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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Yeah, I really don't understand why riot made these sona changes. Make the squishiest champ in the game get more involved in the fight? It's really counter intuitive. I feel like she was in a fine place, and if the "spam spells" playstyle is what they wanted to change, they didn't change that.


Does anyone know why this Zilean, who got ulted by Shen (not sure if Shen died before ult finished or not) kept the buff icon? It didn't show the shield effect, but I was half scared that he still had the damage blocking active.


Yeah, I really don't understand why riot made these sona changes. Make the squishiest champ in the game get more involved in the fight? It's really counter intuitive. I feel like she was in a fine place, and if the "spam spells" playstyle is what they wanted to change, they didn't change that.
It's to encourage your teammates to group very close to Sona so the enemy's AOE spells can perfectly nail everyone. This separates the good Sonas from the great Sonas.


Best ship? Best ship.

Hit me with your best ship, Leeg gaf.

kunkka has a ship
like in terms of pirates, dota is definitely better, kunkka beats out gp who cant really be experienced cuz he always has scurvy and mf's name is miss fortune (tho i guess that could be a plus depending on who you talk to)



How does an LP count for placements?

Loss prevented means the game doesn't exist basically. Your placing will be determined on 9 games now, unless you get more loss preventeds.
Yeah, I really don't understand why riot made these sona changes. Make the squishiest champ in the game get more involved in the fight? It's really counter intuitive. I feel like she was in a fine place, and if the "spam spells" playstyle is what they wanted to change, they didn't change that.

Now you have to spam your spells in front of the enemy

It's to encourage your teammates to group very close to Sona so the enemy's AOE spells can perfectly nail everyone. This separates the good Sonas from the great Sonas.

A new tier of sonas will arise.


I just don't get it. I understand why people say you will get placed where you belong, but how. I can't carry the kind of people I get placed on teams with. I have to basically put the entire team on my back. When I play average games with decent contribution, we just get wrecked. I'm going to be stuck in Bronze elo hell and uninstall this waste of time.


I just don't get it. I understand why people say you will get placed where you belong, but how. I can't carry the kind of people I get placed on teams with. I have to basically put the entire team on my back. When I play average games with decent contribution, we just get wrecked. I'm going to be stuck in Bronze elo hell and uninstall this waste of time.

That's sort of the point. You have to hyper carry your team and be like 10/2 to carry, at least from my experience. If you play in your league averagely and have average scores, why should you rise up the ranks? If anything, that means you're right where you belong.

I also took a quick look at your games, and one initial thing that popped to me right off the bat is that your cs, especially as Nasus, is far, far too low. You have around 100-140 cs in a 30 minute game. That's low on any champ, but it's even more punishing on a champion like Nasus where you depend on csing to scale up. The ideal is 10 cs a minute, but that's way too much to ask right now, so it can serve as a good measuring stick.

What I recommend you do is spam normal games with a couple of buddies. I'm not sure how new you are, but grinding ranked when you are new is gonna give you a bad time. I understand the feeling of thinking you're far too good even if you might not be. When I was a new level 30 I grinded ranked, did well in my lane almost every game, but lost more than I won because I didn't understand how to press my advantages and how to lead a disorganized solo queue team. My advice is for you to sit back, enjoy the game, have some laughs and you will get better and learn as you play more and more. Then grind ranked and laugh as you climb the ranks in a flash.


Yeah, I really don't understand why riot made these sona changes. Make the squishiest champ in the game get more involved in the fight? It's really counter intuitive. I feel like she was in a fine place, and if the "spam spells" playstyle is what they wanted to change, they didn't change that.
i don't get what you mean

she's now getting a pretty strong shield to be more tanky and a ton of immediate power, which allow her to fight without getting blown up in a second.

you don't need to hit your auras on your tanks diving the backline, you just gotta snuggle dem carry babies with your buffs.

she'll be fine

I just don't get it. I understand why people say you will get placed where you belong, but how. I can't carry the kind of people I get placed on teams with. I have to basically put the entire team on my back. When I play average games with decent contribution, we just get wrecked. I'm going to be stuck in Bronze elo hell and uninstall this waste of time.
if you can't carry bronze then you should be in bronze

use bronze as a launching pad to learning and improving and getting better at the game so you can carry

play smart champions, build the right shit, buy wards, never do baron, disable alt chat, don't talk and find your carrying style and execute it.

that's all there is to it, if you're talking about being stuck in elo hell you're your worst enemy right now

last game you built lich bane as your second item as ziggs and died 4 times. you there have two things to start thinking about

yea there's no way to 100% of the times prevent 0 7 2 amumus but if you played 6 games and lost 5 then you're probably doing a good number of things wrong.

