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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Feels bad, but...



Winning one made me feel a little better. Just 1 decent player by my side and shit gets wrecked. A frustratingly rare occurrence. 2-shotting enemy adc's and mids late-game with crit procs off the W never gets old.

Unfortunately, I feel like I'd need a whole day of duo play with someone competent to get to gold. I'm still getting 23-27 lp for wins, but...man i don't have a whole day to do it. Maybe Saturday if anyone is available, let me know.
qtpie is the most likable player, and he seems to like...actually do well in solo queue even when he isn't playing his "main role". I hope not resigning with dig works out for him.

he's decent (from a soloq perspective) on jarvan and lee. I wouldn't be surprised to see him play a role other than ADC if he were to return to the pro scene.
Unfortunately, I feel like I'd need a whole day of duo play with someone competent to get to gold. I'm still getting 23-27 lp for wins, but...man i don't have a whole day to do it. Maybe Saturday if anyone is available, let me know.
I've been asking for a Silver duo partner for days. I guess everyone just hates me in this thread.


Boring is subjective. Poke champions like Ziggs, Xerath, Lux, Vel'koz and to a lesser extent Viktor (who feels really intuitive now) are fun to me precisely because of their ability to zone with lacking mobility as a trade-off and I don't mind them as opponents either. Nimble champions like Ahri or burst champions like Syndra on the other hand are mindnumbingly dull to me.
lux isn't a poke champion. she's got poke aspects but her kit is closer to syndra than ziggs.

she's a sniper

qtpie is the most likable player, and he seems to like...actually do well in solo queue even when he isn't playing his "main role". I hope not resigning with dig works out for him.

qtpie's pretty smart. i bet he'll be successful as a streamer or whatever else he chooses to do


Really liking Top Malphite, but my first 2 games were against a Darius who I died to a few times, but in team battles? I effin' explode getting assists and kills, and rackin' up that Gold.

Gonna put some more time into him today as well if I have the chance.
I need to stop sucking with Thresh. Maybe Blitzcrank is more my thing? I just played the billionth game where I E an enemy closer to my ADC when we're retreating. So damn frustrating when I make dumb mistakes like that.

Oh my God. Tonight isn't my night. I go into a game and let everyone call their shit, then I say "What is left?" Because a bunch of people switched, this and that. I thought mid was empty, so I choose Vel'Koz. Then some guy says "I called ap". I was like, "Well fuck, call mid then dumbass, not AP!" So then he says "ADC". I go "All right" and click Jinx---the only ADC I know. So I switch rune page, masteries, then lock in. Then I realize I just locked in Vel'Koz with 10 seconds left. Someone else had picked Jinx, and I didn't realize when I clicked her like an idiot. I apologized to everyone and told them I have to dodge, else we're all fucked. Then I dodge. But now I'm also left thinking....if I was ADC, where the Hell was that Jinx going?
I am so fucking tired of Leblanc. I can't do shit vs her in lane no matter what champ I choose. No other champ pisses me off as much as Leblanc.
You can't even stay behind minions with her. Most of her skills are just clicking on the enemy. I'm so tired of this shit.

Down to 56 points in Silver 3 now. All because I lost 3 straight TF games in Silver 2 where I played well but someone fed an unbelievable amount.

E: Now I'm last pick in the next game. Another loss, another 40 minutes down the drain.
"Never lost lane as Morde against her. It's very hard for her to burst you down with your shield plus you can shove her to tower, denying her farm. She'll either go oom using Q to farm the minions or flat out not farm. When the wave resets, rinse and repeat. Take wraiths. Harrass her from afar with your E - she's squishy as hell. No farm and no kills = no LB. If she tries to roam, take her tower, take her wraiths, kill her jungler when he comes. She won't be able to get a kill on bot if they're properly warded and you haven't given her means to become more powerful."
I found that after a google search. Wish I knew that. I'd have loved to destroy that punk.

E: Sorry for the triple kill. I was upset


I found that after a google search. Wish I knew that. I'd have loved to destroy that punk.

