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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Just tried the Poro King mode and it was pretty fun. This is one of their best special modes yet. We lost due to it being 4v5 the entire game but it was fun.


Just tried the Poro King mode and it was pretty fun. This is one of their best special modes yet. We lost due to it being 4v5 the entire game but it was fun.

Really? I might have to give it a try. I haven't played any of the special game modes in a while. They all feel boring and like a waste of time compared to regular league.



literally just carried a game that was 4v5 for 20 minutes to start with. i had to alternate between grabbing my buffs when they came up, grabbing wraiths/wolves, and appearing mid to farm and hold tower, all while TP ganking bot and getting vayne fed. holy shit my brain is fried from the multitasking.

edit: o yeah, lets not forget soloing dragon at 11:00 in between all of that

the entire time nobody was mad at each other until about 30m in when heimer got a stick up his butt.

we played the map really well with our splitting and communication.

i think fuzzery's yi build is superior to mine, so i'm switching over to it.


Just survived a cheesy game with Thresh mid and AP Shaco "support" (started with Doran's ring). Will post results later.

Now on a Thresh vs Thresh game... zzzz I hate mirror matchups
What I like about Poro King is that poke/sustain comps don't walk over everything else (except for late game tank teams). Something similar can be really be good for ARAM.

It makes some champs insane though. Fizz can just keep tower diving over and over without getting damaged unless you have robotic reflex. I love picking Maokai because they can't fly back while rooted.

I think Poro Toss can be safely added to ARAM to make it a lot more balanced.


Why? It's time for a true display of skill.

Oh god, I played such poop the next Thresh game (we were versus Draven). Didn't help that we had a full on yoloCorkster but idk. Most of the fault was mine and the jungler. I also didn't itemize well for mid game, I build Frozen Heart first item when they had Cho/Rumble/Velk/Draven/Thresh. I was mostly itemizing against Draven because he was starting to hurt, but idk.

I got really annoyed because my Corki complimented the enemy Thresh on playing well.. when it was actually more the fact that he was just walking into hooks constantly, when the enemy Draven was trying to dodge them actively.

Regardless though, my plays as Thresh are kinda dookie. I don't think they used to be this bad or maybe it's just that I played with people that didn't dodge shit. My flays were terrible, my hooks were maybe not as bad but still bad and not always could we get a follow up or we were scattered. And worst of all, when I hooked Rumble at the end, I costed us the game by going in and even if people dumped everything on me, since I was sort of on the side (inner mid turret corridor towards jungle), my team couldn't react fast enough to get something/one out of it.


At least the Nami game vs the cheesy lanes was better though (Thresh was AP mid but I guess he sold his items, he was irrelevant though). AP Shaco was super annoying but in the end he kept doing previsible plays like blinking, which allowed me for some nice blind bubbles. Idk why I don't have a problem landing bubbles on Nami but sometimes I can't land a "good" hook to save my life.



Yo guys gimme tips on how to lane as an AD against Draven and Sona. I don't see them often but I just got rocked in lane against them. We won the game (I roamed and got some kills) but jesus that was a tough lane.

Sona seems so non interactive and unfun to lane with.
like draven sona is the best level 1 bot lane in the game. you will never outdamage them in any straight up situation unless they're fucking morons. level 2 just makes it harder because thats when sona gets her w and sustains your poke. you literally have to sit at tower and farm there.



Oh it's shaco jungle.

Let's push into the enemy turrets and feed the shit out of him and blame our jungler for not ganking anything.

For fuck sake.

Class A example of people who don't know what a shaco does

Shaco goes 3/0 and gets a 6 minute dragon. Fucking infuriating



Oh it's shaco jungle.

Let's push into the enemy turrets and feed the shit out of him and blame our jungler for not ganking anything.

For fuck sake.

Class A example of people who don't know what a shaco does

Shaco goes 3/0 and gets a 6 minute dragon. Fucking infuriating

Carry harder ;^)


When I enter the lobby and people are all like "hey, what's up guys" I usually just respond with stfu. I want to know your role, not your life story.


you kick puppies you see on the street too, don't you newt

It doesn't even make any sense. We're playing a game which is primarily played by young boys. A game.

Whenever I mention this, I love when people respond with the comment that some people make money off the game, so therefore LoL is very serious. Yeah, okay. Imagine going to a little league game and telling any 12 year old who tries to talk to you to shut up, and pointing out that MLB players make millions if anyone questions how absurdly seriously you are taking the game.

I get really upset when people take stupid crap seriously, and make no mistake, League of Legends is stupid crap. We're wasting our time with this game in the exact way that someone who watches 4-5 hours of pulp TV does. That doesn't mean it isn't fun -- it is. I play many hours a week. But let's not pretend this game is super serious in any meaningful sense.


you kick puppies you see on the street too, don't you newt
I have to babysit my cousin's 3 month old Pomeranian because she's on vacation, and goddamn this puppy is annoying, lol.
It doesn't even make any sense. We're playing a game which is primarily played by young boys.

Whenever I mention this, I love when people respond with the comment that some people make money off the game, so therefore LoL is very serious. Yeah, okay. Imagine going to a little league game and telling any 12 year old who tries to talk to you to shut up, and pointing out that MLB players make millions if anyone questions how seriously you are taking the game.
I was being facetious.


3rd time in diamond 3.

Demoted in a day again.

At this point, escaping diamond 3 0lp is harder than actually getting into it.

So many god damn trolls in diamond, it's taking its toll on me


I was being facetious.

That's fine, and I'm sorry if that seemed vituperative. It was intended as a generalized comment -- that's why I made reference to other people.

And it does happen: there are people who take LoL seriously. I'm reminded of grown women who think soap operas are deep and meaningful, or dudebros who think Football is truly important and more than just a game. At least in America, people have a tendency to start treating their silly time wasters as actually serious and important, and it drives me up the wall. Many people seem incapable of admitting the stuff they watch/play/listen to/etc. is just silly, childish fun.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Maybe Dominion is all fun and games but Summoner's Rift is the real deal. If you show any signs of weakness you'll find yourself surrounded by foreboding figures already poised to sink their hatchets into your soft underbelly.

This is why I have to play tough supports like Lulu. To let people know I mean business.


Well this sucks, for some reason op.gg didn't record my dookie Thresh game (I was gonna try to analyze it and stuff), yet it did record the Nami game that happened _right before_ it. ;( How am I to get ready for Blood Moon Thresh like this!?

Anyway, you guys saw about the Extra RP? I migth cave in! On the 11th of January is my birthday so maybe I'll just get that! I really got all I needed this Christmas, and I want to do some Mystery Chests with a couple of friends that have been meaning to, with me. I might go for the 4040 value, but the next one (7k?) sounds so god damn tempting. ;( And here I was... making fun of people that bought skins, 7 months ago.

Bonus reddit video about top lane Singed annoying the fuck out of a Leblanc.


I guess you toplaners take picking very serious huh!
Galio in Poro King mode vs an all AP team is ridiculously fun.

So I'm about to hit 6300 IP again, who should I buy next? I mostly play support and the only primarily support champs I don't own are Lulu, Braum and Zyra (or is Zyra a carry?). I also play Jungle a little but I own everyone who is <4800 IP plus a few of the 4800 IP champs and some others.
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