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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Karthus a shit. Zeus would be the real cancer in League.


Same with Lucian and Graves, stupid champs that have no real weakness. Burst, mobility, poke, waveclear, gg.

Graves mains will try to tell you "muh range" but he beats everyone at melee range everyone so lol.


Same with Lucian and Graves, stupid champs that have no real weakness. Burst, mobility, poke, waveclear, gg.

Graves mains will try to tell you "muh range" but he beats everyone at melee range everyone so lol.

Those dashes hardly count as an escape wtf. At best lets you reposition but it's not like it's Valkyrie or Rocket Jump. Not to mention Graves actually has skillshots everywhere and a mild range, so I'm not sure where you don't see weaknesses. You complain about burst, but forget that in every other lane, there's champions that have sustained damage or burst, and he happens ot have the latter.

You use Aatrox that has an "escape" and a knockup and also a Guardian Angel for himself, how is he not stupid?? You're so biased sometimes it's hard to overlook your posts.

C'mon man, at this point you sound like my nephew "omg leblanc so OP" ok buddy.


Those dashes hardly count as an escape wtf. At best lets you reposition but it's not like it's Valkyrie or Rocket Jump. Not to mention Graves actually has skillshots everywhere and a mild range, so I'm not sure where you don't see weaknesses. You complain about burst, but forget that in every other lane, there's champions that have sustained damage or burst, and he happens ot have the latter.

You use Aatrox that has an "escape" and a knockup and also a Guardian Angel for himself, how is he not stupid?? You're so biased sometimes it's hard to overlook your posts.

C'mon man, at this point you sound like my nephew "omg leblanc so OP" ok buddy.

Lol part of the reason everyone hated Lucian was because how stupidly mobile he was. Anything that lets you reposition a teeeeeeenny bit will always be strong. Seriously, in literally almost every game mobility is one of the strongest stats. And it's not like Graves is immobile. His E CD is reduced every AA, which he should be doing given he's an ADC with pretty good sustained damage. Graves' skillshots aren't difficult to land either. They are easy to hit and provide good poke and waveclear (sounds like Lucian!). I have no problem with burst as long as it takes some thought/skill to use. Graves just Q>R.

Aatrox Q is interrupted by just about everything and has a really long cast time and is totally shit without his passive. And he has really high HP costs.

Sure Graves' range is somewhat low but it doesn't mean much when you factor in his stupid damage and kiting potential.


Lol part of the reason everyone hated Lucian was because how stupidly mobile he was. Anything that lets you reposition a teeeeeeenny bit will always be strong. Seriously, in literally almost every game mobility is one of the strongest stats. And it's not like Graves is immobile. His E CD is reduced every AA, which he should be doing given he's an ADC with pretty good sustained damage. Graves' skillshots aren't difficult to land either. They are easy to hit and provide good poke and waveclear (sounds like Lucian!). I have no problem with burst as long as it takes some thought/skill to use. Graves just Q>R.

The reason Lucian is hated is his passive, and how at level 2 he could just E > AA > Q > AA and basically if all landed you were fucked. Also it was all point and click.

Now think of the moments before a teamfight and think how many times can Graves AA without putting himself in harm's way in order to proc again his E again, when he just repositioned to not get hit by a skillshot? Your local Syndra or Xerath will already have cleared the minions, how are you gonna reduce de cooldown? Also have you seen the thin angles on Graves Q? Unless you are right next to him, it's easy to dodge (the 3 pellets), and if he used his E to get near you to give you the buckshot in the face, you can just stun him/knock him up and he's fucked. And Q > R is definitely not enough to murder someone unless you are way way ahead. Yesterday I was just slightly ahead and let me tell you that yes he does have Burst, but it's not like it's a DFG-Annie combo unless you are ahead of every other enemy lane.

Graves is in a very good spot now (you may even say undeserved), but in no way is he on Corki or back-then-Tristana level. I suggest you play ADC for a bit if you don't already and see how you feel afterwards. Idk man, if you want this to be your gimmick, go ahead, it just gets tiresome sometimes, in all due respect.

That made me cringe so much ._.

Also played my first two matches as Graves with Dobe today. I could have done a bit better I think. I'm still very awkward with his abilities, and particularly the E > AA > Q > AA. Sometimes I will cancel one of the autoattacks and such. Or I will use my Q and then miss the oportunity to use the combo thus missing burst. Is it wrong that I am treating it like Lucian?

