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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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but i guess if I want to find out what koreans are doing i should just check ogn or wait till someone who cares more compiles the information like that kayle guy

i think the koreans do like at least 10 hour days working on real stuff too so they probably fuck around a lot in solo q
but i guess if I want to find out what koreans are doing i should just check ogn or wait till someone who cares more compiles the information like that kayle guy

i think the koreans do like at least 10 hour days working on real stuff too so they probably fuck around a lot in solo q


deft only plays like 1 day per week, so i dunno
faker has been playing mejais and ad zilean
I don't think there is a good source for the type of information im trying to get


im just looking for an idea of what teams think are strong on this patch, but im pretty sure all pro players are kind of sneaky about this shit before it gets pulled out in games that matter
im just looking for an idea of what teams think are strong on this patch, but im pretty sure all pro players are kind of sneaky about this shit before it gets pulled out in games that matter
ogn vods are probably your best bet then. kind of hard to get unless ur willing to power it out to 3am.


i might be making it sound like i care more than i do
like no way am i going to sit down and go through ogn vods
plus they are on a previous patch

i just want my payday too
I didn't know there was a colorblind option in the new match history, and the heatmaps now shows where the champion died, not only where he killed someone. It's great.


I didn't know there was a daltonic option in the new match history, and the heatmaps now shows where the champion died, not only where he killed someone. It's great.
What does daltonic mean?

I wish there were an option to show where wards were placed during the game as well.
But does op.gg has something like this:


What does daltonic mean?

i meant colorblind, i'm tired, lol.


I just crushed my first ranked game as Gragas, he seems like freelo right now he's way too strong in lane with mobility, sustain, and wave clear. Especially when you consider how amazing he is late game for separating people from their team with his ult.

I think the easy fix is raising the cooldown on his ult by at least 40 seconds. Right now it's almost always up when it should be treated more like Mumu's ult.

Wow I just tried him. Maxing W is so fuckin stupid. 6s cd, W+sheen procs which do half a carry's life and constantly on full hp after every single trade in lane

Now I know why I can never beat grag top with Irelia. Bloody heals everything back in a potion and spamming some skills for 15-20seconds.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Wow I just tried him. Maxing W is so fuckin stupid. 6s cd, W+sheen procs which do half a carry's life and constantly on full hp after every single trade in lane

Now I know why I can never beat grag top with Irelia. Bloody heals everything back in a potion and spamming some skills for 15-20seconds.

Just how do you beat top gragas? I find he has the safest pokes and can win trades all the time, not mention he can backdown unless you hard cc him.

The only champion i know to bested him top was quinn but thats a rare sight.


You don't. You either go range and hope to god he doesn't ult you into him post-6 or you farm safely under turret as a melee and hope he doesn't max Q.

You can't trade with this self sustaining flap of skin.

W Drink and take off a % of your life, E to screw up your movement and any spell casts then Q to slow you so you can't chase and trade.

His damage falls off but his utility doesn't. He's like renekton in his prime but with more utility.


You don't. You either go range and hope to god he doesn't ult you into him post-6 or you farm safely under turret as a melee and hope he doesn't max Q.

You can't trade with this self sustaining flap of skin.

W Drink and take off a % of your life, E to screw up your movement and any spell casts then Q to slow you so you can't chase and trade.

His damage falls off but his utility doesn't. He's like renekton in his prime but with more utility.

Do you build him damage or tanky though? Both seem really popular and it's hard to tell which is better

I can't quite seem to make myself useful with Udyr. Granted, the other team was kite central (Zed + Trist + Nami + Kha + J4) but...

...no, maybe it was just because they were kite central. Really obnoxious going 1-1-0 in a 25 minute match where you constantly ganked.


Did you split push? Cause Udyr can't team fight.

In the current season, Udyr is only useful if he goes feral flare, solos dragons and split pushes. If you get 3 people chasing after you and act as a distraction, you're doing your job.
Did you split push? Cause Udyr can't team fight.

In the current season, Udyr is only useful if he goes feral flare, solos dragons and split pushes. If you get 3 people chasing after you and act as a distraction, you're doing your job.

