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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Also, of the last seven champions only one has been a girl. Nice diversity Riot.


I can't think of a single champ that straight up dies on the first clear. It can be slow or requiring many pots, but anyone can do it.
If you're talking with runes and machete, only doing blue and red buff with a leash, maybe. For actually clearing the entire jungle I'm not so sure.
Man I really, really wanna play gnar. He seems awesome.

Also, can any sona mains (which I know we have a ton of) give me a rundown of what's actually changing with her rework thing? I just played her for the first time and had a ton of fun

and how is his w not broken as HELL. It's like vayne but better.


Man I really, really wanna play gnar. He seems awesome.

Also, can any sona mains (which I know we have a ton of) give me a rundown of what's actually changing with her rework thing? I just played her for the first time and had a ton of fun
I don't think we have any Sona mains here, pretty much everyone is platinum/diamond, or at least gold (except for me).

and 5 of the 8 before that were female

nice try bud
So you're saying 6 out of 15? That's still not super balanced. :p If you go further it's like 9/20 which is more balanced though.


Fuck Rengar support. Him and Lucian were able to have free reign vs. me (Twitch) and Lulu because of his and Lucian's ridiculous burst.


Bah, i'm at school and the internet doesn't allow me to go on the Riot website or League reddit. Any sources/sites that show the abilities/images of Gnar?


Fuck Rengar support. Him and Lucian were able to have free reign vs. me (Twitch) and Lulu because of his and Lucian's ridiculous burst.

Reng support is pretty cheesy, did you guys turtle under tower so he can't bush camp you guys? You're right in that their burst can't be fought by you two at all(although if you outplay them with Lulu kiting, you might be able to win a fight or two) so I probably would've turtled under tower and called jungle since Twitch has a pretty good late game.

Bah, i'm at school and the internet doesn't allow me to go on the Riot website or League reddit. Any sources/sites that show the abilities/images of Gnar?

Passive: Rage Gene
Gnar builds up rage in combat. Once he fills his rage bar, Gnar’s next ability transforms him into Mega Gnar, giving him bonus armor, magic resist, health and attack damage at the expense of movement speed, attack speed and attack range. If Mini Gnar doesn’t use an ability, he transforms into Mega Gnar after a few seconds anyway. While in Mega Gnar form, his rage slowly runs down, and once it’s exhausted, he turns back into Mini Gnar. After transforming back, Mini Gnar briefly becomes tired and can't gain rage for a few seconds.

Q: Mini Gnar - Boomerange Throw
Gnar chucks his boomerang in a target direction, dealing damage to the first enemy struck while applying a slow. After striking an enemy, the boomerang slows before returning to Gnar, dealing reduced damage to all enemies in its path. If Gnar catches it, he reduces Boomerang Throw’s cooldown significantly.
Mega Gnar - Boulder Toss
Gnar launches a huge boulder in a target direction, damaging and slowing the first target in the boulder’s path along with all nearby enemies. Once it’s landed, Gnar can pick the boulder up to reduce Boulder Toss’ cooldown.

W: Mini Gnar - Hyper(Passive)
Every third attack or ability against a target deals percent max health as magic damage. Whenever Hyper triggers, or when Mega Gnar transforms back into Mini Gnar, he gains a moderate movement speed boost that decays over time.
Mega Gnar - Wallop
Gnar stands on his back legs before slamming his fists into the ground, damaging and briefly stunning all enemies in front of him.

E: Mini Gnar - Wallop
Gnar jumps in a target direction and gains a moderate attack speed boost. If Gnar lands on a unit, he bounces, hopping again in the same direction. If Gnar hops onto an enemy unit, he also damages and slows them.
Mega Gnar - Crunch
Gnar launches himself in a target direction, damaging and slowing all enemies he lands directly on.

R: Mega Gnar - GNAR!
Gnar throws a tantrum, tossing all enemies around him in a target direction. All enemies thrown are slowed and damaged, while enemies thrown into walls, including turrets and base structures, suffer extra damage and are stunned.


it is noted in the reveal that his early game rage generation is slow. Probably to not make him too strong in lane by having it up often and also to slow his jungling down.

I'd be surprised if he was a good jungler, but we'll see.

Gotta see the numbers. He has the kit but if the clears are too slow/hurt too much then he won't be a good fit there.

If you're too low after doing the camps, you can be easily counterjungled and killed by any Lee Sin or Elise worth their salt. Also, from his ability previews, you can see his rage decay while in his mini Gnar form, I think it's a safe bet that it'll decay on release as well.

Almost any jungler is easily counter jungled by Elise or Lee.

Good point on the rage decay. The description should really state that.


I don't think we have any Sona mains here, pretty much everyone is platinum/diamond, or at least gold (except for me).

