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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Galio in Poro King mode vs an all AP team is ridiculously fun.

So I'm about to hit 6300 IP again, who should I buy next? I mostly play support and the only primarily support champs I don't own are Lulu, Braum and Zyra (or is Zyra a carry?). I also play Jungle a little but I own everyone who is <4800 IP plus a few of the 4800 IP champs and some others.

All the supports you listed are fun to play, with Braum being the most mindless of the three, imo. Zyra can be very strong and her damage is always great, but imo she works better support than mid, at least atm. Lulu always has a place and can be a bitch to play against if the person knows what they are doing. Maybe if you have tried Vel'Koz, it can work very well as support, and can make living hell for the enemy carry depending on the support match up.

If you're interested in 6300 junglers, there's Vi, which is really easy and has a fairly safe kit, Rek'Sai, who is currently fairly powerful or so it seems, and then there's obvious ones like Rengar or Kha'Zix which despite nerfs still have some strenght in them if played right.

And yeah, Galio in Poro King is absolutely ridiculous, it's hilarious!



panda and i literally just won a 4v5

ori died mid and just bought mobis and kept running down mid the entire game, except for the period where she DC'ed for 10 minutes


Everything is moe to me
also the leblanc was in our previous lobby and would have been my adc. i reminded her of that all game.

but 30 kill participation on 35 kills. goddamn.


It doesn't even make any sense. We're playing a game which is primarily played by young boys. A game.

Whenever I mention this, I love when people respond with the comment that some people make money off the game, so therefore LoL is very serious. Yeah, okay. Imagine going to a little league game and telling any 12 year old who tries to talk to you to shut up, and pointing out that MLB players make millions if anyone questions how absurdly seriously you are taking the game.

I get really upset when people take stupid crap seriously, and make no mistake, League of Legends is stupid crap. We're wasting our time with this game in the exact way that someone who watches 4-5 hours of pulp TV does. That doesn't mean it isn't fun -- it is. I play many hours a week. But let's not pretend this game is super serious in any meaningful sense.

Being reasonable sometimes should mean that you recognize people's ability to place a different scale of importance to different stuff. And in that regards, LoL is absolutely super serious. It requires a 30 min+ commitment of your time every game that you cant just abandon without penalitiies. You can waltz in and say "it is just stupid shit, fun but stupid shit, am I right?", and that wont change a thing.

You can use this argument on literally EVERYTHING. That would not make it true. Chess. Just some fun stuff for you to do every once in a while. But just because it is THAT to you it is still super serious to professional chess players devoting entire lifes to the profession.

There is no objective "is it fun or is it serious stuff" label attached to concepts. It is not part of our phsysics. IT is not in the objective dataset. It is not coded in the photons. It is all subjective.

Edit: It is absolutely not just silly, childish fun. There is no childish variable on these things either. People use their tools for stress relieves, self-esteem, all that jazz - super serious, super "adult" concepts, and there is no need to place some kind of "child-like" identifier to it as if that would be a derogative.
xxddddd he's got counterplay xdd lol
Actually he does have counter-play, but people would rather bitch and moan rather than realize how weak he is to lane pushing due to his ult being his only AoE and how rushing Catalyst / Rod of Ages (which the majority of remaining Nunu top players build) leads to him being hardly being an individual threat anymore. Even moreso if he simultaneously opted for Teleport; killing potential goes out the window without Ignite. Nunu also can't do much against a couple of the re-occurring AP top laners since they outrange him, have tools to keep him at bay or can quickly interrupt his ult, and even early game wet noodles like Rumble can cope with him because he can shield the snowball every time it's off cooldown. All of those are usually also better at exerting pressure on other enemy laners, and he won't be able to follow you for a while if you force him to choose between chasing you or not losing XP.

Kneejerk away though.

Galio in Poro King mode vs an all AP team is ridiculously fun.

So I'm about to hit 6300 IP again, who should I buy next? I mostly play support and the only primarily support champs I don't own are Lulu, Braum and Zyra (or is Zyra a carry?). I also play Jungle a little but I own everyone who is <4800 IP plus a few of the 4800 IP champs and some others.
Jungle Trundle!


Being reasonable sometimes should mean that you recognize people's ability to place a different scale of importance to different stuff.

You can use this argument on literally EVERYTHING. There is no objective "is it fun or is it serious stuff" label attached to concepts. It is not part of our phsysics. IT is not in the objective dataset. It is not coded in the photons. It is all subjective.