fix em then try again, no shame in being bronze or silver or whatever (just plat)

That's sort of the point. You have to hyper carry your team and be like 10/2 to carry, at least from my experience. If you play in your league averagely and have average scores, why should you rise up the ranks? If anything, that means you're right where you belong.
i dunno i don't think you need to go 10/2 to do ok in ranked

average is silver 5 and that's where you'll start. if you're good at the game you should have no problem in beating silver 5 people in lane and doing something with it. now i don't mean 1v5 shit on everyone but just take your turret or go for drag or gank bot or whatever.

that sort of thing just sets up the snowball and if you're not dumb and start towerdiving like an idiot trying to 1v5 their whole team then you can just push that advantage easily.

that idea that you have to go 10/2 is what actually makes a lot of people throw a perfectly good lane cos they see their score being 1/0/1 and think "oh my gawd imma depend on my retard mid lane" or something and then proceed to overextend and proxy and towerdive and then wonder why they get camped 24/7.


If you can't carry out of bronze, you may belong in bronze or silver. You have to adjust your style of play to the tier that you're in. There are certain champions that are generally too CC/tank focused to be successful in low elo games where you may end up with a team that can't even perform the most basic of tasks.

Here is my generic advice for Bronze-Gold. As a top/mid main the easiest way to carry at that tier is to go mid/top as a lane bully with sustain ex: Vlad, Gragas, Rengar, Akali, Fiora. Just focus on dominating your lane opponent, killing them whenever they get greedy and shutting down their farm so hard that it won't matter how your bot lane performs.

Bonus points if you pick a champion that can insta-gib fed adc's. And also some general advice you should never pick tier 5/lower champions for their role like Garen, Viktor, Gangplank, Olaf, Mordekaiser. They're at the bottom of the barrel for a reason and it's because they scale horribly and aren't effective at winning anything past the early-mid stages of the game.


I just don't get it. I understand why people say you will get placed where you belong, but how. I can't carry the kind of people I get placed on teams with. I have to basically put the entire team on my back. When I play average games with decent contribution, we just get wrecked. I'm going to be stuck in Bronze elo hell and uninstall this waste of time.

I was bronze in season 3, currently platinum v. had the same attitude as well, uninstalled once or twice and hated the game. main a role and stick to it. don't use chat, ping instead and ignore teammates if you have to.

you probably shouldn't rush lich bane with ziggs, build ap first. i usually go chalice, tier 1 boots, deathcap then finish building athenes.


That's sort of the point. You have to hyper carry your team and be like 10/2 to carry, at least from my experience. If you play in your league averagely and have average scores, why should you rise up the ranks? If anything, that means you're right where you belong.

I also took a quick look at your games, and one initial thing that popped to me right off the bat is that your cs, especially as Nasus, is far, far too low. You have around 100-140 cs in a 30 minute game. That's low on any champ, but it's even more punishing on a champion like Nasus where you depend on csing to scale up. The ideal is 10 cs a minute, but that's way too much to ask right now, so it can serve as a good measuring stick.

What I recommend you do is spam normal games with a couple of buddies. I'm not sure how new you are, but grinding ranked when you are new is gonna give you a bad time. I understand the feeling of thinking you're far too good even if you might not be. When I was a new level 30 I grinded ranked, did well in my lane almost every game, but lost more than I won because I didn't understand how to press my advantages and how to lead a disorganized solo queue team. My advice is for you to sit back, enjoy the game, have some laughs and you will get better and learn as you play more and more. Then grind ranked and laugh as you climb the ranks in a flash.

I just feel so much better than the trash I'm getting matched up with. Why should I have to hyper carry to get placed in low silver? The absolute idiots I get teamed up with is ridiculous, players who have no idea how to do the most basic things. The amount of Blitz grabs into double kills because of horrible positioning I've seen in my bottom lanes has made me want to throw my monitor down a flight of stairs.
Someone tell me how to Swain in Dominion. I do alright and have a decently positive record, but I'm really trying to cheese some wins with an OP champ. He's near the top of the charts and I feel like I'm not killing it like I should be. I've tried bot a few times and it's pretty rough until 6. Getting a blind root around the corner on that initial run top is great though.

