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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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That hurts. Where did your team go wrong? Just not pushing objectives or what?

We built a really big gold lead to start (I think I was 18-1 at one point) but we just let them hang around for too long to the point where they evened up with us. Both teams kept trading kills for 40 or so minutes until we eventually got aced and lost.

It was basically my fault, I was the one racking up the kills but I didn't push for objectives and kept getting caught up in fights.


Time to try Malph again with dat texture update.
How long is Poro Sejuani gonna be up?


why rito

and nerfing early jungle clear even more!!

Jax was fine as is IMO, I agree that those buffs aren't needed.


Our Jungler is a Twisted Fate...I should've dodged huh?

Also seeing the new loading screen with red color for your team is just jarring...



i like double morellos

you get morellos, mejais, another morellos and then when you finish stacking mejais you sell the second morellos :>


lol wiki on Alistar said:
The most important thing a new Alistar should learn is the WQ combo. You should master it, as there is nothing more annoying than chasing an enemy and your Alistar knock him away. The trick is: Just as the Headbutt animation starts (once you start moving towards an enemy), press and hold Pulverize. Don't let go of it, because once the headbutt ends, Pulverize will automatically trigger.

Holy shit this actually works. I always thought it was just a timing thing.

my flash auto on cait is my favorite thing ive ever done in this game because i did it at like the very first frame of her net

such predict

very wow

too bad i fucked up when i got the double top by attack-moving back into range of malhpite
That was pretty damn impressive. I am god awful with my flash, using only for defensive purposes. Maybe I need to start using it agressively?


I just mashed Q.

Same, more or less. The crazy thing is that it works every single time now. There's even instances where Alistar starts knocking back the target just a bit but Pulverize still kicks in before they're out of range.

Am I totally out of the Alistar loop or is this common knowledge?

Vincent Alexander said:
That was pretty damn impressive. I am god awful with my flash, using only for defensive purposes. Maybe I need to start using it agressively?

Don't sweat it. Using Flash aggressively will come as you get used to what your champions of choice are capable of.


Base damage lowered to 65 from 90
Now has Gift of Toadstool which causes damage to champions who attack him over time. Using Smite will "steal" this bonus from the camp.

This is a pretty damn sweet change for the tank junglers I've tried it out on.


So we were winning this game and I was like 'eff' it, Nashor on Malph, I get cooldown and a much needed attack speed'. Helped out when farming/clearing waves.

Brittle AP Malph can be so much fun.


Btw I discovered the other day the hard way that the inner turret shield doesn't block damage from Mordekaiser's ultimate. Sux!

I have actually been enjoying Tristana so much lately, though her nerfs are so noticeable, specially her Q, lasts soooo little. ._.

Also, can someone clarify to me when to get Bloodthirster and when to get BotRK? I generally get Bloodthirster as Tristana due to her long range and not having chances of using the active, but if enemy is stacking health, maybe I should buy BotRK instead right?

I build either of these two as third item unless I need a Last Whisper.

I have been thinking of buying Caitlyn now that I am more comfortable with laning/trading. So far I only have Ashe, Jinx, Lucian Sivir and Tristana. I like them all in their own way, but as Lucian I tend to go, like Neko said, full yolo and his range idk, not that great. Jinx I actually haven't tried it that much in normals so maybe I'll give her a spin, same with Sivir and Ashe really. As Jinx sometimes I manage to get a lead but then I get cocky or I cancel rocket autos (ugh) or something and it amounts to nothing. Basically the only ADC I can do well the entire match seems to be Tristana. ._.

I'm always kinda scared of trying new ADCs, as opposed to trying new supports, idk why. Maybe because I am more familiar with the role/matchups?


Btw I discovered the other day the hard way that the inner turret shield doesn't block damage from Mordekaiser's ultimate. Sux!

I have actually been enjoying Tristana so much lately, though her nerfs are so noticeable, specially her Q, lasts soooo little. ._.

Also, can someone clarify to me when to get Bloodthirster and when to get BotRK? I generally get Bloodthirster as Tristana due to her long range and not having chances of using the active, but if enemy is stacking health, maybe I should buy BotRK instead right?

I build either of these two as third item unless I need a Last Whisper.

I have been thinking of buying Caitlyn now that I am more comfortable with laning/trading. So far I only have Ashe, Jinx, Lucian Sivir and Tristana. I like them all in their own way, but as Lucian I tend to go, like Neko said, full yolo and his range idk, not that great. Jinx I actually haven't tried it that much in normals so maybe I'll give her a spin, same with Sivir and Ashe really. As Jinx sometimes I manage to get a lead but then I get cocky or I cancel rocket autos (ugh) or something and it amounts to nothing. Basically the only ADC I can do well the entire match seems to be Tristana. ._.

