First Akali game in over a year (excluding ARAMs):
Game went horribly sour early as they invaded with Blitzcrank and picked up three kills (two on Orianna who came back in to die). I picked up one kill and escaped, but lost a lot of time in lane against bruiser Nidalee and got zoned when I arrived top. Lee then invaded our jungle, killed Jarvan, and baited Orianna out of lane for her third death. Cue mid and jungler raging at each other, while I'm over 25 cs down on a champion I've not played for a long time. I soon lose my Flash to a Lee gank, who'd hit level 6 over three minutes before Jarvan. I decide not to bother with the Gunblade and go for Haunting Guise and Sorc Boots, hoping for a lucky fight to turn the game around.
And solo queue provides the perfect opportunity. Enemy bot lane engages our bot lane in a fight, whereupon I teleport behind them and force a huge fight that ends up 4-0 in our favour, plus dragon and bot outer tower. Nidalee takes top but we're back in the game and I have enough for a Rod. A few questionable assassination attempts later and we're in total control, give or take our mid still being on tilt.
Think I'll be playing Akali more often after that.