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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Wow I just realized something. When you're fed or have won your lane, your objective is to make the enemies in the other lanes lose theirs. It's not a huge shift in consciousness, but somehow thinking like that just made something click for me. Last game, instead of thinking "Christ, I need to help that stupid Nasus top." I thought "Ok, I'm gonna go and make Yasuo lose against our Nasus now". I guess it's turning your attention to the enemy rather than your own teammates. I raged a whole lot less as well.

Our Nasus went from 0-3 to 4-3 and then proceeded to win the game for us.

Bob White

That's was pretty much my mindset when I was using Zyra support to get me to gold. I would push the lane and get the tower, tell my adc I'm roaming, and basically do the same for each lane.

I pretty much only went to base to refill my sight stone. Constant pressure on mid wins games. Well, at least in silver it did.

One wave goes out, Another wave of new players come in. People fill the roles of the thread (chill dude, the inviter, informative maths thoery crafter, rager etc), and the game while the ancients like you and I kind of drift here and there trying to fit into new generations of lolGAF.

Haven't experienced this many bans though during this season. This god damn generation is full of rebels.
Boken is a disgrace.

what am I


I used to think the math classes were the hardest part of college. Wait until you reach the application classes like Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, and Communication Systems (if you happen to be in a STEM field).

I'm studying Control Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks in my Master's degree. Nice to see someone else studying it! :)

I think Solid State Physics and Electromagnetic Field Theory were the two most difficult classes I've had though.


Everything is moe to me
Yes, that's correct. In 3 games, it took a total of 12 different players to reach the same number of kills I got damn near by myself, while managing 9x the deaths. How am I supposed to feel about this, GAF? Nobody in GAF can be bothered with a duo or 3v3 group (people are busy doing their own thing), so I get this kind of shit in solo nightly. I can accept that some games simply can't be carried by yourself. Fine. But *every* game shouldn't start out being down 8 kills to 1 inside of 10 minutes. In 3 games, I shouldn't have to accept a total jungler contribution of 0/15 with a handful of assists. A safelane contribution of 10/37 over that stretch just doesn't really feel fair. Some games, sure. But not every game. Not all in the same game.

I've been fairly discouraged before, but this is, "retired from this game"-grade discouraged. I'm probably a decent win streak away from Gold, but how can I expect to get a win streak when I have limited time to play and when I do play, I can't get remotely competent teammates?


what hours do you usually play?



One wave goes out, Another wave of new players come in. People fill the roles of the thread (chill dude, the inviter, informative maths thoery crafter, rager etc), and the game while the ancients like you and I kind of drift here and there trying to fit into new generations of lolGAF.

Haven't experienced this many bans though during this season. This god damn generation is full of rebels.
Boken is a disgrace.

I need to know who is who


Posting this here since I thought this was where I was posting it anyway:

I wonder if this mutability and rapid turnover is an inherent part of the game or if it is a consequence of rapidly growing and evolving medium.

Lots of players who have left haven't exactly gotten too old, they've simply been replaced by other, better players as the scene grows and expands. Sometimes that meant new players from the ladder, other times it's meant imports from other scenes.

Bigfatjiji will always be the prototype of this for me. He didn't get worse; everyone else just got better. I suspect, 10 years from now, esports will be more stable than they are now, even if LoL specifically has faded (it may or may not).


What has my life become. I didn't make the top poster list. And my first post in the new thread is page 16.

I just tried League of Legends with my new 970. It was running at 450fps. Damn.

Boken. I so sorry I was unavailable to help you on steam chat :( Have to sleep when baby sleeps.


Does anyone have a significantly +w/l ratio on ARAM? If so, how significant? I can't tell if ARAM has any hidden ELO at all.


Does anyone have a significantly +w/l ratio on ARAM? If so, how significant? I can't tell if ARAM has any hidden ELO at all.
I think I'm near or below 50% in ARAM, but someone, maybe you, posted about a high ARAM win rate once. I seem to recall them mentioning that the queue times get very long, and you run into strange players with limited accounts that only have the best ARAM champions, and other such shenanigans.


I think I'm near or below 50% in ARAM, but someone, maybe you, posted about a high ARAM win rate once. I seem to recall them mentioning that the queue times get very long, and you run into strange players with limited accounts that only have the best ARAM champions, and other such shenanigans.

Well, I'm at ~465 W 405 L, but even a +60 W/L ratio only equates to a 54% W/L.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
ARAM not giving you a random champion from the entire champion pool is just about the stupidest decision Riot has ever made.

Why? They don't want people playing completely random champions for free? If they play one they don't own and like them it would probably encourage them to buy it - and it would solve the problem of people only having long range poke champion accounts for ARAM


ARAM not giving you a random champion from the entire champion pool is just about the stupidest decision Riot has ever made.

Why? They don't want people playing completely random champions for free? If they play one they don't own and like them it would probably encourage them to buy it - and it would solve the problem of people only having long range poke champion accounts for ARAM
ARAM's a casual game mode anyways. It doesn't have to be streamlined. Streamlining ARAM seems like a waste of effort.
I seem to recall them mentioning that the queue times get very long, and you run into strange players with limited accounts that only have the best ARAM champions, and other such shenanigans.

my friend added a player like that once as a friend and gifted him Udyr, he got so furious lol.


dimb I tried Braum last night since he's free. It was me and Vayne vs Nami and Ezreal. We came out on top, but they were pretty annoying to go up against. I really like him though. I plan on playing him more tonight.

Is there a skill path you generally go by?
Lost both of my promo games to Silver II last night. Lost around 40 points, so that's at least four more games to play. I've been playing Braum support, but I'm considering buying Nami. I don't know how well I perform with her, though, so I'm hesitant to take her to ranked.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
dimb I tried Braum last night since he's free. It was me and Vayne vs Nami and Ezreal. We came out on top, but they were pretty annoying to go up against. I really like him though. I plan on playing him more tonight.

