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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I'm still not sure I've ever seen a successful Azir, but I guess I don't play Summoner's Rift much anymore. They probably exist at high levels.


The AP ratio is meaningless compared to the nerfs to her own survivability

Meaningless? Not sure about that. She will have roughly half the regen, double the gain if she hits with the spell. Which she should. It is not a nerf to offensive sorakas. It is a nerf to passive sorakas, that is true :D


Meaningless? Not sure about that. She will have roughly half the regen, double the gain if she hits with the spell. Which she should. It is not a nerf to offensive sorakas. It is a nerf to passive sorakas, that is true :D

if, for some reason, the meta ever shifts away from extremely mobile adcs then yeah soraka is going to be stronk. itll be so easy to self heal.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Meaningless? Not sure about that. She will have roughly half the regen, double the gain if she hits with the spell. Which she should. It is not a nerf to offensive sorakas. It is a nerf to passive sorakas, that is true :D
If the sustain is no longer guaranteed it is a nerf to all Soraka players.


i win more than i lose with azir, but i don't really play ranked

azir really isn't that hard to play. i think that the issue with azir is that you become your worst enemy, trying to do flashy insec things with ults and magic turret and wqe knockup people and shit. if you just hang back, play him sort of like ori and use the ult for self peel you're gonna do pretty ok if you can survive laning

i think azir is kinda broken, actually, he needs a pretty sizeable nerf to his lategame imo. his soldier damage should have a lower ratio, maybe like .35 or something and probably a cd nerf on his e or something. he has like 700 magic damage autoattacks with almost ad carry attack speed, self peel, multiple cc and a shield, not to mention the magic turrets

Meaningless? Not sure about that. She will have roughly half the regen, double the gain if she hits with the spell. Which she should. It is not a nerf to offensive sorakas. It is a nerf to passive sorakas, that is true :D
it's conditional, which means it'll be less effective than just flat hp5 unless it's overpowered


From http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-421-notes:
Now that Hand of Baron has CLARITY OF DESIGN, players have been pretty good about using it to its maximum potential. Unfortunately, this makes outlasting or enduring a Baron buffed team pretty tough, so we're lowering its duration to maintain its clear identity without teams getting steamrolled as soon as it lands.

That wording is weird. If you're getting steamrolled "as soon as" a team has baron buff, wouldn't changing what happens 3 minutes from that point not help much? :p


lets be real about the baron buff for a second

it's a rare circumstance when you get the baron buff and immediately turn for the enemy base to start wreaking havoc

the usual cases of getting baron:

1. just (barely) aced the enemy and are low/half health, rush baron and are very low.

2. engage enemy team at baron, team fight results in very few survivors on both sides

3. sitting on a lot of gold. snag baron.

4. grab baron in a rush, enemy team probably approaching you. someone lingers around too long to grab enemy jungle farm, dies

in all those instances you're going to want to base pretty quick to spend your gold or heal up, by the time you've regrouped that's probably a minute off the buff already


Reading further it sounds like Riot is trying to make games last LONGER again. I don't like that direction at all -- leads to more player frustration, more years removed from player lives, and more grinding time for IP.

On the bright side, negatron cloak building out of the little magic resist item, like chain armor builds out of cloth armor, seems to make sense.

Statikk Shiv coming back to the middle of the screen is very welcome.



why rito

and nerfing early jungle clear even more!!
it's a nerf to golems, not early jungle clear. gromp buff gets stronger at like level 6 for instance

From http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-421-notes:

That wording is weird. If you're getting steamrolled "as soon as" a team has baron buff, wouldn't changing what happens 3 minutes from that point not help much? :p
i don't think they mean as soon as walking out of the pit and winning the game

more like one back then winning

i think the one time i've seen a baron'd up team lose was like on the second day when we didn't realize that more than half the strength is in the minions

Late game jax is still late game jaxif anything needs a buff is his early not his late
if he gets an early buff he'll become a problem since the only shred of counterplay to jax is shitting on him early

i'd say he needs a rework like most melee champions in the game (and many ranged ones too). probably not a huge one, but some boost in the counterplay/decision making department would be nice.

again like with most melees :p (and some ranged)

sorry wrongnames


yeah the golem nerf kinda sucks.

as yi i was able to go completely leashless with an instant golem smite and avoid all damage/mitigate it with my W. probably still can though tbh


They're nerfing the golem buff overall, and the gromp buff early. early being the point in the game where it matters most.
i'm bad at math but

6 + 6 * level = 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,
4 + 8 * level = 12, 18, 28, 36, 44, etc.

that sounds like a buff to me

i thought it was like level 6 but even at level 3 there's a pretty decent difference

yeah the golem nerf kinda sucks.

as yi i was able to go completely leashless with an instant golem smite and avoid all damage/mitigate it with my W. probably still can though tbh
yeah i think that's exactly what they're trying to nerf


i'm bad at math but

6 + 6 * level = 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,
4 + 8 * level = 12, 18, 28, 36, 44, etc.

that sounds like a buff to me

i thought it was like level 6 but even at level 3 there's a pretty decent difference
I was just about to say, there's no point where it's worse.

