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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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That game in particular is the Challenger Circuit. It's two lower tier teams battling it out to eventually get a shot at the LCS. LCS games take place earlier than that. Here's the LCS thread.
Gotcha. Thank ya!

So, I played a Dominion game earlier, had an AFKer on our team, and we absolutely destroyed. I was 27/3/7....but Lee Sin was the only one who really fought on the other team. I don't know what the Hell was going on, but just about all their team were playing like baby bots. Walking under towers, taking dumb shots, etc. After the game, I notice that 4 on the other team all have: Berserker's Greaves, Spirit Visages, Zeal, and Sheen. Even one person on my team who was playing just as dumb had this build. Sooo...mass of bots confirmed? This is getting out of hand.....at least previous bots put up a BIT of effort. This game was just a huge waste of time. Lee was pretty cool about it after the game, but he was clueless what on Earth was going on.


Riot's features have made me lazy.

Once or twice tonight I found myself automatically buying some item, then realizing it was suboptimal, then realizing that undo was disabled. :(


Just had the most orgasmic wombo combo ever.

I flash Q into 5 of them as Aatrox (I landed on Cait trap LOL), knock them all up, Sej ult, Zyra ult.

GG insta dead. Was amazing.

Edit: Also Mecha Aatrox is bugged. When you get Furor enchantments and move around, you glitch underneath the ground, lol.
gais, gais

worlds is approaching

Lich Bane, Sheen, Trinity Force
- Unique Passive - Spellblade now has a tool tip listed cooldown of 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds.

corki and triforce buff


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Another Triforce change on supposedly the last patch before worlds.

There is a conspiracy somewhere here.


Malphite, J4, Alistar, Yasuo and Miss Fortune is my pick. Wombo combo cc is good and all, but doesn't do much without damage. This wombo combo murderizes.


I met a player who was asked to go mid so he locked in ap trist, lost lane and then started to call everyone the "n-word" with different adjectives in front of it for 20 minutes

The guy was a machine at verbal abuse

Racism warrants an immediate 2 week ban now, doesn't it?


I met a player who was asked to go mid so he locked in ap trist, lost lane and then started to call everyone the "n-word" with different adjectives in front of it for 20 minutes

The guy was a machine at verbal abuse

Racism warrants an immediate 2 week ban now, doesn't it?

79% sure that that was only for 1 day.

EDIT: A New Dawn Remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwCwFKMjIeE

Riot hire these guys! Note: Language may offend viewers.


Been playing intermitently all day, and whew, almost 26. I can't imagine how tired these streamers that binge ranked on daily basis. I get so stressed! And sometimes that gets to me.

Also, recently started using the Relic Shield on Thresh (didn't use it on Leona) and I find that I have some trouble last hitting / executing minions, or sometimes competing with my ADC, or sometimes I fail to last hit and get a friend of mine to lose farm... It gets easier after the laning phase, but when I really need it, is at the start ._./

Any tips would be awesome! (I guess it's practice practice practice).

I switched to smartcast as well for my Q W E and damn, it feels good.

My current build with Thresh thends to be something like this;

2nd gold item > Sightstone > Boots > Sunfire > and here is where I don't know what to build. I tend to finish boots (mostly mobility ones but sometimes I do tanky or MR ones) and finishing gold item and such.

Yesterday games with Thresh were:

3/7/19 - Win
6/8/20 - Lose
0/7/7 - Lose ; this one was really bad :( was playing with friends jungle and ADC, and the other too were absolutely unpleasant, demanding ganks at level 2. My friend who jungles rarely plays so with that it all went downhill.
2/4/20 - Win (with an "APCarry" lol) Was fun regardless
0/4/29 - Win ; In this one had a LeBlanc constantly flaming on me, saying how I didn't have red wards (the red sightstone)... when it does nothing but add Health, right? idk, that's like my last priority as item builds refers to. She wasn't referring to pink wards, because I had those D:

Overall I'm really happy with buying Thresh, and I still feel it's a very strong character. I am unsure if I should buy a support next as well, or try to broaden my repertoire with more junglers. I just really like to support but I'm not sure if I can just main support. :E
Malph not bad at all. I must say, though, I don't like playing champs that get bulled all laning phase. Something about the fact that people think they can take pot shots at me rubs me the wrong way.


well thresh is ranged so he doesn't get the execute with relic shield which is why you're having trouble

if you max e first you get a bit more damage on your autoattacks so you can use that to last hit with a bit more room or you could just use flay on em

personally i'm not a big fan of relic shield on thresh and i tend to run coin (i start ruby crystal + pots), tho coin is bizarrely getting nerfed next patch so you might do ok by just trying to get better at relic shield
I wouldn't get Sunfire on Thresh. The only time in recent memory that I purchased it was when we were 4v5 with a tanky deeps team (won). Randuin, Locket, Crucible, Frozen Heart, Banshee/Visage are all better choices after gold, sightstone and boots.


well thresh is ranged so he doesn't get the execute with relic shield which is why you're having trouble

if you max e first you get a bit more damage on your autoattacks so you can use that to last hit with a bit more room or you could just use flay on em

personally i'm not a big fan of relic shield on thresh and i tend to run coin (i start ruby crystal + pots), tho coin is bizarrely getting nerfed next patch so you might do ok by just trying to get better at relic shield

aaaaah! omg, makes sense. Because I tried it one day with Leona, and I was basically executing all the time. D: I tend to max Q first then E then W (though on laning phase I give one point first to W), should I max E first before Q?

I wouldn't get Sunfire on Thresh. The only time in recent memory that I purchased it was when we were 4v5 with a tanky deeps team (won). Randuin, Locket, Crucible, Frozen Heart, Banshee/Visage are all better choices after gold, sightstone and boots.

Ah! I am still bad at judging items to get, just my friends would always tell me with Leona to rush my Sunfire (I guess because she gets more in the middle of things than Thresh?)

Thank you both :) Will really take this into consideration! Everything helps!


never buy sunfire cape on any support. sunfire cape is only worth it if you can make use of the damage (it's pretty cost inefficient without passive) and as a support you should be hanging out with your carries keeping them from harm, so you will waste a lot of money on a useless passive

get banshee's veil, randuins or locket instead.

get mikael's crucible if the enemy team has scary cc

aaaaah! omg, makes sense. Because I tried it one day with Leona, and I was basically executing all the time. D: I tend to max Q first then E then W (though on laning phase I give one point first to W), should I max E first before Q?

order for me is usually r>q>e>w or r>e>q>w. if i'm scrapping a lot in lane i'll max e first but since i'm a coin kind of fella i like maxing q and walking around looking for picks.

i think most people max e tho which is perfectly fine and is just up to your playstyle.

and yea sunfire just doesn't make much sense. on any support. never. ever ever ever ever ever ever

i know a lot of people buy it but they're all wrong :>
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