Is there a skill path you generally go by?
Some lanes can be pretty tough as Braum, but he moves into mid and late game better than pretty much any other support. Skill priority is usually R > Q > E > W lately, although it sometimes makes sense to max the shield in lane first if you feel like you need to play defensively.


ARAM's a casual game mode anyways. It doesn't have to be streamlined. Streamlining ARAM seems like a waste of effort.

Pretty much. The RNG makes it inherently less competitive anyway.

Does anyone have a significantly +w/l ratio on ARAM? If so, how significant? I can't tell if ARAM has any hidden ELO at all.

Only about 55% at 432-357. It definitely has some kind of hidden mmr. I used to have 70%+ when I had around 100-150 games or so.
Pretty much. The RNG makes it inherently less competitive anyway.

that's the point but when you can gamble the RNG and always get good champs, it's not fair and stupid. ARAM should be all champions for everyone. this would take like 10 min to implement.
ARAM definitely has MMR. My queues take me around 10-15 minutes on average even during peak hours. It's not due to the lack of players since I tried asking my friend to queue solo and he gets games instantly. I usually see 1-2 familiar names every game. I think I'm 550-450 right now (55%).


It does. People probably dodge a lot.
How can you tell?

Pretty much. The RNG makes it inherently less competitive anyway.

Only about 55% at 432-357. It definitely has some kind of hidden mmr. I used to have 70%+ when I had around 100-150 games or so.

ARAM definitely has MMR. My queues take me around 10-15 minutes on average even during peak hours. It's not due to the lack of players since I tried asking my friend to queue solo and he gets games instantly. I usually see 1-2 familiar names every game. I think I'm 550-450 right now (55%).

Ah, Wolf was probably the player I was thinking of. That makes sense then.

my friend added a player like that once as a friend and gifted him Udyr, he got so furious lol.
You can't reject gifts? That's brilliant, haha.


that's the point but when you can gamble the RNG and always get good champs, it's not fair and stupid. ARAM should be all champions for everyone. this would take like 10 min to implement.

I'm not opposed to the change, but I can guarantee you that with Riot's code base it would be much more than 10 min's of work. I can understand that it might be either a) some design decision or b) they have it on a low priority. In case of a), we probably won't see it until they change their mind. In case of b), we will probably not see it for a very long time since new tasks will most likely have higher priority and the perceived value of adding it is very small.


Some lanes can be pretty tough as Braum, but he moves into mid and late game better than pretty much any other support. Skill priority is usually R > Q > E > W lately, although it sometimes makes sense to max the shield in lane first if you feel like you need to play defensively.

I ended up maxing the shield first that game. It felt right in our lane.

Would you ever consider maxing w for the increased stats?
I ended up maxing the shield first that game. It felt right in our lane.

Would you ever consider maxing w for the increased stats?

the damage on your Q or the damage reduction + uptime on E are far more useful than the free stats, especially considering how many times they've been nerfed.

2.5 (+1.5%) armour/MR per rank is far worse than 45 damage per Q and a lower cooldown or a significantly lower cooldown, increased uptime and increased % damage reduction on E.


the damage on your Q or the damage reduction + uptime on E are far more useful than the free stats, especially considering how many times they've been nerfed.

2.5 (+1.5%) armour/MR per rank is far worse than 45 damage per Q and a lower cooldown or a significantly lower cooldown, increased uptime and increased % damage reduction on E.

Makes sense. Thanks Phil


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
the damage on your Q or the damage reduction + uptime on E are far more useful than the free stats, especially considering how many times they've been nerfed.

2.5 (+1.5%) armour/MR per rank is far worse than 45 damage per Q and a lower cooldown or a significantly lower cooldown, increased uptime and increased % damage reduction on E.
Yeah, basically this. Shield with no points in it is up for three seconds on an eighteen second cooldown. At max rank the shield is up for four seconds and is on a ten second cooldown. Stops way more damage than Stand Behind Me ever could.


That isn't a reason to avoid improving it. The mode being unpopular could be. But Riot has made improvements to other modes in the past.

ARAM is unpopular? I get very short queues in most cases -- shorter than either Twisted Treeline or Dominion. What mode is popular if none of these are? Or are people just saying that the only popular mode is SR?


I play aram to switch it up from ranked. Usually stick to a few champs in ranked so aram let's me mess around and not care.
I get short queues in ARAM. My W/L is pretty close to 50%.

On a 4 game losing streak now in ranked. Went from 90 LP to 23 LP. In three of those games I wasn't support; in 2 of them our support didn't buy SightStone. In my last game I bought 3 wards as MF and our Alistar bought 4 (no SS). The matchmaking put a Bronze I on my team and a Silver II on the other.


I don't miss that racist ragey jerks tho. Basically stopped playing with GAF for a very long time because of those guys.

That explain why pancake never play with me nowsaday, he went to play with the raging racist jerks.

Come back to us, we'll ban Lucian every game just to suit your belief!


So apparently someone found some new PBE files for Sona. She has 3 different "stances" like SGU. Hopefully it's legendary and not ultimate.


ARAM is unpopular? I get very short queues in most cases -- shorter than either Twisted Treeline or Dominion. What mode is popular if none of these are? Or are people just saying that the only popular mode is SR?

ARAM should be one of if not the most popular non-SR game mode.

So apparently someone found some new PBE files for Sona. She has 3 different "stances" like SGU. Hopefully it's legendary and not ultimate.
Someone on reddit that "leaked" Reaper Soraka and Championship Shyvana two weeks before them being revealed on PBE said that Ultimate skin was for Sona. It does not have to be true, of course, but it is very likely at this point.
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