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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I'm a dominion player, so there are no ranks. Based on the hidden elo tracker, I'm in the top 10-20 dominion players.

Dominion is more fast paced, which I prefer, and is more pvp-oriented, which I also prefer. Rift just doesn't appeal to me as a player.

Ah. Dominion is great. There needs to be a competitive Dominion scene.


As stated, I'm likely starting a smurf. My girlfriend is very eager to play, as she's become an ardent fan of LCS (checks reddit lol frequently, watches every match from both regions, etc.)


This sounds familiar.

i got 10 levels from 1 heist

Stealth Diamond Store -> Firestarter -> Rats infinite loop for EXP wheeee


i don't think the cd nerfs to luc are that meaningful, it just pigeonholes him into getting more cdr which seems like what they want, like instead of building just botrk youmuu ionian

i dont like that they are taking the slow removal from his e, you're not supposed to beat lucian out by slowing him anyway, tho i guess it does help out in places where i think lucian works (solo lanez)

the former is them straightening out the character, and the latter is a reflexive nerf for solo q, in my eyez


i don't think the cd nerfs to luc are that meaningful, it just pigeonholes him into getting more cdr which seems like what they want, like instead of building just botrk youmuu ionian

i dont like that they are taking the slow removal from his e, you're not supposed to beat lucian out by slowing him anyway

They're taking out the slow removal on his E? Dang, I still remember when they released him and his designer straight up said his E was designed to counter Nasus' Wither and make him useless. I've been playing this game too long, I have old timer stories already...


They're taking out the slow removal on his E? Dang, I still remember when they released him and his designer straight up said his E was designed to counter Nasus' Wither and make him useless. I've been playing this game too long, I have old timer stories already...

I remember when he was released and I was sad they had released ANOTHER champion to make Ashe's life harder because of E slow removal haha


loco noooo
but at the same time, squid shirt so nice, also his hair is funny

i read that they were taking off the slow on his e I THINK, I haven't had coffee today and can't really figure out if I read that somewhere or if I made it up


Wanna share some of your Dom expertise? Maybe some pro tips.

Hm. Well, it depends on how "newbie" you are at Dominion. Knowing what champs are great (Khazix is nearly broken on Dominion, Rammus is much better, ADCs broadly aren't very good unless you know how to play Vayne, etc.) is a start.

If you want to learn Dom, my starting suggestions would be: Khazix, Rammus, Leona, Fizz and Pantheon. Nunu and Urgot are excellent, easy to learn bot lanes.

With itemization, go easy on mana regen and heavy on CDR for all AP champions, whether they be tankier types like Rammus or caster types like Syndra. If you insist on playing ADC, get TWO defensive items, not just one. The dominion specific items (Such as the prospector's starting items) are a must on most champions save very tanky types (like the above mentioned Rammus and Leona). Wooglet's is a must on virtually all AP casters.

For tanky bruisers and/or assassins, armor penetration is even more important. Make sure to get both Last Whisper AND Black Cleaver.

As for general strategy, the key is knowing where to be when. You need to get good at being at the point you expect the enemy will assault next. If you are behind, then figure out how you can siphon enemy players away from primary defense points so that those points are more vulnerable (e.g. pull people bot lane so that your team can take top tower). If two other people are capping a point with you, stop and leave to do something else unless you're confident that the enemy is about to come rush the point you're on. Learn how to play the jungle, as jungle fights in Dom are significantly more common than they are in Summoner's Rift.


List of champions who are played regularly at high elo Dom but which are not played in Summoner's Rift:


Other champions are occasionally popular on SR (such as Kharma and Maokai) who are excellent in Dominion consistently. A few champions are on both lists pretty regularly, like Khazix or Leona. Others are just terrible in Dom consistently, like Lee Sin, Shyvana, and virtually all ADCs.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Time to spam Shaco games on Dom.

AD or AP? I assume AP, because of trap cards.


ADCs who are played with regularity are Urgot, Vayne, and Ez. No others are played with any real frequency: Ashe, Lucian or Caitlyn pop on occasion, in the sense that I have seen them, but I'd say they're played in < 5% of games.