Your number is wrong for level 2. That should be 4 + (8 * 2) = 4 + 16 = 20.

And why would we want life to be good for Master Yi? The less Yi the happier most everyone is I imagine, besides people who play him. :p


i'm bad at math but

6 + 6 * level = 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,
4 + 8 * level = 12, 18, 28, 36, 44, etc.

that sounds like a buff to me

i thought it was like level 6 but even at level 3 there's a pretty decent difference

yeah i think that's exactly what they're trying to nerf

Actually you're right nevermind LOL
Basically I'm an idiot and was unable to properly parse the stats with the line through it all, not sure why Riot does that..


there's also a datamined buff in reignofgaming that increases the movement speed of golems i suppose as a solution to bottom lanes juggling their aggro for the early level 2. not sure if that's enough tho i guess it'll mean more damage received and prolly not worth it? there's no similar change for gromp but i bet there'll be one too.

tbh i wouldn't be super against a weird shield thing that makes jungle monsters (of your side) unkillable (you can damage them but they stay at 1 hp) for the first 3 minutes if you don't have smite or something

it's not too elegant and super burden of knowledge and shit but who knows

I was just about to say, there's no point where it's worse.

Your number is wrong for level 2. That should be 4 + (8 * 2) = 4 + 16 = 20.

And why would we want life to be good for Master Yi? The less Yi the happier most everyone is I imagine, besides people who play him. :p

i did say i was bad at math <3

Actually you're right nevermind LOL
Basically I'm an idiot and was unable to properly parse the stats with the line through it all, not sure why Riot does that..
lol yeah you're a dumbo


there's also a datamined buff in reignofgaming that increases the movement speed of golems i suppose as a solution to bottom lanes juggling their aggro for the early level 2

And reduced gromp damage by quite a bit, 90 => 65 I believe? But that's PBE you're talking about, yeah?


And reduced gromp damage by quite a bit, 90 => 65 I believe? But that's PBE you're talking about, yeah?

yeah, don't panic about that, sometimes half a patch gets through to pbe so weird things like random gromp nerfs go out

i'm sure it'll make more sense in the context of some other gromp change like a higher range or aoe damage or whatever


yeah, don't panic about that, sometimes half a patch gets through to pbe so weird things like random gromp nerfs go out

i'm sure it'll make more sense in the context of some other gromp change like a higher range or aoe damage or whatever

Was hardly panicking, would be a quite welcome change as a jungle main ;o


So I tried reconnecting to a game where a windows window keeps popping up and saying I can't connect. Doesn't look like I have any choice but to leave and take the penalty. But when I log back in, it keeps getting me to try and connect back to that game and I can't. How do I get this to stop?


So I tried reconnecting to a game where a windows window keeps popping up and saying I can't connect. Doesn't look like I have any choice but to leave and take the penalty. But when I log back in, it keeps getting me to try and connect back to that game and I can't. How do I get this to stop?
there's also a datamined buff in reignofgaming that increases the movement speed of golems i suppose as a solution to bottom lanes juggling their aggro for the early level 2. not sure if that's enough tho i guess it'll mean more damage received and prolly not worth it? there's no similar change for gromp but i bet there'll be one too.

tbh i wouldn't be super against a weird shield thing that makes jungle monsters (of your side) unkillable (you can damage them but they stay at 1 hp) for the first 3 minutes if you don't have smite or something

it's not too elegant and super burden of knowledge and shit but who knows
I wonder if Riot could do something like early camps do increased damage against people without machetes or something

I'm all for unique strats but laners being able to grab level 1 camps always fucks things up


I wonder if Riot could do something like early camps do increased damage against people without machetes or something

I'm all for unique strats but laners being able to grab level 1 camps always fucks things up

the problem with anything that disallows laners from killing jungle camps or whatever is that it makes fighting for buffs weird and generally less interesting. like i wouldn't want to take away the odd ashe volley that gets the blue buff after both junglers miss their smite

i'm still kind of confused why this is happening now rather than in s4 tbh
riot did not spend all the trundle skin department money in making this ahri skin, pls

if there's skin ideas they make them, that's all there is to it. that's why fun champions have tons of skins while boring ass champions don't. with a few exceptions like ori and lux where the only explanation is rito hates me

about the skin being bad, that's just opinion and you're not the target audience so i dunno why you go into that. you hated kpop ahri so you really aren't in a position to have an opinion about that (just like i don't about trundle)

edit: i don't wanna say you shouldn't voice your opinion, like, of course you should. it's just that using "i don't like this skin for this champion's design i don't like" as an argument is kind of dumb cos you didn't like the champion in the first place. your opinion is ofc as valid as mine.
I didn't say anything about Trundle, so I don't know why you keep bringing that up. Did you miss the memo of him getting the skin treatment a mere two weeks ago, if that long?