This sounds like postmodernism, which I strongly object to in a profound way that cannot possibly be reconciled in a thread like this. The world is not completely subjective; you can't just say "well I think Spiderman is as complex and sophisticated as Shakespeare," and expect that to be considered valid just because it's your opinion. If you say "I think Pokemon is a deep complex work for adults," that doesn't change the fact that the game is for children. Opinions can be wrong.

League is not serious and it is childish. You cannot will it to be untrue, and the world is not completely subjective.


League is not serious and it is childish. You cannot will it to be untrue, and the world is not completely subjective.

Define serious, define childish.
Objectively measurable properties are like its metagame, depth, gameplay variety, amount of pre-requisite knowledge of items,stats, counters and abilities.

It also has an artistically definable state in which it is considerable "less childish" (to use your terms) than Pokémon(the anime). Shakespeare also does not have any amount of (edit: gameplay) depth to it, but luckily, I did not give you such statement. But I do not see that "childish" quality in a competitive videogame. Just like you saying my wish does not make it untrue, so is your consideration of it being true is not necessarily in aligment with whether it is "true" or not. But you are right that this is maybe not for this thread.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Culturally, League is for kids because games are for kids. Maybe one day competitive video games will have the same prestige as chess or go, but this is definitely not how the world sees it at this time.

Demographically, League is also literally for kids, because kids are its largest playing group. Or people who act like their mental development stopped when they were kids. It is a cross section of the most immature, spoiled and childish segment of the populace.

Artistically, League is for kids because its design, both visual and ludological, is tuned to appeal to an audience which enjoys bright, flashing colors, big breasted women, action hero men, backed by intuitive controls and a financially accessible business model.

Now, just because something is "for kids", doesn't mean it can't also have depth, and that adults are not allowed to enjoy it. But call a spade a spade, yeah? There's a tendency for people to get super defensive whenever their hobby is labeled "childish", because they feel like its an attack on themselves, which is kind of silly... and childish.


Define serious, define childish.
Objectively measurable properties are like its metagame, depth, gameplay variety, amount of pre-requisite knowledge of items,stats, counters and abilities.

It also has an artistically definable state in which it is considerable "less childish" (to use your terms) than Pokémon(the anime). Shakespeare also does not have any amount of (edit: gameplay) depth to it, but luckily, I did not give you such statement. But I do not see that "childish" quality in a competitive videogame. Just like you saying my wish does not make it untrue, so is your consideration of it being true is not necessarily in aligment with whether it is "true" or not. But you are right that this is maybe not for this thread.

Yes, if we want to continue this discussion we should take it to PMs.

Now, just because something is "for kids", doesn't mean it can't also have depth, and that adults are not allowed to enjoy it. But call a spade a spade, yeah? There's a tendency for people to get super defensive whenever their hobby is labeled "childish", because they feel like its an attack on themselves, which is kind of silly... and childish.

This is essentially my position, yes. Obviously I enjoy League of Legends; I play it quite a bit and this is the only gaming community thread I participate in. It's childish, and that's okay.

As another simple example that is deliberately outside our purview: I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend happened to love soap operas and freely admitted they were silly pulp that she used to unwind when she got home from work. Not a problem. If she started arguing that Days of our Lives is actually a serious, sophisticated critique of modern existence? Then I have a problem.


I do not know, folks. I guess if you want to assign pejorative meaning to the word childish and use it to label stuff that is not in the "super serious business" range, go on I guess. To each of his own.

There is nothing childish about playing a game in my book. I think that that is just baggage from times when our parents/friends might have been agressive/offensive with us when we played games, and now in turn we reflect the same back. I do not believe in that. Gaming is ageless.

And there are several categories of visual/story styles below League of Legends. If LOL is childsh, I would wager you consider Imagine Babyz prokariotic, or what? Vacuum-like? And if both is equally childish, then it is time to put that Occam's Razor down :D


If I have Jinx as main adc, should I get Ezreal next? I know they are completely different, but I am not sure what to get as secondary ADC. I do not want to pick the Super Popular trio (Vayne, Lucian or Corki...)


i think i just dodged a bullet with an instalock tryndamere who's kda is 3/7 by picking poppy jungle, making someone dodge


If I have Jinx as main adc, should I get Ezreal next? I know they are completely different, but I am not sure what to get as secondary ADC. I do not want to pick the Super Popular trio (Vayne, Lucian or Corki...)

i dont like seeing ezreals on my team. they never do any damage, they always try to do a dumb tear first build that makes winning the game impossible.
If I have Jinx as main adc, should I get Ezreal next? I know they are completely different, but I am not sure what to get as secondary ADC. I do not want to pick the Super Popular trio (Vayne, Lucian or Corki...)
Just don't do Blue Ez and you'll be fine. Ez is pretty fun, just gotta know how to manage his damage properly a.k.a. hit your shit and for the love of god don't use your ult mid duels.


