this is not a good trade at all.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
if you want to play a dfg champ insta burst champ don't play liss. a shorter q cooldown will give her a better identity when it comes to kiting/chasing.
To be honest I think DFG is a cancerous item that should have been removed entirely from the game two years ago when it first became a problem.

Extra itemized burst will never, ever be balanceable in a satisfactory way. Get rid of that thing and buff the champions that are effectively affected by it.
Holy crap. More Elise nerfs? I don't even understand at this point.
Jungling is currently gated by 3 champions, Lee, Elise and to a lesser extent, Eve. If you nerf one of them, you have to nerf the others otherwise whoever goes unscathed will just become the absolute ruler of the jungle.


I agree that it doesn't make sense for Liss to have burst - and making that burst any higher will just ensure she gets nerfed into the ground - but though I agree with making her more of a DPS type of mage, her kit will needs a fuckton of tuning for it and not just shaving off 1 second of the Q's CD. She needs the new passive and she needs more changes for her role to make sense, nerfing W's damage and calling it a day will just make her weaker.

Hell, need more than the new passive if that's what they want to do. Think of all the DPS mages - Ryze, Cass, Swain, Karthus, etc. They generally either have one of 1.) spamable on-click abilities which always connect on the target or 2.) a toggable/very high duration constant damage spell. Lissandra has neither.

Lissandra as a bursty play maker (e.g. Twisted Fate) is way more interesting in regards to what her kit currently is.

zkylon said:
ricklessabandon being nice and replying to me but the deal he's offering is really bad, lissandra is basically getting nerfed, this is not a good trade at all.



if you want to play a dfg champ insta burst champ don't play liss. a shorter q cooldown will give her a better identity when it comes to kiting/chasing.
i like her versatility, you can play her however you want and react to the game unlike many other champions because she has enough cc and lockdown to make assassination with dfg, initiation with zhonyas or kiting with athenes work

that makes her special and is my favorite part about the champion. this nerfs her waveclear and potentially removes the option to go dfg.

you're still a squishy low range mage with one time mobility


Meh, DFG is pretty OP IMO. Nerfs are welcome.

do we really want all midlanes at worlds to be ziggs vs xerath? or at the game itself


Jungling is currently gated by 3 champions, Lee, Elise and to a lesser extent, Eve. If you nerf one of them, you have to nerf the others otherwise whoever goes unscathed will just become the absolute ruler of the jungle.

Maybe competitive.. solo queue doesn't have her nearly as dominant.


pbe patches are up, i don't like them

ignoring changes to champions i don't play

lizzy getting 3s q in exchange for .2 ap ratio on w is bullshit. the thing i like most about lizzy is how you can build her in different ways and this just kills her dfg build almost entirely. you're not gonna get a third q on your combo so basically this is a .2 ap nerf to her burst, which is very low already

for like more dps? who gives a shit. i don't like it at all, this might just end up ruining lissandra for me. like fuck

and dfg nerfs?

the fuck

q, not w

i think that's ok, q is best for killing, w for clears

I am liking that Twitch buff.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i like her versatility, you can play her however you want and react to the game unlike many other champions because she has enough cc and lockdown to make assassination with dfg, initiation with zhonyas or kiting with athenes work

that makes her special and is my favorite part about the champion. this nerfs her waveclear and potentially removes the option to go dfg.
You can still play her however you want. You are overreacting if you think a .2 AP nerf to one ability is going to wreck her kit.

Look at where the game is and is moving right now. Try to assess how foolish it is to say her wave clear is being hurt when the safe tool she has for that is going to be up more often. Nobody cares about Lissandra as a burst mage, having the opportunity to become a reliable AP laner with strong wave clear and heavy amounts of CC is ideal right now.


Neo Member
Story of my life



what are you talking about dood

syndra and ahri are like two of the less facerolly champions in the game

"Hi, I'm Syndra. I can miss all of my skillshots but as long as I press DFG + R and even ignite, they're dead!'

Pre-nerf Ahri was OP because of DFG. She would just DFG and use her W + R spells to nuke people.
Syndra isn't killing anyone with raw ult unless she is stupid fed.
Hell you don't even get DFG unless you're stupid fed.

Pre nerf Ahri is a thing of the past.


Even with a DFG, Ahri really needs to land her E to burst someone down effectively. Syndra has a little more flexibility with her powerful ult but still needs some lead off.


I'd be interested to see the algorithm for determining feeding.