Regardless, another silly notion if someone having to like a particular champion in order to conclude whether or not x or y skin is properly executed. Ahri's latest skin addition is not. Its "dauntless" theme is muddled compared to other upcoming releases like Thresh's, Orianna's and Braum's, plus it doesn't really stand out all that much from all her other skins when looking at it from a top-down angle with how it lacks definition. It's another one of those bland, overdone 'sleek' skins (like Headhunter Caitlyn or the Eternum skin line) they felt compelled to push out just because the champion happens to be popular, rather than it being a genuinely interesting or distinctive (like Popstar) idea. Them doing so as "the antithesis of Championship" reinforces this. And it's not as if Riot doesn't have good concepts lying around either if you look at their recent track record, so all Ahri's does is postpone one of those being pushed out (preferably for a champion that doesn't already have 5 or more) with the time and resources she required.

Whether or not a champion is "boring" also isn't relevant.

I forsee the rise of the tank junglers next patch (in solo queue, not competitive, they'll never give up on Lee). Devourer and Rangers both getting large nerfs, and Skirmisher's Smite is less of a 1v1 win button for auto-attackers like Xin. Nunu shall have his throne once again.
He's probably still waiting for Poacher's to receive a meaningful gold bonus. Maybe that'll happen soon enou-

I had two bad team builder games last night with a Kalista ADC. I refuse to let anyone into my game anymore as her. Immediate boot. I know its silly, but I feel like there are a ton of garbage players who just don't understand her.

After a frustrating night last night with team builder, I vowed I would end the night on a win. Then I got a Caitlyn who was super nice in the lobby. She apologized and said it was just her third time playing Caitlyn. I felt like a jerk, but I booted her. The ADC to replace her was....a Caitlyn! When game started, I noticed the Caitlyn I booted was on the other team. Karma is a B, and this other Cait rocked our bottom lane. It amused me greatly, but in the end I think it shows how damn important it is to have a good support. Other team had Sona. We had Morgana. Our Morgana built for AP instead of actually supporting, and continually tried to fight by herself. Their Sona was...well...not stupid. In the end, we still won because the rest of our pulled our own weight and then some. Cait actually started pulling her weight too once she got out of the laning phase with her suicidal Morgana support. Still amused me though.


I had two bad team builder games last night with a Kalista ADC. I refuse to let anyone into my game anymore as her. Immediate boot. I know its silly, but I feel like there are a ton of garbage players who just don't understand her.

After a frustrating night last night with team builder, I vowed I would end the night on a win. Then I got a Caitlyn who was super nice in the lobby. She apologized and said it was just her third time playing Caitlyn. I felt like a jerk, but I booted her. The ADC to replace her was....a Caitlyn! When game started, I noticed the Caitlyn I booted was on the other team. Karma is a B, and this other Cait rocked our bottom lane. It amused me greatly, but in the end I think it shows how damn important it is to have a good support. Other team had Sona. We had Morgana. Our Morgana built for AP instead of actually supporting, and continually tried to fight by herself. Their Sona was...well...not stupid. In the end, we still won because the rest of our pulled our own weight and then some. Still amused me though.
She definitely requires skill to play. Not one one of them ADCs like Lucian or Corki where you can just turn off your brain.
She definitely requires skill to play. Not one one of them ADCs like Lucian or Corki where you can just turn off your brain.

I realise you're just being Newt, but Corki is hardly brainless

He's pretty much entirely skillshots and you need to weave skills and autos to maximise dps etc.

I'd say he's much harder to play than Sivir or MF


i also think that because of the extreme varying ranges of corki's abilities for an ADC (Q being a semi slow delivered AOE, E being a cone directly in front of him, and R being a long skillshot), positioning can be tricky. he has W as an escape but not much to reposition


I realise you're just being Newt, but Corki is hardly brainless

He's pretty much entirely skillshots and you need to weave skills and autos to maximise dps etc.