So you're saying 6 out of 15? That's still not super balanced. :p If you go further it's like 9/20 which is more balanced though.

Well, most of the League fanbase is male. I'd say 6/15 female is a decent amount given the demographic that plays this game.


Also, of the last seven champions only one has been a girl. Nice diversity Riot.

Seven seems like an awfully selective number to push your agenda. I agree we need more female champs, but it's not as bad as the 7:1 ratio you're trying to paint it as. Out of the last ten champions, three have been female. Out of the last fifteen, six have been female. A 15:6 ratio can be better, but is not nearly as bad as you're saying it is.

EDIT: Beaten. :(

Edit: As for the Sona rework, aside from the awesome TU, here is the full changelist:
Passive - Power Chord:
Q Powerchord amplification down from +100% damage to +50% damage
Q - Hymn of Valor
Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds.
Sona and allies touched by the aura get 40/50/60/70/80 (+0.25 AP) bonus magic damage on their next auto attack. Buff lasts 3 seconds
Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer grants persistent AP and AD aura
Mana cost increased by 5 at all ranks (50/55/60/65/70)
W - Aria of Perseverance
Initial cast heals Sona plus the lowest health nearby ally for 25/50/75/100/125 (+ 0.25 AP) heath. This heal is increased by 1% for each 1% missing health of the target.
Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds.
Sona and her allies touched by the aura get a shield that blocks 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2 AP) damage.
Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer grants persistent MR and Armor aura
Mana cost increased by 5 at all ranks (65/70/75/80/85)
E - Song of Celerity
Initial cast grants Sona a boost of 13%/14%/15%/16%/17% + (7.5% for every 100 AP) move speed. This decays down to the amount Sona grants to her allies.
Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds
Grants allies touched by the aura 10%/11%/12%/13%/14% move speed for 1.5 seconds.
Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer grants persistent move speed aura
No longer grants allies % move speed on cast
R - Crescendo
Ranking up Crescendo increases the strength of Sona’s auras
+10/20/30 magic damage for Hymn of Valor
+10/20/30 extra shield for Aria of Perseverance
+2%/4%/6% move speed for Song of Celerity
Crescendo has new VFX that more accurately show the affected area of the spell

This was the 7/2 changelist, so some numbers have changed, like I know her cooldowns were buffed, but yeah that's the gist of it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Real diversity will come when Riot makes a female champion that isn't a loli/yordle/D-cup bombshell.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Anivia still counts I guess.

That was their intention with Jinx, Vi and Quinn, I believe.

I cannot tell if this is serious. Maybe development went off the rails?
oh yeah link to 1080p Gnar splash wallpaper if people want it

Arcade MF in-game:



Riot Kayle in-game:

Gnar's lore:

"The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story.

I've hunted every creature this jungle has to offer. I was certain there were no challenges left here, but now there is something new. Each track is the size of a tusklord; its claws like scimitars. It could rend a man in half. Finally, worthy prey.

As I stalk my prize through the jungle, I begin to see the damage this thing has wrought. I step into a misshapen circle of splintered trees. These giant wooden sentinels have stood over this land for countless ages, their iron-like hides untouched by the flimsy axes of anyone foolish enough to attempt to cut them down. This thing brushed them aside like they were twigs.

How can a creature with this level of strength disappear so easily? And yet, even though it has left this unmistakable trail of destruction, I have been unable to lay my eye upon it. How can it appear like a hurricane then fade into the jungle like the morning mist?

I thrill in anticipation of finally standing before this creature. It will make a tremendous trophy.

Passing through the clearing, I follow the sound of a stream to get my bearings once more. There I see a small shock of orange fur, crouching, waiting. I spy on it from a distance. A tiny fish splashes out of the stream and the creature scrambles for it, diving gleefully into the rushing water. To my joy, I realize it's a yordle. And a hunter, at that!

This is a good omen. The beast will be found. Nothing will escape me.

The yordle's large ears perk up and face towards me. He runs on all fours with a bone boomerang in hand, quickly stopping in front of me. He babbles.

I nod in appreciation at the young yordle and venture onwards. I traverse the difficult terrain with ease, trying to pick up any sign of my quarry. As I try to pick up his scent, a distraction. I'm startled by strange chittering. The yordle followed me. I cannot allow him to disrupt my hunt. I face him and point into the distance. He looks at me quizzically. I need to be more insistent, good omen or no.

I rear back and let out a roar, the wind whipping the yordle's fur and the ground rumbling beneath us. After a few short seconds, he turns his head and, with what I think could be a smile, he holds up his small boomerang. There can be no further delay. I snatch the weapon out of his hand and expertly throw it into a tree, impaling it high amongst the branches. He turns and scrambles for it, jumping frantically.