Didn't help that on the first game we got camped the fuck out, and even after all that I managed to keep a better farm than Vayne!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As far as AD carries go Graves has sustained damage on the low end of things. He hasn't been touched at all and he was largely overlooked until very recently. Nothing about him is particularly unbalanced. His burst can be dodged. His range is weak. His scaling into late is average to subpar.

Mobility isn't the make or break for carries right now. Graves comes up pretty average there. Right now people seem to desire strong burst, kill potential in lane, and a strong mid game. Really the only ADC that should be brought down right now is Jinx.


graves isn't a mobile carry

what's shit about graves is that he basically has two spells that are the same and his passive is super at odds with his kit (passive that rewards for staying in combat while his kit is all burst)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
graves isn't a mobile carry

what's shit about graves is that he basically has two spells that are the same and his passive is super at odds with his kit (passive that rewards for staying in combat while his kit is all burst)
Graves has his passive to help counteract his short range and lack of disengage. It rewards aggressive play by only awarding a defensive bonus if you are setting up a play by staying in combat. I like it a lot. Also, his Q and his R function very differently. Q burst is highly rewarding when used up close. His ultimate can be used for the same functionality, but it has strong AOE applications and snipe potential.


I just want to be able to tank shit without having stupid %damage reduction or broken kits like Gnar.... :/

Sorry if I came a bit too strong! But I get your frustration. To be honest, how is nobody talking about how "unfun" is it to play against an Anivia? I never realised until a couple of weeks ago because she was quite rare. It's like ResidentSleeper with her @_@


Graves, Lucian and Corki all have the same issue. There's no strategy to their game play. They all just play it safe until an engage happens, and once that engage does happen they dash in and unleash their burst. You have champions like Ashe, Draven, Sivir etc that can approach fights in different ways, but the same doesn't apply for those 3.


Graves has his passive to help counteract his short range and lack of disengage. It rewards aggressive play by only awarding a defensive bonus if you are setting up a play by staying in combat. I like it a lot. Also, his Q and his R function very differently. Q burst is highly rewarding when used up close. His ultimate can be used for the same functionality, but it has strong AOE applications and snipe potential.
i think his passive could use some clarity tm. like have graves get a shield upon dealing damage that has a cooldown or something like that, lasting longer if you're in combat or being stronger the more damage you dealt or whatever. something that's easier to appreciate than 5 armor or whatever

also i wouldn't say they're very different. like seriously there's very little difference in how the spells are used outside of ult having more range. with the exception of a few ult snipes every game, with both spells you just aim at the big mass of people for the aoe, right?

i don't really think graves is problematic but his kit feels weird to me, i guess cos he's a mix of adcaster and regular carry.

I just want to be able to tank shit without having stupid %damage reduction or broken kits like Gnar.... :/

i'm not really sure if you know what you want

you hate like 90% of the champions while thinking khazix is balanced

Graves, Lucian and Corki all have the same issue. There's no strategy to their game play. They all just play it safe until an engage happens, and once that engage does happen they dash in and unleash their burst. You have champions like Ashe, Draven, Sivir etc that can approach fights in different ways, but the same doesn't apply for those 3.
and jinx <3


Sorry if I came a bit too strong! But I get your frustration. To be honest, how is nobody talking about how "unfun" is it to play against an Anivia? I never realised until a couple of weeks ago because she was quite rare. It's like ResidentSleeper with her @_@

Absolutely nothing is worse than a good Malz. Perfect silences, melting tanks, great ults all while spreading his space aids to everyone. I once was in a game with a super fed Malz. We were teamfighting at Baron when Malz ulted me, but Baron knocked him up and canceled his ult lol. We won the game.

Graves, Lucian and Corki all have the same issue. There's no strategy to their game play. They all just play it safe until an engage happens, and once that engage does happen they dash in and unleash their burst. You have champions like Ashe, Draven, Sivir etc that can approach fights in different ways, but the same doesn't apply for those 3.