I'd say he's much harder to play than Sivir or MF
For MF's ability usage, for sure, she's not a difficult ADC she just has high positional demands.

Lets he serious here though, we can't really consider weaving autos that much of a skill differential. People hardly struggle with that.

What makes Corki easy is that his positional demands are so low, and his burst is extremely high. Teamfights for Corki can just boil down to dashing in, spamming all his abilities and instakilling someone. Ezreal would be a problem too, but his upfront burst isn't as good. Lucian has that similar issue to Corki.

Sivir though, is definetly one of the top ADCs in skill needed to play though along with Ashe, Draven, Kalista and Vayne. As Sivir, you can't dual anyone on your own, so you have to look for opportunities with your team to make an impact. You also needs to use the spellshield to come out on top where you wouldn't usually.

Like honestly, I would like you to post some ADCs that take less skill than Corki. Other than maybe Caitlyn, I can't think of any.
yeah but you need to actually hit Corki's abilities to do damage and they're all skillshots

like you can say Corki is currently overtuned which is probably true but saying he's brainless is categorically incorrect. Corki is a much more difficult to play champion than Sivir, MF, Lucian, Graves etc.


yeah but you need to actually hit Corki's abilities to do damage and they're all skillshots

like you can say Corki is currently overtuned which is probably true but saying he's brainless is categorically incorrect. Corki is a much more difficult to play champion than Sivir, MF, Lucian, Graves etc.
I mean, his damage is basically guaranteed if you're infront of your target. That's the point I was making in my last post. Always, what makes you think Sivir is easy? Her upfront damage is pretty awful. I play a lot of Draven, Vayne and recently Kalista, and Sivir is right up there with them.

Also, MF has like ridiculous positioning demands, the highest out of all ADCs. Maybe where you're playing people don't punish lack of mobility as hard?


Just lost a 70 minute long game. I'm not sure there is anything more demoralizing then that. We could have ended multiple times too. Damn.

And just to add salt in the wound I get demoted at the end. I'm done with league for a while I think lol.
Just lost a 70 minute long game. I'm not sure there is anything more demoralizing then that. We could have ended multiple times too. Damn.

And just to add salt in the wound I get demoted at the end. I'm done with league for a while I think lol.
That hurts. Where did your team go wrong? Just not pushing objectives or what?


i'd say corki's pretty easy too, maybe when he gets nerfed he'll be a bit harder to play but it's hard not to do good with corki since he has so much damage

plus his skillshots are pretty big aoe's and on relatively short cooldowns

it's not like reliably hitting varus q or something

I didn't say anything about Trundle, so I don't know why you keep bringing that up. Did you miss the memo of him getting the skin treatment a mere two weeks ago, if that long?
sorry was just an example since i have you related to trundle in my head

totally forgot about cop trundle

Regardless, another silly notion if someone having to like a particular champion in order to conclude whether or not x or y skin is properly executed. Ahri's latest skin addition is not. Its "dauntless" theme is muddled compared to other upcoming releases like Thresh's, Orianna's and Braum's, plus it doesn't really stand out all that much from all her other skins when looking at it from a top-down angle with how it lacks definition. It's another one of those bland, overdone 'sleek' skins (like Headhunter Caitlyn or the Eternum skin line) they felt compelled to push out just because the champion happens to be popular, rather than it being a genuinely interesting or distinctive (like Popstar) idea. Them doing so as "the antithesis of Championship" reinforces this. And it's not as if Riot doesn't have good concepts lying around either if you look at their recent track record, so all Ahri's does is postpone one of those being pushed out (preferably for a champion that doesn't already have 5 or more) with the time and resources she required.

Whether or not a champion is "boring" also isn't relevant.
however, it is relevant if a champion is popular or boring or whatever

riot works with a limited amount of artists so they focus efforts on projects that have to be good, doable and appreciable

it's not a coincidence that champions like galio or yorick or whatever never get any skins. or champions like trundle take forever to get skins because of how complicated they're to work with.

now you can argue the good stuff about that ahri skin (not all skins are made for everyone) but because ahri's so popular and lots of people like her and because ahri's easy to make skins for, she got one and someone like chogath didn't.

she's not stealing his spot, it's more like he's just low on the priority list for the above reasons

what i'm trying to get is, it's not the ahri skin that is the problem, but cho'gath/yorick having a not-so-great design/being hard to make skins for or just not being able to come up with cool ideas

edit: also there's a lot about timing, spacing releases (you know, marketing stuff) and other stuff. it's not as easy as zac getting a skin if they can this ahri skin, that's what i'm saying. like, braum is getting a really cool skin with her and there are like 6 skins releasing this week, so it's not like rito's slacking off or anything
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