I'm always kinda scared of trying new ADCs, as opposed to trying new supports, idk why. Maybe because I am more familiar with the role/matchups?
You get BoRK if enemy team has a lot of Tanky champs, get Bloodthirster otherwise.
For example: They have a Darius and he's ahead, you get BoRK to shred his health and kite him if he's tanking
How does Kayle E interact with Hurricane? Do the other Hurricane bolts also do splash damage so that the primary target gets an additional 2x of the splash damage? Kinda silly buying Nashor, Zerk, Hurricane, lots of AP then just stand in the middle of teamfights with my ult. Melted a good chunk of everyone's health.


holy shit lee sin top against nasus was annoying as fuck

i farm stacks peacefully like always he throws a q jumps on me and jumps back before i can even react. i ult wittle his health down and he kicks me away last minute. i wither he jumps with away with w

luckily my jungler camped and we eventually got 3 kills off him which was enough to buy armor to ignore him


I wish I could get motivated to play more SR games. All I do recently is play ARAMs. It's kind of a bummer.

I'm in the exact same position.

I used to play SR all the time, pretty much played ranked solid for 3 seasons, but all my friends just played ARAMs and now that's all I seem to do too, it's just easier to get into and I'm enjoying how it's "less hardcore"
How does Kayle E interact with Hurricane? Do the other Hurricane bolts also do splash damage so that the primary target gets an additional 2x of the splash damage? Kinda silly buying Nashor, Zerk, Hurricane, lots of AP then just stand in the middle of teamfights with my ult. Melted a good chunk of everyone's health.
Hurricane applies the on hit damage but not the splash.


How does Kayle E interact with Hurricane? Do the other Hurricane bolts also do splash damage so that the primary target gets an additional 2x of the splash damage? Kinda silly buying Nashor, Zerk, Hurricane, lots of AP then just stand in the middle of teamfights with my ult. Melted a good chunk of everyone's health.
Hurricane will apply her passive on 3 enemies.
Build hurricane later go nashor>rabadon or hourglass then get hurricane or go the extra mile and get void staff if u are ahead. I found this to work out really well for me.


You get BoRK if enemy team has a lot of Tanky champs, get Bloodthirster otherwise.
For example: They have a Darius and he's ahead, you get BoRK to shred his health and kite him if he's tanking

Thanks! Yeah as I thought I just wasn't sure if it was worth it without the active taken into account in most instances.

I just blew my 3150 IPs with Leblanc and I am super awkward with her. Someone send help.


Hey I know 22,300 words in the english language

In other news, there was a Kennen in one of my games last night. Haven't seen that lil rat in a while.


Thanks! Yeah as I thought I just wasn't sure if it was worth it without the active taken into account in most instances.

I just blew my 3150 IPs with Leblanc and I am super awkward with her. Someone send help.

Ummm...Teleport forward, teleport back, ulti, teleport forward, teleport back?

Her Ulti will recast her last spell, so if her lastspell was the teleport, pressing R should have her recast it.


Leblanc is an easy champ to play but pretty damn hard to master.

The instantaneous decision making you need to make in terms of the ult and W usage is pretty sick


Thanks! Yeah as I thought I just wasn't sure if it was worth it without the active taken into account in most instances.

I just blew my 3150 IPs with Leblanc and I am super awkward with her. Someone send help.

Watch Voyboy play. He's remarkably good at her.


Thanks! Yeah as I thought I just wasn't sure if it was worth it without the active taken into account in most instances.

I just blew my 3150 IPs with Leblanc and I am super awkward with her. Someone send help.

Just get ur combos down and you're good to go. Easiest one is the

Q -> W -> W
W -> Q -> E -> W

W -> Q -> E -> R -> W
W -> Q -> R -> E -> W
W -> R -> Q -> E -> W post-6.

When u get these down, u just gotta press use em as fast as u can. :d Using her combos slowly gives the enemy time to punish u. Dorans works great on her. Morello's too, Deathfire is core on her and then comes the standard AP caster items like Void Staff and Deathcap.
however, it is relevant if a champion is popular or boring or whatever

riot works with a limited amount of artists so they focus efforts on projects that have to be good, doable and appreciable

it's not a coincidence that champions like galio or yorick or whatever never get any skins. or champions like trundle take forever to get skins because of how complicated they're to work with.

now you can argue the good stuff about that ahri skin (not all skins are made for everyone) but because ahri's so popular and lots of people like her and because ahri's easy to make skins for, she got one and someone like chogath didn't.