Also, Sejuani is the secret queen of Dominion.
I don't really think Swain is that great on Dominion, at least in (yuck) solo queue. Which isn't saying much because Blind Pick is a mindnumbing affair no matter which map you choose. He can still be good with the right kind of team and he's far from weak, but it depends on what you're looking for in a champion for Dominion (which you elaborate on I guess). Never really seen him steamroll the opposing team either.

this is too adorable:

Patchwork Cho'gath please.

It's my fault for not being more clear. What I meant to say was that almost every female champion in League is either: a little girl, a yordle, or someone with a body type that could belong to a model. The "D-cup" was just to poke fun at all the waifus with giant racks that adorn every League promotional image.


The message is quite clear. Women are there to be looked at, men can be anything at all.
A more pressing matter is the abundance of champion designs with blue or purple as their primary colors!


Behold the purple blue unicorn goat lady.
That one isn't even her oldest iteration, funnily enough. Prepare to be upbeholded:



I just feel so much better than the trash I'm getting matched up with. Why should I have to hyper carry to get placed in low silver? The absolute idiots I get teamed up with is ridiculous, players who have no idea how to do the most basic things. The amount of Blitz grabs into double kills because of horrible positioning I've seen in my bottom lanes has made me want to throw my monitor down a flight of stairs.
dude, what do you think everyone goes through

no one starts in diamond elo, everyone starts in the same elo as you do

now somehow ppl rise and ppl stay. you might want to think it's bad luck and, who knows, maybe you got bad luck, but cmon now, we all get ragers, afkers, people that feed, people that forget to get smite, adc akali, all sorts of shit.

if you can't carry this people that's ok, but you know i see you complaining about poor positioning in bot lane and i'm thinking what are you doing not owning your own lane

edit: like sorry dude but i check your lolking and see lich bane bought every single fucking game as ziggs. even rylais and wota in another game tho that's maybe a 3v3 thing i don't understand. but like seriously dude, you're not helping.

i constantly see people in lower elos trying to pass their thing as the thing that everyone's missed and playing shit like sion and soraka and akali and whatnot and you know those champions are ok but they're not gonna take you out of the pit. lich bane rush isn't gonna take you out of the pit.

lol that's hilarious


for bronze
i mean i dont have practical experience but
like it is in theory ridiculous to expect someone to carry 4 other players if those players are actively making bad decisions while the other team is taking advantage of those bad decisions
but i guess when ppl talk about carrying in bronze they are saying you can make really brazen and dumb moves and still come out on top and you just make as many moves as you can (like roams that would be dumb in higher level, aggression that would be dumb, etc.)


You guys are all right. I've just had a night of some serious bad luck I guess. Between the 0-7-2 Amumu with the Shyv dc and a game earlier with a 1-6 Xin and 0-12 Shaco I feel burnt out.


You guys are all right. I've just had a night of some serious bad luck I guess. Between the 0-7-2 Amumu with the Shyv dc and a game earlier with a 1-6 Xin and 0-12 Shaco I feel burnt out.
totally get dat, perfectly fine to vent

if i may suggest something based on your lolking page is to maybe put off playing ranked for a while until you get some more experience with the game.

at 170 normal games you may not know what all champions do, you don't have an ad rune page and changes are you're not gonna end up in a ranking you'll like

just chill and read some guides, get some experience and go back to ranked

ranked is not that stressful if you just know how to play safe and carry that way. you can stomp by playing safe because people from bronze to diamond more often than not play like shit and will make mistakes that are really easy to take advantage if you're just there waiting for them

whenever i'm trying to act cool and go carry mode i just end up fucking up myself

for bronze
i mean i dont have practical experience but
like it is in theory ridiculous to expect someone to carry 4 other players if those players are actively making bad decisions while the other team is taking advantage of those bad decisions
but i guess when ppl talk about carrying in bronze they are saying you can make really brazen and dumb moves and still come out on top and you just make as many moves as you can (like roams that would be dumb in higher level, aggression that would be dumb, etc.)
i think that idea that you have to carry 4 people is pretty dumb

you just have to win your lane and don't be stupid and always be doing something

and buy fucking wards

And we're back in action!


who gives a shit about sivir



I just feel so much better than the trash I'm getting matched up with. Why should I have to hyper carry to get placed in low silver? The absolute idiots I get teamed up with is ridiculous, players who have no idea how to do the most basic things. The amount of Blitz grabs into double kills because of horrible positioning I've seen in my bottom lanes has made me want to throw my monitor down a flight of stairs.

