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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Demoted to Silver 3. Every single game had teammates that fed an unbelievable amount. Nothing I could do, despite playing really well in the first two. The last one was a total massacre... Nami jungling and going out alone, lots of raging. I can't take this anymore. I think I'm done with ranked.



Demoted to Silver 3. Every single game had teammates that fed an unbelievable amount. Nothing I could do, despite playing really well in the first two. The last one was a total massacre... Nami jungling and going out alone, lots of raging. I can't take this anymore. I think I'm done with ranked.
If you run into an Amumu in silver, you should basically just dodge.


Unlocking all the champs might lose them some money since the only aram ppl wouldn't feel the need to buy rp for champs because they're all free.


Seems like it. Oddly enough he's not even banned anymore down here. Top Silver bans in no particular order:


Thresh sometimes

Braum still getting banned in Silver? Nutty.

It might be time to re-think the AD approach for TF. You might be missing out on some team comp synergy by removing a potentially huge source of AP damage. I don't play TF, but it can be hard when your team lacks AP and the other team. At the very least I think a Sheen would work nice with TF.


Just had one of those Thresh games that I laned terribly vs Caitlyn/Nidalee, then I was infused by Madlife's spirit* and stopped tilting and landed some good hooks.


*Disclaimer: poster might be exaggerating a bit.

No but seriously, I will check the replay tomorrow, but got some clutch hooks that honestly I feel redeemed the first 10 minutes of the game. ;x These are the games that remind me why I like playing Thresh lol.


ap tops are popular and ad mids are popular

Yeah...but it's usually from characters you expect to go that route. Like, if someone picks Talon, I know that we're going to have an AD mid, so you probably want Ryze or Maokai up top. If you see someone pick Twisted Fate, you're probably going to pick with the thought in mind that you have an AP mid. I haven't checked his match history, but I would guess that far too often the team has 3 AD laners, a support, and then the jungler.

Maybe it's as simple as communicating in champ select that you plan on building AD on Twisted Fate and letting the team process that going into the match.


rapidstar analysing last game of worlds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbXeFsoPEKU (obvious spoilers if anyone doesn't know the results yet)

thought it was interesting in this thread cos it shows a lot about
good uses of teleport, countering globals, how to ward against jungle pantheon, etc. basically a dandy+mata class in superstar counterganking


There was a Riot post about this pretty recently. Basically, they don't like ARAM-only accounts either but they are trying to figure out how to address the issue in the "right" way, and they aren't sure unlocking everything in ARAM is the right way.

Ah, I see. It is good that they are considering it.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
So apparently someone found some new PBE files for Sona. She has 3 different "stances" like SGU. Hopefully it's legendary and not ultimate.

[Pancake Hype Intesifies]

Might need to switch back to my OG Sona skin.

Where do I enter my credit card info!

That explain why pancake never play with me nowsaday, he went to play with the raging racist jerks.

Come back to us, we'll ban Lucian every game just to suit your belief!

You're never online.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Only character that is a definite ban for me is Ryze. Just annoying to play against. Will ban Yasuo usually to remove any temptation from my own teammates.

Trist and Maokai used to be perma banned for me but idk anymore. One more win and I'll be in promos, hopefully I'll skip up another division and land myself in Gold 1 for that race to the finish.


Still no new PBE update. We have been forsaken!

(How pervasive is the whole Ashe bug/hack thing-a-majiggy? Wondering if I should play tonight or not)


Yeah I ban ryze and Mao. Don't mind ryze, I'll fight against him no problem just annoying. Usually prefer Garen against ryze over sion.
Thank god for that. Least interactive champion in the game. I think I prefer Ziggs.

problem is new xerath is boring as fuck for the one playing as xerath and the one playing against him, pew pew is boring cos it's uninteractive, i'm really confused rito made him a pew pew champion in his rework
Boring is subjective. Poke champions like Ziggs, Xerath, Lux, Vel'koz and to a lesser extent Viktor (who feels really intuitive now) are fun to me precisely because of their ability to zone with lacking mobility as a trade-off and I don't mind them as opponents either. Nimble champions like Ahri or burst champions like Syndra on the other hand are mindnumbingly dull to me.

Old Xerath is best Xerath. Can't stand anything about the rework.
Old Xerath had more damage, but new Xerath has more to do and has a more enjoyable kit with added nuances. I liked old Xerath, but he was overly simplistic and I wouldn't trade him back personally.


rapidstar analysing last game of worlds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbXeFsoPEKU (obvious spoilers if anyone doesn't know the results yet)

thought it was interesting in this thread cos it shows a lot about
good uses of teleport, countering globals, how to ward against jungle pantheon, etc. basically a dandy+mata class in superstar counterganking

Man. That Mata tornado on Pantheon's stun onto Corki. I think that was my fav play in the finals. Such a clutch play.
I think I'm gonna level my smurf by playing only support. I need to learn to play it.

As a support main who has trouble in other carry-type roles, I wonder if it's a mentality shift that some people can't grasp as support. Itemization is one thing, but you have to play with the mindset that you're not there to rack up kills. That sometimes you have to eat a Jinx/Cait ult to save a teammate, that you probably won't win if you build gauntlet/manamune on Blitz, and that it's worth trading your life for their ADC's.

Or maybe I've just played with bad supports.
As a support main who has trouble in other carry-type roles, I wonder if it's a mentality shift that some people can't grasp as support. Itemization is one thing, but you have to play with the mindset that you're not there to rack up kills. That sometimes you have to eat a Jinx/Cait ult to save a teammate, that you probably won't win if you build gauntlet/manamune on Blitz, and that it's worth trading your life for their ADC's.

Or maybe I've just played with bad supports.
Yeah. Some just don't understand the job of support is to be your ADCs shadow and need be, give your life. I love support, and I recently started trying Thresh. He isn't as fun as I expected, or I suck at him. I'm contemplating Nami or Sona now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeah. Some just don't understand the job of support is to be your ADCs shadow and need be, give your life. I love support, and I recently started trying Thresh. He isn't as fun as I expected, or I suck at him. I'm contemplating Nami or Sona now.
If my AD carry doesn't want to die they should stop making mistakes.


I just played rengar jungle twice in a row and had my mid laner ask me for the first blue both times. Is this a common thing when you play rengar? I've never been asked this when I play lee. Also, absolutely not you can't have my first blue, do they not realize how far that sets the jungler behind? Christ.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I just played rengar jungle twice in a row and had my mid laner ask me for the first blue both times. Is this a common thing when you play rengar? I've never been asked this when I play lee. Also, absolutely not you can't have my first blue, do they not realize how far that sets the jungler behind? Christ.

I dunno what would propel them to ask that. If you steal the other blue I can see that but even then I'd rather just have both blues to outlevel the other jungler.



I started salivating when I saw Jinx was jungling. I ruled her jungle. She didn't see any buffs after her first two, every camp of hers was mine, and if she dared try and do anything about it, she was instantly dead. So much fun.
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