E: Sorry for the triple kill. I was upset
That sounds like reasonable advice, though LeBlanc's W (the teleport) is probably what they are talking about for farming. Q is single-target and would not help much.


just had a top zed feed a tp ignite shaco

guy kept saying "sorry sorry i dunno why i'm playing so bad"

"it's ok, just play like you're losing and farm with qs"


fed for the rest of the game

i dunno what even

i don't get it

but i like that sona
Some people just don't understand numbers, and how much the odds are stacked against them 1 v 1 once they've lost even 2 or 3 battles, unless their CS is amazing. At some point, you have to admit defeat, turtle up, and wait for team fighting to begin.


I am so fucking tired of Leblanc. I can't do shit vs her in lane no matter what champ I choose. No other champ pisses me off as much as Leblanc.
You can't even stay behind minions with her. Most of her skills are just clicking on the enemy. I'm so tired of this shit.

Down to 56 points in Silver 3 now. All because I lost 3 straight TF games in Silver 2 where I played well but someone fed an unbelievable amount.

E: Now I'm last pick in the next game. Another loss, another 40 minutes down the drain.


try lux <3


I am so fucking tired of Leblanc. I can't do shit vs her in lane no matter what champ I choose. No other champ pisses me off as much as Leblanc.
You can't even stay behind minions with her. Most of her skills are just clicking on the enemy. I'm so tired of this shit.

Down to 56 points in Silver 3 now. All because I lost 3 straight TF games in Silver 2 where I played well but someone fed an unbelievable amount.

E: Now I'm last pick in the next game. Another loss, another 40 minutes down the drain.

Except one of those matches, where you had a Katarina, the rest your team was full AD + Leona/Nami. I don't know what kind of damage you expect you and your team to do when you allow the enemy team to go full Armor.

I am not judging or "hating" but to be honest, I am doubting you are playing to perfection. Except that game with the fed Aatrox, looks like all lanes lost. And KDA really doesn't matter. "I didn't die" is not an excuse. Sometimes it's ok to die if it sets up your team to take objectives. Granted when being behind, that is very tricky, but if you say you were doing so well, I am sure you could have just ulti-ganked other lanes (in fact, that's the most annoying thing about enemy TFs), to at least get a shutdown for yourself and help regain some control of the lanes.

Also, in none of the matches I see on your op.gg, you didn't buy a single ward, and considering Nami didn't build Sighstone (or maybe sold it at the end?), vision control is really important. Particularly for you, even if your ult gives vision, you want to set it up and isolate targets. I'm not sure how fast AD TF can kill a target, but "mainstream" TF can delete a squishy, even when behind (but well farmed).

I am a scrublord myself, but if you truly want to improve with your current playstyle, stop blindly blaming it on your team. If you can truly say that you are glad of how you played those games and that you played them perfectly, sure, but do it after you are sure you can't pinpoint a single thing you could have done better.

As far as Leblanc goes, she has a nice early but falls off really hard, as I'm sure someone will have mentioned. She can be annoying but you shouldn't have much problems if you can land a gold card on her out of position. Also she needs to go in to land damage in teamfights, and she is really squishy, do the math! (This comment has been brought to you by Zky, who lectured me in the cons of LB :3)


try lux <3

Cheater skin... tsk tsk.
Looks best ;o
Except one of those matches, where you had a Katarina, the rest your team was full AD + Leona/Nami. I don't know what kind of damage you expect you and your team to do when you allow the enemy team to go full Armor.

I am not judging or "hating" but to be honest, I am doubting you are playing to perfection. Except that game with the fed Aatrox, looks like all lanes lost. And KDA really doesn't matter. "I didn't die" is not an excuse. Sometimes it's ok to die if it sets up your team to take objectives. Granted when being behind, that is very tricky, but if you say you were doing so well, I am sure you could have just ulti-ganked other lanes (in fact, that's the most annoying thing about enemy TFs), to at least get a shutdown for yourself and help regain some control of the lanes.

Also, in none of the matches I see on your op.gg, you didn't buy a single ward, and considering Nami didn't build Sighstone (or maybe sold it at the end?), vision control is really important. Particularly for you, even if your ult gives vision, you want to set it up and isolate targets. I'm not sure how fast AD TF can kill a target, but "mainstream" TF can delete a squishy, even when behind (but well farmed).

I am a scrublord myself, but if you truly want to improve with your current playstyle, stop blindly blaming it on your team. If you can truly say that you are glad of how you played those games and that you played them perfectly, sure, but do it after you are sure you can't pinpoint a single thing you could have done better.

