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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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It doesn't seem like that if you watch the making of thing. It's too bad that they didn't have any voice acting but that's probably because they were shooting for something that would work globally.
I'm honestly not sure. I'm mostly extrapolating from the location in the movie and the new SR being more wilderness/jungle.


You know, as much as I hate Vayne, her ulti is pretty badass. Whips out a bigass crossbow and says "Time for reckoning".

Would be fun to see in a cinematic.
it was pretty good

Syndra isn't killing anyone with raw ult unless she is stupid fed.
Hell you don't even get DFG unless you're stupid fed.
It's like you guys refuse to acknowledge that DeadNames' complaints are usually nothing more than hyperbolic and irrational. "Warwick overpowered" and "Vayne untouchable" should've been enough to make everyone realize that.

Wow. I thought the Elise nerf was only on the Q and auto. Apparently it goes deeper than that. I'll never play Elise again with these changes.

Base attack range lowered to 500 from 550
Neurotoxin ( Human Q ) range decreased to 500 from 625
Cocoon ( Human E ) missile width decreased to 55 from 70
Rappel ( Spider E ) range decreased to 700 from 925

I'm literally aghast. Just rework her. Reduce her range on everything but then nerf the range of her gap closer? Did they forget Rappel has a pretty big cast time for that range? Crazy.
She won't be any fun to play in the top lane anymore yeah, even with Riot's clarification on how her ranges are being calculated. Not terrible, just... not fun. Thanks junglers.

I kind of don't like:

* Garen (no champion has less distinguishing characteristics than Garen)
Volibear and Wukong.

while i appreciate it being a bit better i still wish they just kept old match history and added a link to new one

or fucking have new match history in-client :/
Except that's what they did?


Wow I just tried him. Maxing W is so fuckin stupid. 6s cd, W+sheen procs which do half a carry's life and constantly on full hp after every single trade in lane

Now I know why I can never beat grag top with Irelia. Bloody heals everything back in a potion and spamming some skills for 15-20seconds.
Ain't no one gonna feel sorry for Irelia.


Stick figure trailers showing off cool combat specific to the game >>>>>>> CGI trailer showing the characters banging against eachother.

/negative nancy



༼ຈل͜ຈ༽_•︻̷┻̿═━一 SHOOT HER


Holy fuck at Nautilus. That's mah boy. They captured exactly what I wished he felt like late game. I like to think that the animator was giving subtle hints to Riot that he needs a touch of love because he died with his shield up...

Movie makes me want to give Graves another go, but I'm so butt as using short range ADCs...


worst video ever, kat died

It's like you guys refuse to acknowledge that DeadNames' complaints are usually nothing more than hyperbolic and irrational. "Warwick overpowered" and "Vayne untouchable" should've been enough to make everyone realize that.

In my defense, I figured he'd have changed his shtick after nearly a year. I can't imagine being that wrong for such a long stretch of time.


Yeah thsi video clearly shows how the head anatomy regarding Ahri's ears would make her look wierd if she shaved.

Nice video but didn't like the models much.
Didn't need all that blood too, eugh.


Neo Member
Yeah thsi video clearly shows how the head anatomy regarding Ahri's ears would make her look wierd if she shaved.

Nice video but didn't like the models much.
Didn't need all that blood too, eugh.

I think blood was fitting. Didn't expect it at all but it was good.

OP? Nothing, we're talking about a game that has a hero with both Jarvan and Twisted Fate's ults as basic abilities.

Do best? Maybe siege mages like Xerath and old stuff like Sion and launch champions.

INT Tristana would be pretty good. STR Darius would probably be good. Jax maybe. Fiora with a BKB would be pretty beast. Tryndamere.

The prevalence of Skywrath Mage at TI4 (a Dota hero with League style ability scaling) shows you could probably put a few LoL heroes in Dota.
First Akali game in over a year (excluding ARAMs):


Game went horribly sour early as they invaded with Blitzcrank and picked up three kills (two on Orianna who came back in to die). I picked up one kill and escaped, but lost a lot of time in lane against bruiser Nidalee and got zoned when I arrived top. Lee then invaded our jungle, killed Jarvan, and baited Orianna out of lane for her third death. Cue mid and jungler raging at each other, while I'm over 25 cs down on a champion I've not played for a long time. I soon lose my Flash to a Lee gank, who'd hit level 6 over three minutes before Jarvan. I decide not to bother with the Gunblade and go for Haunting Guise and Sorc Boots, hoping for a lucky fight to turn the game around.

And solo queue provides the perfect opportunity. Enemy bot lane engages our bot lane in a fight, whereupon I teleport behind them and force a huge fight that ends up 4-0 in our favour, plus dragon and bot outer tower. Nidalee takes top but we're back in the game and I have enough for a Rod. A few questionable assassination attempts later and we're in total control, give or take our mid still being on tilt.

Think I'll be playing Akali more often after that.


Report Naut for using conservation stacks instead of grouping. Goddam, that whole sequence from what Naut first shows up until Graves takes him down is amazing. Can't help but feel after rewatching the whole thing that Rengar w/o Kha'Zix is a wasted opportunity.


Why do all the male champions in that video look incredibly awesome and the females share the same animu bs loli face?


Volibear and Wukong.

You cray. From a design perspective, Volibear has specific tools to slow and keep you in the battlefield long enough to use his execute, which is the only execute with a warmup time, plus an ultimate that's useless if you just throw it out but extremely powerful in just the right situation. Garen has a "next AA" boost, a CC breaker, and whirlwind. And two of those are actually the same ability!

From a flavor perspective, VOLIBEAR IS A BEAR AND HAS THE ABILITIES THAT A BEAR MIGHT HAVE. Plus lightning.

You might be right about Wukong, I dunno. In fairness, he is the Monkey King. When you're making Sun Wukong there are certain design restrictions you're just going to have to live with.


Maybe if Ahri used some abilities once in a while her team might do better.

Although I guess they win the teamfight in the end because this is Nautilus's fantasy. (Notice that even in Nautilus's imagination he can only get two kills before dying.)
Even thought the launch trailer isn't as good quality, I still feel like it's the best for showing off the gameplay.

I guess League is at the point where it just needs to show off characters than gameplay for fanservice.
Hahaha holy shit I can't believe it was actually true. Poor Gleeb. You figure TSM would have at least had the smarts to avoid doing it exactly the same way they did it with xpecial.
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