she's not stealing his spot, it's more like he's just low on the priority list for the above reasons

what i'm trying to get is, it's not the ahri skin that is the problem, but cho'gath/yorick having a not-so-great design/being hard to make skins for or just not being able to come up with cool ideas

edit: also there's a lot about timing, spacing releases (you know, marketing stuff) and other stuff. it's not as easy as zac getting a skin if they can this ahri skin, that's what i'm saying. like, braum is getting a really cool skin with her and there are like 6 skins releasing this week, so it's not like rito's slacking off or anything
Boring isn't relevant because I figured you'd realize that's entirely subjective - Ahri is extremely dull to me - and Riot have shown to be moderately creative with unpopular champions when they aren't busy flipflopping on how they should be prioritized for skin treatment. And with some of these neglected champions it isn't even their character model or animation rig holding them back barring extreme exceptions like Zac, so that's not much of an excuse either. Galio would be one example of a champion they're largely okay with in this regard (alongside Lux, Gragas, Rammus, et cetera), needing only little spreucing up compared to say a Cho'gath who's due for a visual redesign, plus they've shown with Evelynn and Morgana among others that even in a worst case scenario it's not much of a deterrent. Them doing nothing Yorick for multiple Halloween events is also inexplicable considering they stated he's not even in horrendous shape on a technical level, or how about maybe having utilized him as the "final boss" in the Arcade skin line (with Pac-Man ghosts 'n shit) since he'd be an actual antagonist of sorts? Certainly would've been more deserving than god damn Veigar skin #9, regardless of it being solid work.

Didn't really say Riot was slacking off either since I admitted they have good output lately, it's just that Ahri being on the receiving end for yet another skin was needless no matter which way you slice it and the complete lack of inspiration for her latest offering practically cements that. The time they spent on it would've been better spent on one of the multiple other champions (old and fairly recent) that have been biding their time and likely already have a sound concept for that's awaiting approval. Unless you take sales into account, which'd be a moot point since they make crazy bank with how everything is overpriced as it is.

We're probably not going to agree on this matter, so I'll just leave it at that.


why rito
Those buffs are nothing to really worry about.


There is not even a debate to be had. There are like five dozen, FIVE DOZEN champions having way less skin than Ahri. End of story.

End of the ******* story. I do not care if you are a fan of Ahri, of course then it is fun. But it is VERY hard to argue math. Come back to me when Jinx had the third skin. Or really, anyone but Ahri. (And a few other hyper-popular champions.)

Also, when I was new to LOL (in terms of not knowing what champions are and how powerful they are, etc), I judged whether they were favorite or not by looking at the skin numbers. Old champion with only one skin? Other champion having 8+ skins already, with ultimate skins as well? Yeah, that is just bullshit.


Ahri is popular, her skins sell, end of story.

Also she gets a skin a year at most.

Yep. Simple economics. They are going to make skins that will sell better. Popular champs that sell a lot of skins will always get preferential treatment.

edit: Rek'sai coming this patch! Wooo.

Also .. nightblue on jungle irelia. That's going to become a thing now.


Ummm...Teleport forward, teleport back, ulti, teleport forward, teleport back?

Her Ulti will recast her last spell, so if her lastspell was the teleport, pressing R should have her recast it.


Just get ur combos down and you're good to go. Easiest one is the

Q -> W -> W
W -> Q -> E -> W

W -> Q -> E -> R -> W
W -> Q -> R -> E -> W
W -> R -> Q -> E -> W post-6.

When u get these down, u just gotta press use em as fast as u can. :d Using her combos slowly gives the enemy time to punish u. Dorans works great on her. Morello's too, Deathfire is core on her and then comes the standard AP caster items like Void Staff and Deathcap.

I mean, I know the basics, I just mean I am "awkward" in the sense that I kinda have a feeling of what to do, but I do it very slow (specially using DFG, with Annie I somehow have it weaved in my way).

Watch Voyboy play. He's remarkably good at her.

Yeah! That's the problem, I saw him on QT's stream yesterday (or the day before, can't recall), and tonight I had a dream I was playing her and it was something like him (although with Ravenborn skin). Then you know, I woke up. ;o
Yep. Simple economics. They are going to make skins that will sell better. Popular champs that sell a lot of skins will always get preferential treatment.

edit: Rek'sai coming this patch! Wooo.

Also .. nightblue on jungle irelia. That's going to become a thing now.
I hope not. Had one yesterday and it was fucking terrible, I don't even want to see how it'll be with the jungle nerfs


Tried Kayle jungle and got killed by jungle creeps several times. Could you guys post the jungle path you're using and the runes/masteries/item build?

I love Kayle but got wrecked and still fail to see how she could ever be viable in the jungle.

Also, is Zac good yet?! I love the champ, but he has been so weak for the longest time.
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