Edit: actually I'd say Lucian is played more frequently than 5%, but still not a very common pick.


Time to spam Shaco games on Dom.

AD or AP? I assume AP, because of trap cards.

Both work, actually. AP shaco is hated by everyone. His own team hates him because he's always out rambo-ing, which means they have to fight 4v3s for capture points; the enemy team hates him because he's constantly ninja-stealing capture points and then vanishing in to thin air. It can work, but if a team is really coordinated it can be stopped.

AD shaco is the choice for the very highest level players in organized dominion. He's basically a team fight player at that point with some moderate jungle pressure and ninja-capping potential.
ADCs who are played with regularity are Urgot, Vayne, and Ez. No others are played with any real frequency: Ashe, Lucian or Caitlyn pop on occasion, in the sense that I have seen them, but I'd say they're played in < 5% of games.

Edit: actually I'd say Lucian is played more frequently than 5%, but still not a very common pick.

how are Quinn and Fiora on Dominion?


Any thoughts on Voli? I always use him when I play Dom. Good mobility and good duelist.

Yep, solid pick with the right team comp.

Rather than thinking in terms of ADC/Jungle/Mid/etc. as you do on Rift, think in terms of these things:

1) First think of bot lane. Who is playing it? Sometimes people will speak up. If they don't I consider it important to ask so we know it's covered.

2) Once that player is decided, take him out of the equation and look at the other four. Make sure those four have at least one tanky initiator (preferably one with mobility like Volibear, Pantheon or Vi), at least two ranged champions, some CC (obviously), and a mix of physical and magical damage.

3) Make sure you have at least one person that can specialize in point defense. Shaco, for example, is popular in part because his boxes create such powerful point defense, a la towers in Rift. This is less important at lower levels of play.

As a last note, the reason ADC are so weak in Dominion is positioning. We all know ADCs are glass cannons, but this weakness can be mitigated in SR through a robust front line. The problem is that Dominion is much less cleanly divided, where the enemies are almost certainly coming from one side of the map; Dominion is a circle, so it's much, much easier to flank teams and players. There is no meaningful "back line" in Dominion in many cases.

If you wanted a chance to practice your ADC mechanics in the most harsh environment possible, Dominion is a great choice, frankly. It's good practice.


how are Quinn and Fiora on Dominion?

Quinn is occassionally played bot lane but has mostly fallen out of favor in the last six months or so. Fiora is still seen, but you have to have the exact right team comp for it. For instance, if Fiora has an Alistaire on her team, that helps a whole, whole lot.


Speaking of Voli, I've been seeing him all the time in ranked lately. Both top and jungle.

I've been playing him almost exclusively in ranked since the new ancient golem was released. He can stack health and still put out good damage with his bite and ulti. Lots of fun to play too imo.


A few of the big reasons to play Dominion occasionally:

1) Break from SR. I'm sure most of us have times where we want to play League, but we've played 10 games on the same map in a row. A lot of people go and play ARAM, and that's fine. Another option is Dominion.

2) Considerable emphasis on team fights. This was my reason: I find laning phase pretty boring, and enjoy team fight phase much more. Dominion is, more or less, team fights over and over until the game ends.

3) Different champion strengths. Yes, you can play Rammus or Shaco or Swain on SR, technically, but on Dominion you can do so without feeling like you're hamstringing your own team. Being able to play a different group of champions is refreshing when the meta gets stale on SR.

4) High emphasis on positioning in fights. If you want to learn how to position yourself better, no map will punish your mistakes more brutally than Dominion.

Once I start my smurf, if anyone would like to play a few rounds, I'd be happy to play with you!

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Yeah dominion sure is fun but the current meta now is all tank so its hard to get kills.

Not mention gragas never seems to die no matter how much you damage him.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I forgot how many people play this game on super nintendos.


Everything is moe to me
3) Different champion strengths. Yes, you can play Rammus or Shaco or Swain on SR, technically, but on Dominion you can do so without feeling like you're hamstringing your own team. Being able to play a different group of champions is refreshing when the meta gets stale on SR.
I've never regretted having a rammus on my team in SR, he's stupidly strong. his winrates always high too.

never understood why he isnt popular in solo queue.
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