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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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My nephew just gave me 2 mystery gifts and I got Reaper Soraka and Aether Wing Kayle ;O!

I use neither of them but I might have to now!

He also just bought Vayne and wanted to use her on a normal game, he was left to jungle so the normal course was to instalock Vayne with heal flash. ._. I forced him to dodge, I don't want to see that trainwreck lol.

Also his birthday is coming on February, and I wanted him to tell me which skin he desired the most (it'd be a surprise!) but he only came up with big bad Warwick -_- c'moin


My nephew just gave me 2 mystery gifts and I got Reaper Soraka and Aether Wing Kayle ;O!
Dayum, AW Kayle is my fav. of her skins.

I mainly go mid Kayle now, running Attack Speed and AP runes, but that's just me :V
First item is Nashor, then Rabadon, afterwhich I either build Wit's End or R. Hurricane, followed by Hourglass and Void Staff. Boots is Cooldown boots.
If we're ahead, I mainly just go into AP and wreck their shit.


Dayum, AW Kayle is my fav. of her skins.

I mainly go mid Kayle now, running Attack Speed and AP runes, but that's just me :V
First item is Nashor, then Rabadon, afterwhich I either build Wit's End or R. Hurricane, followed by Hourglass and Void Staff. Boots is Cooldown boots.
If we're ahead, I mainly just go into AP and wreck their shit.

I mostly bought her for top lane since I returned Jayce, but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. I'm scared of sucking too ;_;

I guess she can be scary. Is it basically use E to poke/harrass and use Q when they try to get away?

I also kinda hate Soraka (pre and post work) but I guess I could give her a spin!


it's not just targeted spells.

for instance on malphite his q isn't a problem because the mana costs on it are prohibitive enough, while gnar gets 100% free poke and it's made even worse because it's a skillshot so you can't even hide in the brush or anything

but still when malph has to fight there's still one right way to do it and that's pressing all your buttons with the single caveat of pressing your w before your e.

i'd say this is true for most melees having mindless spells like zac's pboae explosion thingie, khazix q, skarner's q, etc. if it's out of cd you press it the second it's out of cd, and that's crap

it's not the same as syndra's q because while you wanna use syndra's q the second it's off cd, you also have to time it right because it's a skillshot and you have to think it in regards to her other spells (as in do i wanna hit someone with it or set it up for my e stun or maybe wait and get both? or do i wanna count how many q's i have up and use w to reset the cd on one? etc...)

Well Gnar is a stupidly designed champion so there's that, but there's a lot more counterplay to Gnar's boomerang than there is to a Malph/GP Q.


I mostly bought her for top lane since I returned Jayce, but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. I'm scared of sucking too ;_;

I guess she can be scary. Is it basically use E to poke/harrass and use Q when they try to get away?

I also kinda hate Soraka (pre and post work) but I guess I could give her a spin!
Kayle kind of sucks top, to be honest with you.


One of my friends is crazy bad at League (hit 30 almost exclusively on ARAMs, only started playing a few months ago) and is bronze V. She has me spectate her games every now and then to help her out.

I just logged on and saw she's in a game. I watch and she's fed as hell with like 200 CS 20 minutes in. She's elo boosting, wtf


One of my friends is crazy bad at League (hit 30 almost exclusively on ARAMs, only started playing a few months ago) and is bronze V. She has me spectate her games every now and then to help her out.

I just logged on and saw she's in a game. I watch and she's fed as hell with like 200 CS 20 minutes in. She's elo boosting, wtf
I mean, 200cs in 20 minutes is definitely doable, even for someone in bronze.


I mean, 200cs in 20 minutes is definitely doable.

It is, but this is a person that gets maybe 40 in an entire game.

And I looked at her match history, lol. The worst part is her placements put her in silver v and obviously, she dropped to bronze v like immediately. Boosting is only gonna make it worse, I feel.


I mean, 200cs in 20 minutes is definitely doable, even for someone in bronze.

Nobody in bronze that belongs in bronze gets 200 cs in 20 minutes. A person would have to be crazy bad to throw such a huge gold lead every game. It's really rare for gold players to get 200 cs in 20 minutes as well.