You can still play her however you want. You are overreacting if you think a .2 AP nerf to one ability is going to wreck her kit.

Look at where the game is and is moving right now. Try to assess how foolish it is to say her wave clear is being hurt when the safe tool she has for that is going to be up more often. Nobody cares about Lissandra as a burst mage, having the opportunity to become a reliable AP laner with strong wave clear and heavy amounts of CC is ideal right now.
you're not wrong, i'm not saying lissandra will be shit or anything, i'm saying one playstyle of hers got noticeably nerfed (her damage was already low enough that this might be enough to kill dfg, tho ofc tests are needed) and that i don't like having less options

she never was the best assassin but i'm not buying nashors tooth, it's a valid way of playing her (i was so happy when i saw faker go dfg first on her), and in a game where you build the same every single match i really appreciate how lizzy is different

i wouldn't be surprised if she shows up on competitive as a support or top laner and that becomes her new identity

whoop de doo

"Hi, I'm Syndra. I can miss all of my skillshots but as long as I press DFG + R and even ignite, they're dead!'

Pre-nerf Ahri was OP because of DFG. She would just DFG and use her W + R spells to nuke people.
dood, i'm being nice here, you clearly know nothing about these champions so just accept you're wrong and we can move on


That feel when you dominate your lane 5/0, get two kills for mid, and barely win because Varus had to make a phone call for twenty minutes.


yea like it's all fine when i'm not mad about lizzy getting nerfed but right now i'm pretty bummed and i may say things i'll regret later

its like when lucian got nerfed

Seriously though, Lissandra should not exist as a burst mage. It creates a binary dynamic to her gameplay where she's reaching a point of getting to be able to enter the battle and delete someone without their reaction at all being a relevant concern. It's forever+1 ago but this was our Treeline philosophy with Lissandra: Deleting people on engage was a thing. Having that kind of gameplay is really unhealthy in general.


DAMAGE PER SPHERE: 90 / 135 / 180 (+ 20% AP)
MINIMUM DAMAGE (3 SPHERES): 270 / 405 / 540 (+ 60% AP)
MAXIMUM DAMAGE (7 SPHERES): 630 / 975 / 1260 (+ 140% AP)

+ DFG: Unique: Deals 15% of target champion's maximum health in magic damage and applies the debuff, Doom. Doom amplifies all magic damage that champion takes by 20% for 4 seconds. 60 second cooldown (750 range).

So let's say Syndra has 600 AP late game. She'll be doing 1260 + 600 (+240) which equals 2100 damage. Add in the 15% max HP damage nuke and the 20% damage from DFG, she can easily burst down a squishy.

I'm not arguing she's OP because she has clear strengths and weaknesses (however her E feels really wonky), I'm just saying. She's not gonna be bursting full tank Mundo or anything.
Ok now you must be trolling

You realize how much effort and hoops you have to go through to keep 4 spheres alive? Have you ever played Syndra?


i agree, lizzy being able to keep you in place for 3-4s while 100-0ing you is bullshit but i don't think the game is at a moment where it can allow the few assassination options that exist to get nerfed

i have no idea why they're nerfing dfg


Neo Member
DAMAGE PER SPHERE: 90 / 135 / 180 (+ 20% AP)
MINIMUM DAMAGE (3 SPHERES): 270 / 405 / 540 (+ 60% AP)
MAXIMUM DAMAGE (7 SPHERES): 630 / 975 / 1260 (+ 140% AP)

+ DFG: Unique: Deals 15% of target champion's maximum health in magic damage and applies the debuff, Doom. Doom amplifies all magic damage that champion takes by 20% for 4 seconds. 60 second cooldown (750 range).

So let's say Syndra has 600 AP late game. She'll be doing 1260 + 600 (+240) which equals 2100 damage. Add in the 15% max HP damage nuke and the 20% damage from DFG, she can easily burst down a squishy.

I'm not arguing she's OP because she has clear strengths and weaknesses (however her E feels really wonky), I'm just saying. She's not gonna be bursting full tank Mundo or anything.

Well, the ultimate is pretty short range and she has no mobility at all so there's that.


doing a 7 ball ult on a carry doesn't happen

it doesn't happen because carries are far in the back and will just walk away from your short ranged ult



I can buy the argument that Lissandra shouldn't be primiarly a burst mage (although I think that's the most enjoyable way to play her at present) but the problem which I'm going to reiterate is the she doesn't have the tools to be a DPS mage either unless the passive change comes through.
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