OT Hard Carry

Well, this was a thing. Last 25 minutes we had out nexus open and yet they couldn't finish up as we did baron, the fifth dragon and nibbled away at their towers. It sure is useful to leave a tunnel at base to ult-counter sloppy backdoors.

Oh and platinum 5 (lol) Zac thought he was hot shit so the win was properly seasoned with salt :^)



Well, this was a thing. Last 25 minutes we had out nexus open and yet they couldn't finish up as we did baron, the fifth dragon and nibbled away at their towers. It sure is useful to leave a tunnel at base to ult-counter sloppy backdoors.

Oh and platinum 5 (lol) Zac thought he was hot shit so the win was properly seasoned with salt :^)


Doge pls. Show the DAMAGES >:O

So sad as a midlaner when top and ADC come and tear your minions away ._. rip my farm. Tbh, I'm glad I got this one recorded, hopefully it works on op.gg!

I had some dookie plays but Annie is still strong! I muted Zac after his first comment (I forgot about Zac passive, like a dork) so idk what he even said. I want examples Dobe!


So sad as a midlaner when top and ADC come and tear your minions away ._. rip my farm

The best was the other night I was playing bot and we were pushed back kind of close to the tower. Our jungle Yi pings that he's on his was and decided to come down the lane and just kill some minions.


The best was the other night I was playing bot and we were pushed back kind of close to the tower. Our jungle Yi pings that he's on his was and decided to come down the lane and just kill some minions.

I feel like Yi does that disproportionately more than any other jungler. So easy to just hit q and make the minions disappear.
Actually he does have counter-play, but people would rather bitch and moan rather than realize how weak he is to lane pushing due to his ult being his only AoE and how rushing Catalyst / Rod of Ages (which the majority of remaining Nunu top players build) leads to him being hardly being an individual threat anymore. Even moreso if he simultaneously opted for Teleport; killing potential goes out the window without Ignite. Nunu also can't do much against a couple of the re-occurring AP top laners since they outrange him, have tools to keep him at bay or can quickly interrupt his ult, and even early game wet noodles like Rumble can cope with him because he can shield the snowball every time it's off cooldown. All of those are usually also better at exerting pressure on other enemy laners, and he won't be able to follow you for a while if you force him to choose between chasing you or not losing XP.

Kneejerk away though.

Jungle Trundle!

I've owned Trundle for a long, long time. I enjoy Trundleing.
Culturally, League is for kids because games are for kids. Maybe one day competitive video games will have the same prestige as chess or go, but this is definitely not how the world sees it at this time.

Demographically, League is also literally for kids, because kids are its largest playing group. Or people who act like their mental development stopped when they were kids. It is a cross section of the most immature, spoiled and childish segment of the populace.

But the evidence is that this is not the case? According to this infographic, 60% of LoL players have enrolled in or completed some college (which presumably means they are actually more academically successful than the average person of their age).


Unless the demographic has undergone a massive change in the past two years most people who play LoL are male and will either go to or have been to college.

Edit: My opinion is that this debate is at cross-purposes, because what is approached in a serious manner is different for each individual, rightly or wrongly. I don't take the playing of LoL seriously, since it's simply a diversion for me. I do take the competitive scene as seriously as I do, say, those of tennis or football (which is somewhat - it doesn't affect my life, but I'm interested in who wins, how, and why). But I bet Reginald takes LoL very seriously, since it continues to allow him to make big bucks, and I bet those in the Challenger scene take it extremely seriously, since they are pursuing it (at least temporarily) as a career, and want to be damn good at it. It's also possible for an individual to take their hobbies seriously, even though they have little greater consequence beyond their enjoyment - sometimes I wish I was the type who could easily throw himself into something completely, seeking mastery or fulfillment.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I included the second part to account for people who are, all things considered, mentally children.



Well, this was a thing. Last 25 minutes we had out nexus open and yet they couldn't finish up as we did baron, the fifth dragon and nibbled away at their towers. It sure is useful to leave a tunnel at base to ult-counter sloppy backdoors.

Oh and platinum 5 (lol) Zac thought he was hot shit so the win was properly seasoned with salt :^)

Liandrys on Ryze....

He also upgraded his yellow totem rather than switching to red (or even blue, can be quite good in very long games where the map goes ultra dark).
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