I barely get ten paces when a roar shakes me to my very spine. The deafening crack of stone and wood echoes all around. Ahead, a giant tree crashes across my path. The bone weapon of the yordle juts out from its trunk.

An unearthly growl rises behind me.

I've made a terrible mistake."


Anivia still counts I guess.


I cannot tell if this is serious. Maybe development went off the rails?

This is serious. I think they succeeded pretty well with at the very least Quinn. If you're asking for an intentionally ugly, old and flat chested female character, I don't think it's happening since it'll simply sell a lot less since it'll appeal to a lot less people.

For example on Riot's design, Quinn's breasts aren't overly huge, she has pretty much no female stereotypical qualities, doesn't show any cleavage at all, and doesn't try to be sexy. I'm not sure what more Riot can do other than make it so that it's indistinguishable whether she's even female at all unless you hear her voice.


Gnar seems cool. Let's hope he is squishy enough in ranged form.

Kits horrendously loaded lol. If he builds tanky he'll be Ryze v2 with an escape.

I'm still gonna get him, hopefully he ends up like Braum where nobody recognizes how freelo he is until 2 or so weeks after release so I can get mad LP

What reality did you play in?


Gnar seems cool. Let's hope he is squishy enough in ranged form.

What reality did you play in?

Yeah, Braum looked strong on release, was strong on release, and was called OP by pros and whoever, no one denied he was strong, I just saw that people weren't sure if he was just strong or strong enough to need nerfs.

It was Yasuo who people didn't know how to play at first. He was strong on release, however being a relatively high skill champ, no one could play him apparently and he had like a 30% winrate. Riot then gave him max flow on ult cast(which he didn't need), and suddenly he was the most overpowered crap ever and received endless nerfs in a row from then on.
Gnar's kit numbers:

Q - (Mini Gnar) Boomerang Throw / (Mega Gnar) Bolder Toss

20/17.5/15/12.5/10 sec Cooldown

Small Gnar: Throws a boomerang that deals 10/45/80/115/150 ( + T AD ) physical damage and slows movement speed by % for 2 seconds before returning towards Gnar. Enemies hit beyond the first take 50% damage.

Big Gnar: Throws a boulder that stops when it hits an enemy, slowing all nearby enemies and dealing 10/50/90/130/170 ( + T AD ) physical damage.
If Gnar catches his boomerang or picks up his boulder its cooldown is reduced by 60%

W - (Mini Gnar) Hyper / (Mega Gnar) Wallop

12/11/10/9/8 sec Cooldown

Small Gnar: Every 3rd attack or spell on the same target deals an additional 25/30/35/40/45 ( + ) + 6/8/10/12/14% of the target's max health as magic damage and grants Gnar % movement speed that decays over 3 seconds ( Max 70/125/175/225/275 damage vs monsters ). Gnar gains Hyper's speed bonus whenever he turns from Big to Small.

Big Gnar: Stuns enemies in an area for 1.25 seconds, dealing X ( + X ) physical damage.

E - (Mini Gnar) Hop / (Mega Gnar) Crunch

18/16.5/15/13.5/12 sec Cooldown

Small Gnar: Leaps to a location, gaining 20/30/40/50/60% attack speed for 3 seconds. If Gnar lands on a unit he will bounce off it, traveling further. Deals 20/60/100/140/180 ( + 6% of Gnar's Max Health ) phyiscal damage and slows briefly if the unit landed on was an enemy

Big Gnar: Leaps to a location and deals 20/60/100/140/180 ( + 6% of Gnar's Max Health ) phyiscal damage to all nearby enemies on landing. Enemies Gnar lands directly on top of are slowed briefly.


120/100/80 sec Cooldown

Small Gnar : Passive: Increases Hyper's Momement Speed bonus to X%

Big Gnar: Knocks all nearby enemies in the specified direction, dealing 200/300/400 physical damage and slowing them by 60% for 1.5/1.75/2 seconds. Any enemy that hits a wall takes 150% damage and is stunned instead of slowed.
I gotta say I'm incredibly jealous of the way Valve does cosmetics and merch for TF2. Those little mini heroes from the international were awesome, and so was the fact that they had digital versions that were couriers.


Do we know if Gnar's forms share cooldowns? That could be pretty big for his mobility as he could effectively get 3 leaps if they don't.
Do we know if Gnar's forms share cooldowns? That could be pretty big for his mobility as he could effectively get 3 leaps if they don't.
He's not a stance switcher, his transformation works like Shyvana's. You'll only get multiple leaps if you time stuff just as you're about to turn back into Mini.


Everything is moe to me
If Gnar catches his boomerang or picks up his boulder its cooldown is reduced by 60%
i wonder how that interacts with cdr. would boomerang always be up once caught at max cdr or would it be 10-40%-60%
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