Nobody in bronze that belongs in bronze gets 200 cs in 20 minutes. A person would have to be crazy bad to throw such a huge gold lead every game. It's really rare for gold players to get 200 cs in 20 minutes as well.
I'm just saying it's not impossible.


ignite top means that hard lane bullies like renekton are actually useful to play because people cant just constantly tp back to farm their waves every 3 minutes. Remember when people played Renekton into Jax to prevent him from getting big, ever? That doesn't happen anymore because Jax just TPs back with like 5 potions and farms and farms and farms. Getting shat on level 3 actually means something then because right now all that happens with your first death is that you end up being about 300 gold down, maybe even less if you're playing a hard pusher because TP is so strong.

What's keeping melees back in general is that League is a game designed almost completely around ranged champions, leading to a massive drop in melee carries unless they're super mobile or deal a gigantic amount of damage faster than anyone can really deal with. Even then, they're pretty much consigned to being split pushers because they're too squishy to go toe to toe with the hard-cc focused aoe centric teamfights that are the norm in both solo q and competitive.


i'm not against more tp nerfs
I'm not sure nerfing tp further will solve much. I think it's time Riot looked into pots again so just backing with 5 pots isn't as good, maybe have pots be weaker if your HP is high so strong laners can actually get you in a killable state? I dunno


jesus christ nasus is so fucking good in silver

like no one bothers to harass me in lane and I just stack endlessly then tp and get a triple
Rek'sai has made 3v3 unplayable.

5v5 is ridiculous too. I knew as soon as I saw how much health she gets back from fury that she'd be unstoppable top with that sustain.

As much as I think League needs a champ like her, I can't believe Riot released her in this state. And the nerfs on the PBE are nothing. She needs fundamental retooling.

I think Riot needs to really embrace more champs with abilities like Shyvana's W that deal more damage to monsters/minions. It's the only way to help some champs jungle while not making them impossible to deal with in lane.
Laughing at Doublelift's stream right now. People just spamming "WWWWWW "QQQQQQQQQQ" on the text-to-speech thing.

edit: "Alright I'm changing this to $10 fuck you guys" lmao


It is, but this is a person that gets maybe 40 in an entire game.

And I looked at her match history, lol. The worst part is her placements put her in silver v and obviously, she dropped to bronze v like immediately. Boosting is only gonna make it worse, I feel.

I know exactly what you mean. My nephew placed silver V (3-7) in placements and didn't play since then and such was demoted top Bronze 1, but I am fairly sure he belongs to at least Bronze 3-4. Watching him play can be so painful... Not so much for himself and abysmal creep count, but for his teammates. Yesterday he went Vayne (lol) solo bot because Orianna instalocked, so they had 2 mid. Orianna was raging the entire time and typing in caps and flaming the other teammates.

Next match, Syndra wanted to go mid but again someone called for it. She spent the entire game giving hints to the enemy team to what they were doing (including Baron..) as well as letting people die and straight up griefing (Golem resetting). They managed to win because I was directing my nephew who was Darius and managed to get amazingly fed (God, it was stupid to see him dunk kids with dunk master Darius rofl).

But yeah farming isn't a thing in this sort of elo, people treat it like an ARAM in the end, and split pushing and objectives are nonexistent. And dear god, the chases... I saw 3 people follow a Hecarim while my nephew was able to take top turret and inhib lol.

What scares me the most is that we people in silver aren't that much better lol (and worst of all, Silver people think they are the shit!)

Kayle kind of sucks top, to be honest with you.

Well yeah I guess she's in not such a great spot, but then again I suck at top and wanted something easy and cheap and Kayle was 450!

Thanks based Dobe for carrying my nephew this game ;o; I felt so mean, every time he got caught out I kept trying to teach him why he died or trying to have him answer me why was he at a certain spot... Only to obviously not be able to answer me .-. I never would have thought that I would be like my dad and project my competitiveness onto someone else lol.. My husband was like omg he's just a child but x: I can't, this household is made for winners!!

jk I'm a shitter


Alright guys, lets play a game. Circle everything that's wrong with this picture. I did the first one for you.


What's the idea behind building double Morellos?
Its passive won't stack or anything right? EDIT: Is it because of the cooldown?
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