If you feel that you're that much better, then ask yourself why you don't just automatically win your lane and stomp it? I've been in Bronze and the amount of mistakes they make is easily exploitable and you can easily go 3/0 or such out of lane. You have to carry against bronze players to get placed in silver, you have to carry against silver players to get to gold, you have to carry against gold players to get to platinum. It's not a "why should I have to play well to get placed in low silver", but a "if I can't carry against bronze players I don't deserve to be in silver". You're already thinking that silver is below you, and that's the wrong mindset to have when climbing the ladder.

You may not know this, but the majority of LoL's ranked playerbase lives in Silver V. Some players have been there for several years. If you're a new-ish player and already there, and BELONG there, that is huge. Are there unwinnable games? Yes, some games your team is just pure garbage and completely rude and uncooperative. They happen to everyone, they happen to the enemy team as well. However, keep in mind that your team's performance early on shouldn't affect your own performance. If you're coming out of lane 0/0 with below average cs(or something like 1/0), you didn't really do anything to deserve the win by that point. Laning is one of the least team dependent parts of the game, so you should focus on doing really well in it.

So as I said earlier, try to enjoy the game. It'll help you play better, and once you lolnexus your normals opponents and see Gold/Plat/Diamond or whatever you're aiming for, hop into ranked and win everything. You'll feel much better and be a lot less stressed.


in solo q it kind of seems that most of the games are determined by snowballing off of a good laning phase, but that doesn't really change in NA at least as you go up ranks
and yeah not caring about the game makes me play a lot better, i usually dont care v3ry much when i solo q


in solo q it kind of seems that most of the games are determined by snowballing off of a good laning phase, but that doesn't really change in NA at least as you go up ranks
and yeah not caring about the game makes me play a lot better, i usually dont care v3ry much when i solo q

Yeah, if you know how to press advantages and push objectives, it's really easy to snowball off a laning phase and win the game in solo queue. Not to mention it does really good things for team morale since it's less likely for your team to start clawing each other's throats if your team looks like it's doing well. However, you do have to temper your teammate's recklessness since I've had many games where we got a lead and the team throws it by doing dumb stuff cause they think they already got it in the bag.


Was he OP?

hard 2 say

Yeah, if you know how to press advantages and push objectives, it's really easy to snowball off a laning phase and win the game in solo queue. Not to mention it does really good things for team morale since it's less likely for your team to start clawing each other's throats if your team looks like it's doing well. However, you do have to temper your teammate's recklessness since I've had many games where we got a lead and the team throws it by doing dumb stuff cause they think they already got it in the bag.

i mean if it gets to a point where i have to constantly soothe/manipulate some ppl who constantly fly off the handle, fuk that, like what am i even getting or evaluating by going up ranks
I find that unless i'm playing with complete confidence I play like garbage. it's why I feel like my play suffers when I play with gaf people because I feel more pressure to do what others think is the right thing instead of doing what I feel like I should do.

my soloq motto is basically just going for it. i'll go for a flash initiation without really even giving it a second thought. so sometimes I'll die while burning my flash without really doing anything but at least I went for it and I just tell myself I'm going to go back and do it right next time.

like today I played a game and I missed a few creeps that I meant to proc relic on and my adc got real mad about it, and it basically snowballed into him dogging me for other small mistakes which then turned into big mistakes and that was the game. I just remember thinking "yo shut up, trust me, and lane and we'll be fine. don't worry about me, worry about you." idk if that means I'm mentally weak or what.

then it ended up with my whole team having him muted while the four of us were laughing with the enemy team in all chat while they ransacked our base because their sion was one shotting people in the blink of an eye.

also if an adc is running behind me on the way back to lane and they don't take my lantern after I have thrown it and waited for them I view this as the ultimate sign of disrespect and hate that adc.

edit: hey closer is this your website? maybe nsfw

How does an LP count for placements?

Don't worry if you're anywhere near half decent bronze is easy to carry out. Placements aren't meant for LP, it's meant to build MMR.

And your placement is depending on your MMR. If you have bronze MMR, you get put into bronze. If you have silver you are in silver. If you're playing on a fresh account and soloq, you most likely get bronze mmr players and if you win they might move you up to silver mmr..

I started in S3 and they put me into Silver 1 after going 7-3. And one of the game was against Patoy's smurf too. =( I really should have been 8-2!!!!! Didn't take me till S4 to climb out..., and then I stunk it up and is now gold with silver mmr. =(

So start of S5 they probably drop my ass back into silver, unless I build it up before the end of season.
I meant aesthetically ya dinguses

like in the sense that a guy has a sword and then hits differently with that sword and it does more damage than the normal way that he hits with the sword

maybe riven kinda counts too here. hers isn't a straight line skillshot though.
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