Nah, not really. I did push towers, but i didn't pull a Tryndamere. Mostly stuck with the team to get some kills and provide some peel. But yea, couldn't get shit done with all the peel man. it was obnoxious. If it was a bubble it was zed just W'ing away or trist jumping away or some shit.


i hope the racism instaban thing works for argieland

i just played against a premade that harassed us all game long for being argies like typical random chile stuff randomly saying "falklands" as if that actually does anything for us lol

really sad cos we might've had a shot but jungler misplayed and gave ahri first blood+doublebuffs and just ruined mid for me. shit happens but would've loved to shut them up

as always a bunch of losers being carried by a diamond 1


Nah, not really. I did push towers, but i didn't pull a Tryndamere. Mostly stuck with the team to get some kills and provide some peel. But yea, couldn't get shit done with all the peel man. it was obnoxious. If it was a bubble it was zed just W'ing away or trist jumping away or some shit.
Yeah, with that comp, I would have gone full tank after Elder Lizard (MAYBE Feral), and taken as much as I could for the team and just peel for the carry.


Did you split push? Cause Udyr can't team fight.

In the current season, Udyr is only useful if he goes feral flare, solos dragons and split pushes. If you get 3 people chasing after you and act as a distraction, you're doing your job.

How early can Udyr solo the dragon? Can he do it as low as lvl. 3 with blu+red buffs? I never took dragon as Jungle Warwick unless my team was pushing lanes/is ahead during the early game.


i've been thinking which would be the top tier roster i'd like to see for worlds

let's see

top: mundo (i really like good mundo players), nidalee, riven, rumble, renek, lee sin, lulu, grago, shen
jungle: lee, elise, eve, nunu,
mid: ahri, ori, synchan, zed, yasuu, tf, karthus and lebonk
adc: jinxie, draven, vayne, ezreal, kog, lucy
supp: lulu, nami, threshie, sona, zyra

i'm not putting in pipedreams like cass or anivia but those would obviously be great

and of course tons of surprises!

champions i want nothing to do with: ziggs, tristana, jayce, morgana, kassadin, ryze, kayle

others like jax or shyvanna or xerath i don't care much about
You don't. You either go range and hope to god he doesn't ult you into him post-6 or you farm safely under turret as a melee and hope he doesn't max Q.

You can't trade with this self sustaining flap of skin.

W Drink and take off a % of your life, E to screw up your movement and any spell casts then Q to slow you so you can't chase and trade.

His damage falls off but his utility doesn't. He's like renekton in his prime but with more utility.

I usually go Nasus and outsustain/outscale him. It's a pretty easy matchup.
How early can Udyr solo the dragon? Can he do it as low as lvl. 3 with blu+red buffs? I never took dragon as Jungle Warwick unless my team was pushing lanes/is ahead during the early game.

Watch some trick2g to learn a bit about udyr. If you want to solo dragon, back when you can afford spirit stone + madreds (yes both of them) and then you can do it with proper stance changing.

Honestly I like Udyr, I have 100% win rate with him (small sample size but whatever), but he's an incredibly niche pick. I would say only take him if your team has enough cc to prevent them kiting you, and the other team lacks the tools to do so. I personally don't build him like trick2g, and you definitely shouldn't either. Get feral flare, then just go tanky: sunfire/randuins/spirit visage/banshees/thornmail/frozen heart etc. If you're super fed consider getting a trinity force.

The way he's really meant to be played requires you to be good at the game and to understand map pressure, in which case you would consider taking teleport instead of flash, building more offensive, and never grouping with your team just constantly pushing.


I honestly liked the mid lane meta at the start of this season. I really hope Zed becomes viable again for the coming worlds. Would like to see a bit more jungle variety. Properly played Vi (none of this ridiculous triforce second item build, why haven't they told Crumbz/Dexter that build is only when you're 5-0 in solo queue and want to carry), Elise/Lee Sin (fun, but just not every single game), Udyr (I would love to see the pros play him properly, would be very interesting to see them deal with him. Maybe as a top laner instead. Jarvan, Pantheon, Eve, and then some odd ball picks like Diana, and I would be in heaven.

Top lane meta is almost always terribly boring. I would like to see the return of aggressive top lane play though, would be nice to see more 1v1s and more kills (like Balls on Nidalee the other day) and less passive farming.


I'd be fine if cancer cat disappeared from the game entirely.

I don't know why people don't play rengar top in LCS. they play him jungle with some weird ass build.


that was awesome but i'd rather they do a cinematic for something than just randomly.. like a new champ reveal or an ultimate skin or for an event or something


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This is probably for the SR update.
It doesn't seem like that if you watch the making of thing. It's too bad that they didn't have any voice acting but that's probably because they were shooting for something that would work globally.
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