As far as Leblanc goes, she has a nice early but falls off really hard, as I'm sure someone will have mentioned. She can be annoying but you shouldn't have much problems if you can land a gold card on her out of position. Also she needs to go in to land damage in teamfights, and she is really squishy, do the math! (This comment has been brought to you by Zky, who lectured me in the cons of LB :3)

Cheater skin... tsk tsk.
Looks best ;o

Thanks for the advice (I mean it).

AD TF loses the lane often, or breaks even. The thing is, his late is so incredible that if any given game doesn't become a massacre within the first 25 minutes I win.

But I disagree with the games you looked at. That Aatrox game...nothing I could do, as you said. And the other game (the 6-3-5), our bot lane died 15 times, resulting in a 12-3-7 Cait. Nothing I could do there, either. AD TF goal is to just hold fort for the first 20 minutes. I guess that's kind of selfish since I'm not really trying to win lane and that affects my teammates, but that's led me to a 60% win rate.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
A bit disappointed in this one. Lost 13 lp too.


Our Rumble was having trouble connecting all game (was DC'd for the first 10 minutes or so) and swore the other team was DDOSing him. Zed got outplayed hard and refused to lose the lane gracefully to Morg and Panth lost his jungle due to covering down for top.
We had somewhat of a chance once all the toxicity dropped off for a bit but I got instagibbed due to horrible positioning in the final teamfight. Really felt like we could have pulled a miracle if I hadn't been caught out.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
LSI's bugged, the game is bugged. Why I held off ranked till the end of the season I'll never know.


As far as Leblanc goes, she has a nice early but falls off really hard, as I'm sure someone will have mentioned. She can be annoying but you shouldn't have much problems if you can land a gold card on her out of position. Also she needs to go in to land damage in teamfights, and she is really squishy, do the math! (This comment has been brought to you by Zky, who lectured me in the cons of LB :3)
i did? can't remember

really the only suggestion i could make is don't pick fucking ad tf against lebonk. at least ap tf can't q the minion waves, but you're just setting yourself up for an agonizing defeat if you play that shit no matter how secretly op you may think it is.

but overall leblanc is not that hard if you pick sensibly, specially someone with some sort of defensive spell like ori or lux or lulu. her lvl 1 is pretty shit so you can just bait tank her w with your shield and blast her with autos. or you can pick someone long range like ziggs and xerath and just push her and watch her farm under turret. even if she's maxing w (which they all do) she won't be able to keep up, tho wait for lvl 4 or first back to do this since you won't achieve much more than going oom.

get chalice asap and think about an early negatron cloak if you're not that high range. but like you're playing ad tf so i guess get a hexdrinker or something? max q and farm from a distance?

i don't even know

Cheater skin... tsk tsk.
Looks best ;o
yeah i know, i just love srs lux face in dat splash <3

i should probably go back to default lux

why hasn't lux been retextured already, imagine her armor all shiny with like multicolor reflections of light!
Zyklon, I picked Vlad vs Leblanc in that game. I don't pick TF vs her anymore, stopped a while ago. It's impossible.

Anyway, this is second time in a row I've had a great Cho jungle game and still lost due to well... take a look:


What am I supposed to do? Monkey and I could only carry so much. Game after game I get stuck with this type of shit.


just go play bayonetta dude, don't play ranked if you're upset

btw vlad vs lebonk is kinda not all that different from ad tf tbh. lebonk is super strong against weak-in-lane short range champions, she can trade q+ws for your qs forever and will always come on top. and vlad's early sustain isn't nearly good enough for you to willingly trade your hp for her mana (tho look for opportunities when she's oom). if she's smart she'll even go athenes first and you'll always be weaker than her in lane.

i'd say stop picking champions like those against her, but if you do be prepared to give up farm. stay in exp range and get denied cs. if she's qwing you a lot that opens up gank opportunities, maybe think about those, but don't overcommit. if you manage to do half decent (cmon it's not like lebonk's gonna have even 6 cspm) you outscale her like crazy, that's what your banking on with vlad or ad tf


also you sold your jungle item in that chogath game, rite?
Yeah, she did go Athene's first. It was her first full item. She was good. I didn't know Vlad sucked against her... I just thought the Q heal would counter. Should've done a google search before picking but we only get like a minute after she picks. Every time I see a Leblanc as the other mid from now on I'm picking Mord.