I agree Newt, this is a good post.

i'm not really sure if you know what you want

you hate like 90% of the champions while thinking khazix is balanced

Kha'Zix would be balanced if they would remove his resets. Seriously, resets on an assassin is dumb. If they did that there would be some risk to using his E, unlike baby's first assassin(s) Zed/Akali

I can name all the champions I hate (like actually hate, not just going against) if you really want me to.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i think his passive could use some clarity tm. like have graves get a shield upon dealing damage that has a cooldown or something like that, lasting longer if you're in combat or being stronger the more damage you dealt or whatever. something that's easier to appreciate than 5 armor or whatever

also i wouldn't say they're very different. like seriously there's very little difference in how the spells are used outside of ult having more range. with the exception of a few ult snipes every game, with both spells you just aim at the big mass of people for the aoe, right?
I don't really see what's unclear about True Grit. It benefits Graves to be in combat (usually with minions or monsters) before a fight between players breaks out. That's all the read it really needs, and a shield would just add too much clutter while serving the same functionality. I'm sorry you can't appreciate five armor. Five armor is a lot. At full stacks and fully scaled True Grit offers 30 Armor and Magic Resist. I consider it to be one of the stronger passives in the game.

When it comes to Buckshot vs. Collateral Damage I think it's disingenuous to describe them as being similar. Buckshot is fairly weak as an AOE tool. If you only hit a single bullet it feels pretty pitiful, and because of this it primarily functions as a single target burst tool. Collateral Damage can be used for the same thing but it also shines in lots of fights for its AOE damage and its potential to pick off ultra long range targets.
Vayne gets royally screwed by a lot of common tops.

Graves is fine for me. He's only getting more attention because Graves v3.0 (Lucian) got balanced. His late game isn't up there because of his range. His passive won't completely kick in until after 10 seconds.


Quick Blitz question. Does he automatically auto after pulling someone?
I just want to be able to tank shit without having stupid %damage reduction or broken kits like Gnar.... :/
Then stop kneejerk bullshitting looking for an excuse with every single champion that so much as mildly pisses you off even when they have clear weaknesses. Jarvan IV, Graves, Malzahar, Lanewick, Gangplank (in his prime) and Malphite (in his prime) to name a few all can / could be dealt with without resorting to other "OP champions" if you actually spent your time examining them properly instead of whining like an unreasonable child.

But no, you choose to be this regardless of whether or not someone provides advice:


It is beyond annoying at this point, in part because you make no effort becoming a better player nor do you reflect on what could've been done differently.


sirhcez is playing ff7 while in queue.

he named barrett "lucian"


edit: rofl, aeris is "hot grill", and tifa "grill v2.0"

red xiii better be nasus or susan or doge

edit: o, warwick


I have a level 7 account that I wouldn't mind leveling either, on EUW. It was my husband's so I might just level it there to gift myself something with the 400 RPs there (lol).

Quick Blitz question. Does he automatically auto after pulling someone?

I'm fairly sure that if you press E (which it resets AA, doesn't it?) while you have just hooked someone and they're landing back at you, it will instantly try to AA.

I can go on a custom for you and try it.

Edit: Just checked and unless you press E while the hook is flying it does reset, but not on normal Q!


Then stop kneejerk bullshitting looking for an excuse with every single champion that so much as mildly pisses you off even when they have clear weaknesses. Jarvan IV, Graves, Malzahar, Lanewick, Gangplank (in his prime) and Malphite (in his prime) to name a few all can / could be dealt with without resorting to other "OP champions" if you actually spent your time examining them properly instead of whining like an unreasonable child.

But no, you choose to be this regardless of whether or not someone provides advice:


It is beyond annoying at this point, in part because you make no effort becoming a better player nor do you reflect on what could've been done differently.

Lol what? When did I ever call any of those champions (bar j4) OP?


The problem with DeadNames is that he hates any counter picks to his very small pool of preferred champs. I'm sorry, but if you want to play one champion over and over, you're going to have to deal with hard counters quite often. If someone picks a champ you struggle to beat with Aatrox and you pick him anyway, that's your fault, not the game's fault.

I like playing Fiora on top in a good match up, but I'm not going to pick her into Pantheon and then just whine about Pantheon being imbalanced when he wrecks me.

For the game to be healthy, there need to be counterpicks and items that serve as counters to champion abilities. You're not playing a 1v1 game here, so see what your team is picking and try to pick in a way that will strengthen up your team against what the other team is doing. Don't just pick Aatrox every match and expect it to work, especially if your team doesn't need what he brings to the team comp.

There are a small handful of overtuned champs right now, but picks and bans deal with most of them. There's no single champ out there that will guarantee a victory for their team or even guarantee victory in lane.


Everything is moe to me
if you want to play one champion over and over, you're going to have to deal with hard counters quite often.

There's no single champ out there that will guarantee a victory for their team or even guarantee victory in lane.

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