Yeah I sold the jungle machete.



boko says it's from trundle's troll race

that would be cool, having an ugly looking female

specially cos she's not in my lane <3

Yeah, she did go Athene's first. It was her first full item. She was good. I didn't know Vlad sucked against her... I just thought the Q heal would counter. Should've done a google search before picking but we only get like a minute after she picks. Every time I see a Leblanc as the other mid from now on I'm picking Mord.

Yeah I sold the jungle machete.
yeah tbh i dunno about mordekaiser but maybe? i don't think i've seen one play in like maybe a year. reasoning makes sense but i feel like you may be asking for a jungler camp if you pick him. but maybe you could just get flat ap blues, shove and just do jungle camps from level 4 onwards or something. who knows. mor'ds weird.

i get what you thought with vlad but the rate in which she can deal damage to you is much higher than the rate you can sustain yourself through qs.

you seem to love champions i don't play, so maybe try galio against her? he seems like a natural counter
This feels like when you're in a hole while gambling. The more you gamble the more you lose. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Look at that game. Are you kidding me? How many of THOSE types of teams have I got stuck with over the past ~36 hours? It's unbelievable.

E: One thing I forgot to mention about that game... I actually had the other team as my team in the queue before (I remember the Jinx and Nami, we chatted in the lobby), but someone dodged and I got the other team. That's the kind of luck I have right now.

yeah tbh i dunno about mordekaiser but maybe? i don't think i've seen one play in like maybe a year. reasoning makes sense but i feel like you may be asking for a jungler camp if you pick him. but maybe you could just get flat ap blues, shove and just do jungle camps from level 4 onwards or something. who knows. mor'ds weird.

i get what you thought with vlad but the rate in which she can deal damage to you is much higher than the rate you can sustain yourself through qs.

you seem to love champions i don't play, so maybe try galio against her? he seems like a natural counter
Yeah Galio was another I was reading about. Mord seems easier to play though and I'm a Silver scrub so he might be better. Ehh actually I dunno, Galio isn't too complicated either. I'll try them both out next time vs Leblanc.


stop doing this to yourself

Huh, interesting. I have not heard anything about something like that before actually. Boko our new prophet?
i think it's his theory tho

would be really cool

tho that would literally mean 2014 is completely devoid of pretty girls. i'm not really complaining, i've already got my hands full

Yeah Galio was another I was reading about. Mord seems easier to play though and I'm a Silver scrub so he might be better. Ehh actually I dunno, Galio isn't too complicated either. I'll try them both out next time vs Leblanc.
yeah like this is uncharted territory for me so i can't really recommend one over the other

they both sound like they can shove her into turret and survive her burst, at least
It's 4am. I'm going to bed. My neck hurts, my back hurts, my knees hurt from being bent for hours, and I'm mentally drained. I have nothing left to give. I'm just done.


Zky do you have any cool Nocturne art in any of your folders? I know he's not in your prime demographic but google images stuff is surprisingly shit
This feels like when you're in a hole while gambling. The more you gamble the more you lose. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Look at that game. Are you kidding me? How many of THOSE types of teams have I got stuck with over the past ~36 hours? It's unbelievable.

This is why you don't aim for something in ranked when it's close to the deadline. You get loads of inexperienced people rushing to get Gold, as well as boosters.


Zky do you have any cool Nocturne art in any of your folders? I know he's not in your prime demographic but google images stuff is surprisingly shit
i'm pretty sure i don't but there may be a few pictures. feel free to look in the "others" folder: https://copy.com/CzENo0jTePMIF4cX

i was actually thinking about starting to get more of the dudes but i dislike the design of most of them and the ones i like (thresh and varus) already have pictures in there so i dunno

i think it might be hard to get good nocturne art since his design is not all that defined. like shadowy thingie that wears armor for some reason isn't so cool. i remember one seeing some high quality art of him once, so i'm pretty sure some good stuff exists

this is kind of funny tho: http://i2.pixiv.net/img24/img/ki70599/44583786_p0.jpg (pixiv links don't work but it's sfw stuff -_-)
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